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You have protected the mistakes by defending them (Hindi Dadavani October-2010)

By: Dada Bhagwan

Absolutely revered Dadashri says that we are bound by our mistakes. We are verily parmatma (the absolute Self), if we destroy the mistakes. You have as many faults as you have hair on your head, but how will these faults come to surface if you are the judge, the lawyer and the plaintiff? The fact is that as long as one is partial, he cannot see his own mistakes. One becomes impartial by attaining Self-realization from the Gnani Purush. One does not remain partial towards mind-speech-body, and that is why one is able to see the mistakes. Moksha is easy when one’s inclination turns towards impartiality. Intellect protects the mistakes to maintain reputation. But how can one understand, without the awareness of the Self that a grave the mistake is happening? ...

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The kashaya of anger discharges through pratikraman (Hindi Dadavani August-2010)

By: Dada Bhagwan

What does pratikraman mean? The mistake that has happened is wrong, I am not agreeing with it. Pratikraman is to change our opinion. Prakruti means our charitra moha (discharging illusory conduct) and it would harbor opinions but You want to become free from opinion. You (the awakened One in Akram Vignan) do not have desire to do this again. You have to do pratikraman to get rid of this aggression from your nature (swabhaav). If one does not do pratikraman then one’s nature will not change, it will remain as it is. That is why absolutely revered Dadashri points out to ‘see’ the pure (shuddha), settle the files with equanimity and solve any atikraman. ...

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Through which vision The Gnani saw the world as flawless? (Hindi Dadavani July-2010)

By: Dada Bhagwan

There are only two things: circumstances and Atma (the Self). If one remains as the Self then what else is left? Only circumstances. And circumstances are of the non-Self and are dependent on the non-Self; they are settling as they are discharging. The effects of causes created by me are verily unfolding through the other person; and in all that; what can the other person do?So then what kind of happiness will he achieve by seeing a person who is faultless, at fault? Intellect will always establish that the other person is at fault but Gnan will establish him faultless and hold that the current punishment is the result of my own mistake only. If You want to go to—experience moksha, if you want to become free from the world, then listen to pragnya (the liberating energy of the Self) instead of listening to the intellect; remain free from binding opinions, be grateful to the one who insults you, and thus accomplish the flawless vision of the Lord. ...

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The nature of anger, in the Gnani’s vision (Hindi Dadavani June-2010)

By: Dada Bhagwan

Anger does happen for some or another reason in the life. Did you ever think seriously about anger? What is anger? What are the results of anger and why does it arise? Anger that arises is the result of unawareness. Anger is always associated with violent intent and with an ongoing link of grudge. Anger is a live fire. As long as one moves about as, ‘I am Chandulal,’ anger-pride-deceit-greed, remain within. Now when Gnani Purush gives You awareness of the Self and You realize that, ‘I am Shuddhatma – pure Soul’, when he brings You in the state of the Self, then only You can see ‘as it is’ and only after then, anger-pride-deceit-greed leave. ...

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The path of moksha obstructed due to Kashaya (Hindi Dadavani May-2010)

By: Dada Bhagwan

People are trying to attain pleasure, peace and bliss in the life but why they do not attain true pleasure or bliss? The whole world is in kashaya. Kashaya means anger-pride-deceit-greed, all these are weaknesses. Absence of kashaya is verily bliss, that which makes one forget the world is called the bliss of the Self. Anger, pride, deceit, greed, attachment abhorrence, cause a veil that comes over the Self and thus prevents the bliss from being experienced. Your kashayas are your own inner enemies.Just because of kashaya, a human being feels stress and that is verily why one is not able to experience true pleasure. Freedom from ignorance, ego, is called moksha. One can become free from kashayas only when such a Gnani Purush who is free from all the kashayas , removes your devotion to the worldly pleasure pursuits, and places that devotion into the Self and makes you brahmanishtha (established as the Self). Gnan is that which gets rid of your anger, pride, deceit and greed. ...

