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Chicago Manual of Style

By: University of Chicago

...dsletti has said, . . . ." Deut. 3: 4b [s]. Grote, the great historian of Greece (see his History, I, 204 [second edition]), . . . . 163. Such ph... ...e his work and regen- erate the distracted world by the potent influence of Hellenistic culture. A world-empire, including all the lands and nations... ... his work and regenerate the distracted world by the potent influ- ence of Hellenistic culture. A world-empire, including all the lands and nations... ... HIS WOBK AND BEGENEBATE THE 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 0 by the potent influence of Hellenistic czcltu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 AEfOD A13f613 ~~ibtr AfifOO BB1C)... ...lete his work and regenerate the dlshacted world by the potent influence of Hellenistic culture. A world.mpire. including all the lands and nations ... ...ete his work and regenerate the distracted world by the potent influence of Hellenistic culture. A WORLD EMPIRE, INCLUDING ALLTHE LANDS AND NATIONS ...

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