Search Results (815 titles)

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2013 (X) Non Fiction (X)

Records: 21 - 40 of 815 - Pages: 
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Beautiful Names of ALLAH mentioned in the Bible

By: Dr. Mohiuddin Habeebi Syed Mohammed; Ahsan Habibi Syed

This Book has been accomplished to Unite Humanity on the basis of Commonality in Belief and Reality that there is only One True God - ALLAH , the Message of Whom was conveyed by Moses in Old Testament, Jesus in New Testament and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them) in Quran. The history provides us the evidence that the Messengers of ALLAH have been sent to every Nation. Although, their languages were different in which Messages were conveyed but the Name of One True God - ALLAH, found to be the same and intact, inspite of various linguistic mutations. In our Blessed Research we found, “99 Beautiful Names of ALLAH” Co-existing in Quran, Hadith and Bible. We earnestly, hope that our readers would be all over the globe who would love to gain this Blessed Insight and Embrace the Truth....

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Louisiana French Grammar

By: Brian Facey

America has its own version of French found in Louisiana. Learn Louisiana French and you will learn more about French and life in Louisiana.

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الأربعين وفلسفة المشي إلى الحسين عليه السلام

By: الشيخ حيدر الصمياني

ليس خافياً على أحد لاسيما في هذا الوقت الذي أصبحت مصادر الشريعة الإسلامية متوفرة في شتى المواقع الألكترونية عبر الأنترنت وغيره وبعد أن أصبحت في متناول يد الجميع ما لزيارة الحسين عليه السلام من فضل كبير وأجر جزيل كما صرحت بذلك العشرات من الروايات عند الفريقين وربما كان مثل هذا الأمر واحداً من عطاءات الله عز وجل للحسين عليه السلام بعد أن أرخص كل شيء من أجل الله عز وجل في محاربة المنكر وإقامة المعروف والوقوف أمام الظلم والفساد والانحراف الذي أخذ يدبُّ في العالم الإسلامي إبّان وصول بني أمية إلى سدة الحكم، وما يمكن أن يتبعه من آثار مدمرة ربما تؤدي إلى القضاء على الإسلام بشكل كامل، حتى ختمها بأعظم وسام خصه الله عز وجل لعباده ألا وهو وسام الشهادة. وأيّ شهادة؟ شهادة تربع بعدها الحسين عليه السلام في قلوب الأحرار في العالم عبر التاريخ، بعدما سطر ملحمة في كربلاء بما كم يحدثنا التاريخ بأعظم منها، حتى غدت كربلاء التي سال على رمضائها دم الحسين عليه السلام تضاهي بقاع العالم قدسية وشرفاً وأصبحت مهوى لقلوب العارفين من المسلمين وحتى غير المسلمين (كما سيأتي الحديث عنه في طيّات هذه الدراسة). ...

وأما فيما يتعلق بالحسين عليه السلام، فقد وردت كلمة «الأربعين» في الروايات الكثيرة عن أهل البيت عليهم السلام حيث ربطت بين العدد أربعين وبين مصائب الحسين عليه السلام وأحزانه، وسأذكر طرفاً من هذه الروايات للمثال لا للحصر، فمنها: 1ـ ما ورد في نضوب الماء عند قبر الحسين عليه السلام بعد أربعين يوماً روى ابن كثير في البداية والنهاية: «أن الماء لمّا أجري على قبر الحسين عليه السلام ليُمحى أثره نضب( ) الماء بعد أربعين يوماً، فجاء أعرابي من بني أسد، فجعل يأخذ قبضةً قبضةً ويشمها حتى وقع على قبر الحسين عليه السلام فبكى وقال: بأبي أنت وأمي ما أطيبك وأطيب تربتك ثم أنشد يقول: أرادوا ليخفوا قبره محبيه قبره عن محبيه وطيب تراب القبر دلَّ على القبر( ) 2ـ ما ورد في بكاء السماء والأرض وغيرها أربعين صباحاً على الحسين عليه السلام عن زرارة عن الإمام الصادق عليه السلام أنه قال: «يا زرارة إن السماء بكت على الحسين عليه السلام أربعين صباحاً بالدم، وأن الأرض بكت أربعين صباحاً بالسواد، وأن الشمس بكت أربعين صباحاً بالكسوف والحمرة، وأن الجبال تقطعت وانتشرت، وأن الجبال تفجرت، وأن الملائكة بكت أربعين صباحاً على الحسين عليه السلام، وما اختضبت منا امرأة ولا أدهنت ولا اكتحلت ولا رجلت حتى أتانا رأس عبيد الله بن زياد، وما زلنا في عبرة بعده، ومازلنا في عبرة بعده...

