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A History of U. S. Communications Security (Volumes I and Ii);1973

By: David G. Boak

...-8. this time listing "approved" radio sets with which it could be safely used. Adequate systems testing for the larger complexes continues to be a pr... ...st Standard for Acoustic EmanatiODS. These documents are intended only to pnMde for standardized testing procedunl among U.S. GovemmeDt Departments an... ...or Cryptographic Equipment&. This standard represented our first e«ort to establiah ItaDdardized testing procedures aDd limits for amtrolliDg the leve... ...cturers and mobilize their resources to work on the problem. I have mentioned on· site empirical testing of operating installations only in the case o... ...ion proposals is the question of how to evaluate their security potential, how to validate larae software proarams such 81 you would need to implement... ...ad know1edae of the phenomenon, the decline in the aYailabW{Y of trained tecbnk:al personnel for testing and corrective action in the field (some test...

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