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Empire and Wars

By: Sam Vaknin

...the liberal-minded, the United States of America reified the most noble, lofty, and worthy values, ideals, and causes. It was a dream in the throes ... ...of double standards, irks and grates. I firmly believe that it is better to face a forthright villain than a masquerading saint. It is easy to conf... ...to confront a Hitler, a Stalin, or a Mao, vile and bloodied, irredeemably depraved, worthy only of annihilation. The subtleties of coping with the U... ...t kaleidoscopically. Pakistan and Libya were transmuted from foes to allies in the fortnight prior to the Afghan campaign. Milosevic has metamorpho... ...l expansion spirit (combined with the) the puritan's 'concept of mission' (are its fortes)", gushes the anonymous author. The paper distinguishes ... ...sted and biased "justice" of the victors, a policy tool, a discriminatory travesty, worthy only of condemnation. From Dresden to Hiroshima, through... ...e hawks regard it as a superfluous leftover from the Cold War era. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) even introduced legislation to withdraw from the organiz... ...st of production is around $1-1.5 per barrel, one tenth the cost elsewhere - while Texas boasts 1,000,000 drilled wells, Iraq barely sports 2000. T... ...ating sea water. Israeli land use, hydrological and agricultural experts roam the Texas-sized country. The parties - with a combined gross domesti...

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