المحتويات الإهداء 5 المقدمة 6 التمهيد 9 النقطة الأولى: التفريق بين استحباب زيارة الأربعين ورجوع السبايا 9 النقطة الثانية: ورود العدد (أربعين) في النصوص الإسلامية عامة والحسينية خاصة 12 الفصل الأول البحث الأول: في فضل زيارة الإمام الحسين عليه السلام 21 البحث الثاني: في فضل زيارة الإمام الحسين عليه السلام يوم الأربعين وأدلتها 25 أولاً: الدليل الروائي 25 ثانياً: دليل السيرة المتشرعية 37 ثالثاً: دليل الإطلاقات على استحباب الزيارة في كل شهر 39 رابعاًَ: أقوال الفقهاء وفهمهم لزيارة الأربعين 40 البحث الثالث: في رجوع أهل البيت عليهم السلام من الشام إلى كربلاء 45 الأدلة التي ذكرها علماؤنا في رجوع السبايا يوم الأربعين 46 الفصل الثاني البحث الأول: المشي في القرآن والروايات 59 المشي في القرآن الكريم 60 المشي في الروايات 65 البحث الثاني: المشي إلى الإمام الحسين عليه السلام 74 سيرة علمائنا والمشي إلى زيارة الحسين عليه السلام 81 الفصل الثالث الفوائد المترتبة على زيارة الحسين عليه السلام يوم الأربعين تمهيد 89 الفوائد الاجتماعية 92 1ـ الشعور بالأخوّة الإيمانية الموالية 92 2ـ الشعور بالإعزاز بالانتماء إلى الحسين عليه السلام 94 3ـ التكافل الاجتماعي وزيارة الأربعين 96 4ـ الشعور بالمساواة عند السائرين للحسين عليه السلام ...

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How To Get Older Without Getting Old

By: Eric Neilson

How To Get Older Without Getting Old

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World eBook Library: Resources (Brochure Inside)

By: World eBook Library

Every student at your educational institution will be granted an eLibrary Card gaining them access to; where every resource is cataloged and designed for easy navigation and discovery....

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Involution And Evolution : A rhyming anti-war novel: A rhyming anti-war novel

By: Joss Sheldon

Involution & Evolution is an anti-war novel focussing on Alfred Freeman, a World War One conscientious objector whose character is based on Jesus and Buddha. It stabs away at the hypocrisy at the centre of modern religion and politics, in a uniquely rhythmic and colourful manner....

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The World's Library 2014

By: World Public Library

The World Public Library Association is the world’s largest aggregator of eBooks. Founded in 1996, the World Public Library Association is a global coordinated effort to preserve and disseminate historical books, classic works of literature, serials, bibliographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other heritage works in a number of languages and countries around the world. World Public Library is a IRC 501(c)(4) Organization, organized Not for profit, but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare. Our mission is to serve and aid the public, students, and educators, by providing the world's most complete collection of electronic books, documents, and articles online, as well as offer a variety of services and resources that support and strengthen the instructional programs of education, elementary through post-baccalaureate studies. Access to the complete holdings of the World Public Library is open to the general public for personal use, members receive an eLibrary Card allowing them unlimited accessto our complete holdings....

Franklin D. Roosevelt - “The public library is a nation’s act of believing in the capacity of its own people so to learn from the past that they can gain in judgement in creating their own future.” The traditional library is changing, fast. Paper books,and the multi-level structures that house them, are becoming a thing of the past while digital books, eBooks, pave the way for a new future of instant, worldwide accessibility to knowledge. The World Public Library is at the forefront of this movement. I. History A. Purpose of the Library 1. Origins Hi, I’m Mia with the World Public Library and I would like to invite you on a journey through the library’s past present and future. Along the way we will explore what has made the library such a unique and important place historically and what the World Public Library is doing today to make the library more useful and vital than ever before. It’s impossible to think about the progress mankind has made without calculating the role that the library has played. Any city that has had a great impact on learning has had a great library behind it, fu...