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Discretion in food (Hindi Dadavani April-2010)

By: Dada Bhagwan

Food is mandatory for maintenance of life. One has to eat the thing which has life in it and only through this a body can attain nourishment. This is because the act of eating itself involves killing. And killing of living beings happen in act of eating food; as a result, violence is committed; so then what should people, who want to follow the path of religion or spirituality, do? Dadashri has given right understanding regarding such aspects. This will give the right understanding about keeping discretion in proper diet, to the seekers. Those who want to go to moksha, do not have right to eat two-sense developed or more than two-sense developed life forms. There is some violence in eating one-sense developed living beings, but Lord does not forbid the consumption of single-sense developed organisms because they do not contain pus or meat. This progression into higher life forms is a natural process in the universe. ...

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Let us identify the nature of the crazy ego (Hindi Dadavani March-2010)

By: Dada Bhagwan

Ego should be such that people would like you and welcome you. Such ego can become so purified progressively that there remains only one degree difference between the self and the absolute Self (paramatma). And if the same ego walks in the wrong direction then not only it will not bring about one’s own salvation, but it will hurt many people. Revered Dadashri particularly explains in detail about this crazy ego which is one grave danger zone in the progress in the path of moksha. This crazy ego exists everywhere and keeps one wandering in world intoxicated in ‘I-ness.’ ...

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Know the art of living life without conflict (Hindi Dadavani February-2010)

By: Dada Bhagwan

So it is worth understanding this world. Not in one’s own understanding; it should be understood as in the vision of the Gnani Purush. The Gnani Purush gives one the ‘long-sight’ that will enable one to see things exactly the way they are; then one will not have conflict or quarrel, one will not have todfod cracking and breaking, one will not have munbheda separation due to differences in mind, matabheda divisiveness due to differences in opinions; and thus all will get benefit. It is possible to understand easily through revered Dadashri’s vision of enlightened knowledge—Gnan that conflicts are not bound to happen with unfolding of karma effect but conflicts arise due to ignorance. Conflict arises because one does not know how to be and thus behave. Lack of understanding is the cause of pain in life. ...

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Removing the weaknesses which break the resolution of practicing celibacy (Hindi Dadavani January-2010)

By: Dada Bhagwan

One decides to practice brahmacharya according to today’s understanding and knowledge, however the knowledge and understanding from the past life was not favoring brahmacharya completely and that became the mind of this life, as a result the current mind will show both; he will feel illusory attraction moha towards sexuality too and will have the intent of practicing brahmacharya too. This is where the sadhak the aspirant of brahmacharya has to keep awareness. One has to follow according to today’s goal and not the dictates of the mind which is a composite of past life opinions and understanding. Mind is contradictory in nature, it will show: I want to practice brahmacharya and other time I want to marry; so here You are to keep awareness and strong decision to follow Your goal. You can accomplish the goal if You remain sincere to Your firm decision. You can definitely bring your goal to completion through the blessings of the Gnani and sincerity towards Your firm decision. ...

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Salvation of the World Encompasses the Salvation of the Self (Hindi Dadavani July-2017)

By: Dada Bhagwan

Absolutely revered Dada Bhagwan had kept only one goal his entire life, intention of salvation of world. From a young age, he had the intention that, ‘Whoever meets me should attain happiness.’ To the very last moment, without any concern for his body, he remained busy giving satsang (spiritual discourse which leads to Self) & Gnan (Knowledge of the Self & who the doer is). In a simple language, to explain what salvation of world is, he said, ‘One who attains his own salvation, can carry out salvation of others.’ Where there are no clashes, kashaya (anger-pride-deceit-greed), sexuality, that is when steps to become embodiment of salvation begins. While remaining in Self, through the intention of salvation for others, absolutely revered Dada Bhagwan carried out worldly interactions not only with compassion but also with vitaraagata (total absence of attachment-abhorrence). In current compilation, essence that is in the Gnani’s (Self-Realized) heart has been opened up in his own words....

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Awareness against harmful speech (Hindi Dadavani December-2009)

By: Dada Bhagwan

Speech is a necessary medium to carry out worldly interactions with ease. As long as the spoken language remains in normality, it is beneficial to the self and to others. However if it goes out of normality then such speech becomes harmful to others and to the self too. Absolutely revered Dadashri has unfolded the science of the basis and reason for wrong or right speech. In the root cause there are the tubers of ego, moha, pride, greed, insistence and wanting to have it all according to his will; thus harmful speech comes forth on the basis of such mistakes within. One must be careful not to say words, which are so hurtful that it would break the heart of the listener, or cause severe hurt to his ego. If someone speaks words that are harsh and hurtful then one should improve the situation by speaking that which does not hurt anybody. If there is a right change in action, thoughts and speech; then one can become a paramatma (absolute Self); that much energy exists in a human being. ...

