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The Soul Bearer

By: Jonathan Cross

...eur doused the lights which made the limo nearly invisible and checked the red digital numbers on his watch: 3:10 am. Two men sat silently in the b... ...essed in a black chauffeur's uniform, pushed a button on his watch and read the digital numbers: it was 3:30 am. "It's time," the driver said in a h... ...c relations. You're still using that one site you restored in everyone of your television commercials running on those Sunday morning news shows, a... ...sed. Cathy Knowles had been bouncing around from newspapers, to radio, and now television where she held the spot as special events reporter. She w... ... come." "He called you personally?" Edwards asked. "I'm here. I'm not watching television," Brent replied. "I was told by head of News, be here or ... ...r case. When the richest man in the country donates ten million dollars on live television, you can bet something's up. You can both turn your notes... ... PRESIDENT'S NEWS conference started at six p.m. sharp. It was carried on every television station in the country, plus, broadcast to most countries... ...to bed. A man dressed in a hotel waiter's uniform looked at his watch. The red digital numbers read 1 :00 a.m. The door to the elevator opened and ...

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