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Entzug : Chronologie einer Sucht

By: Sr. Maris Sven Harster

Lebensweg eines Multi-Narkomanen, der funktionell abhängig die Stufen der Destruktivität der Drogenabhängigkeit durchlebt, während er die Fassade zu wahren sucht...

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Me and My Friend President Obama : Concise Memos of my Cooperation with The White House and CIA all around the Hell

By: Peiman Ghasemi (Author); Barack Obama (Foreword)

Today I decided to write a book, a concise part about my cooperation with The White House and The Central Intelligence Agency and many years of cooperation with Human Rights Watch (HRW) and IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies); a few political leaders of England, France, agents of NSA (The National Security Agency of the United States, who didn’t let me to submit any top secret information, before.) and CIA agents and Mossad and Shin Bet (Shabak) and USSS (The United States Secret Service) and Microsoft communicated with me about what am I started to write now? My life is full of espionage and political memories. When I started my political activities and when I started to fight for freedom of people, I was only 14, one of the teenager Iranian boys. I got tortured extremely hard. All around the hell, staying in Russia where your bones would sense it’s very cold weather, inside of it’s deep underground city where you ask your self “How is it possible for some satellites with their warheads to track me here?”. During travel to Philippines with it’s girls inside of the bars and clubs. In middle east, ...

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Time Travel, Marilyn Monroe, Dinosaurs, and Aliens

By: Alexander Dimitroff Popoff

4 great essays.

“If I had a time machine I'd visit Marilyn Monroe in her prime,” wrote Professor Hawking in his article “STEPHEN HAWKING: How to build a time machine,” in Daily Mail. I liked very much his idea and prepared to go back in time. I started with time travel research, reading reference books and articles, and exchanging emails with leading experts on time travel. Scholars most often suggest using the following time travel methods: to travel faster than the speed of light, to use black holes, cosmic strings, negative ener-gy, negative mass, exotic matter, or wormholes. After making some brisk calculations with my favorite pocket calculator, I came to the conclusion that the easiest, and financially accessible, way to travel back and forth in time is to build a wormhole. Constructing a wormhole is more or less clear, and I could make a time machine based on this technology in about a few months. ...

Table of Contents Humanity is perfectly visible to extraterrestrials E=mc2 or how to visit Marilyn Monroe Dinosaur Extinction Mechanism Finally Revealed Alien Bugs ...

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'Al'lah Is Greater' Be Kind to Animal

By: Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Performer

New scientific medical discovery in Islamic method of (Animal slaughter) and without the use of any stunning method: Today we stand before the medical fact of pronouncing "in the Name of God, Allah is Greater" over slaughtered animal when slaughtering. It is mentioned in a unique scientific research project unveiled by a group of Professors, physicians and scientists. They have fought deadly germs through science, driving away the darkness of ignorance and superstition. They have also removed the ignorance that covered the legacy of the Heavenly religions. They have fought deadly germs through science, driving away the darkness of ignorance and superstition. They have also removed the ignorance that covered the legacy of the Heavenly religions....

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Oglinzi Paralele şi Perpendiculare, Florentin Smarandache, Paradoxismul şi Viteza Supraluminală (Mirrors Parallel and Perpendicular : Florentin Smarandache Paradoxism and Light Speed)

By: Florentin Smarandache

Volumul de faţă adună o mână de studii, articole şi consemnări din presa românească despre scriitorul şi omul de ştiinţă Florentin Smarandache, mişcarea lite-rar-artistică pe care a iniţiat-o (Paradoxismul) şi una dintre teoriile pe care le-a dezvoltat (Viteza Supra-luminală); câteva mesaje adresate acestuia şi o addenda ilustrată vin să contureze peisajul ştiinţific, artistic şi uman în care se mişcă unul dintre cei mai prolifici, mai interesanţi şi mai apreciaţi români ai momentului. This volume gathers a handful of studies, articles and records of Romanian press about the writer and scientist Smarandache rare literary and artistic movement that initiated it (Paradoxism) and one of the theories he developed (Over-luminal speed) address and a few messages come to shape the landscape addenda illustrated scientific, artistic and human that moves one of the most prolific, most interesting and Romanian appreciate the moment....