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Oneness with the entire universe (Hindi Dadavani November-2009)

By: Dada Bhagwan

What is the reason of this divisiveness? It is the divisive intellect bheda buddhi. The intellect creates separation that ‘this is mine’ and ‘this is yours’, ‘I am right’ and ‘you are wrong’, ‘I am good’ and ‘you are bad’. As long as there is intellect, ‘Iness’ potapanu will not leave and how can one become one until ‘I-ness’ leaves? When one’s ego is not satisfied-nurtured then at that time one will have separation with the other person; he will have abhorrence and when one’s ego is satisfied at that time he will have attachment towards other person. The separation between two persons can be alleviated through correct understanding in worldly interaction and the separation between the self—jiva and the Self—Shiva can be destroyed through Atmagnan—Self-knowledge. After attaining Gnan through Gnani Purush, one attains Self-realization and then the beginning of oneness happens by real view point. ...

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The one who knows the straight or the crooked is the Self (Hindi Dadavani October-2009)

By: Dada Bhagwan

Right or wrong exist with respect to intellect in the world. Wrong and right, worthy and worthless all these duality exist in the society. In the eyes of the Lord, wrong or right does not exist at all. All are gneya—the object to be known, only. If it is not favorable to us then we say it is wrong, bad and if it is favorable then we say it is right, good. This wrong or right is duality.Gnani Purush Dadashri says that as long as you are having divisiveness due to differences in opinions with anybody (matabheda), it is the sign of your weakness. People are not wrong; you enter into conflict so it is only your fault. And if you accept that it is your mistake then only, your conflicts in this world will end. To say anything that will cause difficulties for another human being is the biggest crime. A noble human being will cover up anything negative he hears about anyone. ...

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One should always remain positive in the worldly interaction (Hindi Dadavani September-2009)

By: Dada Bhagwan

We have never thought seriously about positive or negative inclination in speech, behavior, thoughts, and opinions which take place naturally in worldly interaction, have we? Highly revered Dadashri says that the whole world revolves around these three statements 1. Have a positive ego to be happy. 2. Negative ego is the cause of unhappiness and misery. 3. Become free from the false projection, ‘I am Chandulal—the ego,’ if you want liberation.The correct understanding regarding positive and negative is available in the divine speech of Dadashri. This allows one to remain in normality in time of expectation or disappointment, rise or fall, happiness or unhappiness in life; and attain true satisfaction, and make life worthwhile. Dadashri gives this scientific principle: ‘Adopt one principle in the life; always remain positive, never support negative. Whenever any negativity arises then remain silent.’ ...

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Impediments in attaining the final life before moksha (Hindi Dadavani August-2009)

By: Dada Bhagwan

The world is flawless. In spite of knowing this, why does it not come into our complete experience? In spite of attaining such a wonderful Gnan—Self-knowledge, what mistakes remain which prevent one from experiencing complete bliss and freedom in this very life? Absolutely revered Dadashri explains this that as long as one sees the faults of others, one is protecting one’s own subtle faults.Dadashri has explained beautifully about kinds of faults being committed by mahatmas like faulty vision, insistence, obstinacy, suspicion, attachment, my-ness (mamata), pride, ‘I-ness’ (potapanu), to act according to one’s own will and intellect (swachhand), persistent insistence (pakkad), making a deep intense mental note (nondha), ‘juice’ of doership (garvaras), point-man (the one who leads you astray), the desire to be worshipped (pujavani kamna), superiority, etc. These mistakes are detrimental in fulfilling a goal of attaining the final life in which final liberation will happen. ...