Florentin Smarandache este unul dintre cei mai cunoscuți scriitor români în afara ţării natale. Activităţile sale literare şi ştiinţifice sunt impresionante. Peste 3.000 de pagini de jurnal nepublicate (datorate călătoriei şi traiului în jurul lumii, dornic să ştie şi să întâlnească oameni şi să studieze diferite culturi). La Arizona State University, Hayden Library, în Tempe, Arizona, există o mare colecţie specială numită “The Florentin Smarandache Papers” (care are mai mult de 30 de picioare liniare / linear feet) cu cărţi, reviste, manuscrise, documente, CD-uri, DVD-uri, benzi video realizate de el sau despre opera sa. Altă colecţie specială “The Florentin Smarandache Papers” se află la The University of Texas, la Austin, Archives of American Mathematics (în cadrul Centrului American de Istorie). ...

NORMA SMARANDACHE ..................................... 7 Florentin Smarandache: Fişă de dicţionar ..................................... 9 Nominalizarea lui Florentin Smarandache pentru Premiul Nobel pentru literatură (Geo Stroe)..... 18 Fizicianul care l-a contrazis pe Einstein (Florin Grieraşu) ..................................... 25 FAŢETELE PARADOXULUI ..................................... 37 De la paradox la paradoxism (Titu Popescu) ............................... 38 De la multistructură şi multispaţiu la “recepţionarea multidimensională estetică şi paradoxistă Smarandache” (Ştefan Vlăduţescu) ..................................... 51 Teoria S-negării (Olga Popescu) ..................................... 54 Antiscrisori paradoxiste (Ion Segărceanu) ..................................... 57 Antologia a şasea paradoxistă în cotidianul internaţional (Marinela Preoteasa) ..................................... 61 MATEMATICA LITERELOR ..................................... 65 Libertatea s-a născut la mahala (Tudor Negoescu) ..................................... 66 Florentin Smarandache: poetul matematician (Ion M...

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Federated Search & Discover LITE

By: World eBook Library

Welcome to Federated Search & Discover; a discovery tool which grants your library access to a mega-aggregate index of scholarly materials hosted by the World eBook Library and World Heritage Encyclopedia in a cloud computing environment....

Researchers, students and the public have become unsatisfied with the overall user-experience of library search engines as well as the availability and accessibility of library materials. There are thousands of resources to discover and it’s hard to know where to start. The daunting task of beginning a research project often leads researchers to simple and popular web search engines instead. The open web yields easier results but the content found is less authoritative and credible. The library loses users while researchers are left to settle for unsatisfactory resources. This has become a real problem for libraries and researchers around the world. Until now....

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Tony on the Moon's Fun Poetry 1-2: Fun illustrated rhyming poems for young (and old) children to sing and recite; Level 1, Book 2

By: Tony James Moon

All these poems and drawings are royalty free and can be copied used printed and distributed, scrawled on walls, danced to and generally treated as if they were something to be enjoyed rather than just scary poetry....

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How-To Tutorials: Download eBooks to Kindle Fire Device

By: School eBook Library

This is a step-by-step presentation on how to download eBooks to your Kindle eBook reader. This tutorial covers the Kindle Fire HD device.

Today we are going to learn how students, teachers and librarians can download eBooks, from the School eBook Library, for viewing on Kindle Fire HD or Fire HDX devices. To get started, you will need: An Amazon Kindle Fire HD or HDX device An internet connection or data service And an eLibrary card for the School eBook Library Let’s begin: If your school gave you a direct link to the library, please skip this part of the tutorial, otherwise open a browser and type into your search bar. Now, open the menu and select Sign In. From here you can enter an offsite access code provided to you by your school or enter your username and password and tap “Sign In” After you log in, the homepage of the School eBook Library will load. Your homepage may look different than this one but everything in our tutorial will work the same way. Before we talk about downloading books, let’s investigate some of the exciting discovery tools for students, on the homepage. First, our eBook Finder. This is a great tool for finding interesting resources quickly. Simply type in a search term and tap search. We also have ...

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Business Goldmine100 Profitable Business Models!

By: Harry Kainth; Garry Kainth

You would contact the people to allow you to write and publish their success story in exchange for free publicity and possible product promotion.

Online money making, home based business, work from home, make money at home, earn money online, online selling, ebook selling, landing page money making, easy ways to money making from internet....

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Wally Amos: Famous Entrepreneur and Literacy Activist

By: Wally Amos

Visit to access fantastic reading material and more videos. Today, his name is a household word. His most recent venture is, Chip & Cookie, a retail store, on Oahu, in Kailua Town, Hawaii and an e-Commerce business featuring five flavors of cookies and two chocolate chip cookie plush character dolls, Chip & Cookie, created by Christine Harris-Amos. Wally & Christine founded the Chip & Cookie Read Aloud Foundation in 2005 urging parents and caregivers to read aloud to children for at least 10 minutes each day. Ten percent of the net profits realized by Chip & Cookie LLC will benefit the foundation, an IRS (501)(3C), to support its efforts to promote Children's Literacy. In August 2006, using Savannah as their pilot city, they launched Read It Loud! Savannah. In 1994 he co-founded the Uncle Wally's Muffin Company which produces a full line of muffins. As founder of Famous Amos Cookies in 1975 and father of the gourmet chocolate chip cookie industry, he has used his fame to support educational causes. Wally was National Spokesman for Literacy Volunteers of America from 1979 until 2002 when they merged with Laubac...

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Unten bleiben : Zwischenbericht der Piratenfraktion zum Untersuchungsausschuss BER

By: Dr. Martin Delius; Benedict Ugarte-Chacon

Das Werk ist ein Bericht, dass die Erkenntnisse um den so genannten BER-Skandal zusammenfasst wie sie aus Sicht der Piratenfraktion im Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus und der Arbeit im damit beschäftigten Untersuchungsausschuss erwachsen. Die gravierenden Mängel in der Standortwahl, die verwirrenden und zum Teil unlauteren Verstrickungen von Firmen und Einzelpersonen in die geplante Privatisierung des zukünftigen Flughafens und die unzulässige Einwirkung von öffentlichen Einrichtungen auf unabhängige Beteiligungsverfahren sind die Schwerpunkte dieser Arbeit. Die Autoren betrachten über den Zeitraum zwischen 1994 und 2004 die Vorgänge um das Projekt im Land Berlin, Brandenburg und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und schlagen Bögen zur skandalösen Situation des Flughafenneubaus im Jahr 2013....

Vorwort Der lange Weg zum Untersuchungsausschuss Der BBI – aus Hauptstadteuphorie geboren Eine Frage des Standorts Der ewige Skandal Der Prozess der Planfeststellung Das Verschweigen der tatsächlichen Flugrouten Anträge der Piratenfraktion zur Aufklärung des BER-Debakels Über 80 parlamentarische Anfragen an den Senat Hoffnungsträger Hartmut Mehdorn? Schlussbemerkung Verwendete Materialien...

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EDGE of the SKY

By: Gary Lee Martin

10 Poems for Educational Materials ESL.

" humanity's blazing orb propels..."

Edge of the SKY South China Sea Phom Rak Khun The Meh Khong River Mahogany Shadows Heart of Java Sudharmi Ode to Dati Devil Moon Dukun

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How-To Tutorials: Download eBooks to Android Device

By: School eBook Library

This is a step-by-step presentation on how to download eBooks to your Android device.

Today we are going to learn how library patrons can access books, articles and other resources, from the World eBook Library, for viewing on an Android tablet or Android mobile device. To get started, you will need Your Android tablet or Android mobile device An internet connection or data service And an eLibrary card for the World eBook Library Let’s begin: If your institution gave you a direct link to the library, skip this part of the tutorial, otherwise go to the library by typing into your browser. Now, open the menu and select Sign In. From here you can enter an offsite access code provided to you by your institution or enter your username and password and tap “Sign In” After you log in, the homepage of the World eBook Library will load. Your homepage may look different than this one but all of the information in our tutorial still applies. Before we talk about downloading books, let’s investigate some of the discovery tools available to patrons on the homepage. First, our eBook Finder. This is a great tool for finding interesting resources quickly. Simply type in a search term and tap ...

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Records: 21 - 40 of 815 - Pages: 

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