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Amazing enlightened conduct of the Gnani Purush (Hindi Dadavani July-2009)

By: Dada Bhagwan

The Gnani Purush remains vitarag, does not have any likes or dislike in any task. The Gnani Purush is devoid of raag-dwesh—attachment-abhorrence. The Gnani Purush does not have anger-pride-deceit-greed. He is always in the here and the now. The past is gone, the future is under the control of vyavasthit—scientific circumstantial evidence; what is left is the present. That is why He is always in the tension free state. He has avagaadha pratiti absolute conviction of the Self. Attributes like forgiveness-humility-straightforwardness-satisfaction are natural to Him. The Gnani’s state is completely effortless state, He moves naturally with the unfolding of karma, He does not have potapanu 'I-ness' that is why He lives as Nature takes care of Him, He does not interfere, He is innocent like a child, you can see the state devoid of intellect-ego and weakness in Him. ...

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Elimination of conflict is the prime component of liberation (Hindi Dadavani June-2009)

By: Dada Bhagwan

Absence of wandering of the chit is the religion of all religions. If you attain this state, the cycle of transmigration into life after life will come to an end. There is liberation when the mind becomes free of all conflicts.Liberation is through real religion. When the life becomes conflict-free then one comes closer to moksha. How can one become conflict-free? The Gnani Purush burns the seed of conflict in the fire of knowledge; thereafter conflict does not arise. Circumstance is one evidentiary instrument for arising conflict in the life. But because of one’s own wrong belief, believing the other as the doer, by seeing others as faulty, by not getting the results as per one’s wish, the internal state changes because of ego, and because of all these, conflicts arise. All the energies of a human being get veiled due to this ego only. If the ego remains within ‘normality,’ there would not be any conflicts in the worldly life. ...

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I am not the wrong or the right (Hindi Dadavani May-2009)

By: Dada Bhagwan

The one who for infinite life times has been walking with the wrong vision, begins to take the right path through the right vision obtained through the grace of the Gnani Purush. After attaining Atmagnan—Self-realization, wrong gnan knowledge leaves and one attains right gnan knowledge. One realizes, ‘I am pure Soul,’ and ‘I am not Chandulal.’One has to bring about settlement of this discharge moha with equanimity by staying in the Agna of the Gnani Purush. After attaining the nirvikalp state - ‘I am Shuddhatma’, right or wrong karma will unfold through file number one-‘Chandulal’ because the prakruti the formed non-Self complex is unwinding. Just as our prakruti is unwinding similarly the other person’s prakruti also is unwinding. And these results of the non-Self are dependent on circumstances. Elemental vision shows only two things: the pure Soul and circumstances. Circumstance is neither wrong nor right. Wrong or right is relative view. ...

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Installing a counter-pulley in worldly interaction (Hindi Dadavani April-2009)

By: Dada Bhagwan

For Dadashri the revolutions of the mind are very high so miscommunications would arise in interacting with those with lesser revolutions in the worldly dealings. Thereafter he started installing a counter-pulley. The counter-pulley reduces the speed of thoughts and brings them down to the level of the speed of the thoughts of the other person and then the seeker easily understands the conversations. Dadashri gives the example that if you connect a high-speed engine with a pump of lesser revolutions then the pump will break down. To avoid this loss if you apply a counter-pulley to the engine and connect with the pump then the equivalent speed will make the pump function to its best capacity. If one applies these incontrovertible understanding in his life then he will not have any matabheda divisiveness due to difference in opinion, clashes and worldly interactions would become easy. ...

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Importance of fasting or under-eating for spiritual progress (Hindi Dadavani March-2009)

By: Dada Bhagwan

In our scriptures and purana—a group of 18 important Hindu texts, special importance is given to fasting for its spiritual and health benefits. Such penances done with the intent of spiritual progress or for the attainment of the Self are definitely fruitful however one cannot experience the Self. However one can attain the Self if he attains the knowledge of the Self—Self-realization.In Ayurveda the importance of fasting and restricted food intake is not less, but it should be done with right understanding. By fasting the waste of the body burns, body remains healthy, awareness increases and this awareness is helpful in practicing celibacy and one can practice religious rituals in a better way. That is why it is said that ‘one should fast according to Gnani’s instruction for spiritual progress and for physical health one should fast according to doctor’s instruction then that penance done through fasting can be helpful to yield desired fruit. ...

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