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Information Technology Tales

By: Brad Bradford

... Dedication to CAROL For becoming my smart, beautiful bride in 1949 and then giving fully of herself to me and our wonderful family i... ...We listen. We easily hallucinate word boundaries. Spaces, such as you see in writing, are absent from speech. Yet somehow we find it easy to make se... ...and then take less than a century to create the largest contiguous empire in world history. 10. Mongols Open the Way They open the gate blocking... ... Extensive ancient Greek and Roman teachings formed the foundation of the classical tradition, but most of it had been lost in the wake of the intern... ...thmetic—math applied to basic numbers  geometry—math applied to space  music—math applied to the time and sound of harmonics and tuning  astron... ...nd harmonics. I‘ve since noticed how common it is for scientists to enjoy music as a hobby, as did Albert Einstein.) Soon after Alcuin‘s scholarl... ... The huge Roman province of Britannia stretched as far north as southern Scotland by 300 AD, but Lincoln Barnett writes in The Treasure of Our Tong... ...in 1525 in Worms and Antwerp, copies of it were smuggled into England and Scotland, but the book was condemned the next year. “Oh Lord, open the K... ...as just finishing grade school. The family home was filled with books, music, and artwork, and his parents studied diverse fields, ending up as f...

...first Information Technology and then moves on to tales about the wonders of the written word—great stories, many of them likely new to most readers. In them, you‘ll find all the backgrounds, foregrounds, premises, conclusions, and surprises that make up the best and most valuable books....

...In the Bible, God‘s first gift to man isn‘t a lesson about how to make a fire or fashion a needle, a knife, or a spear. He first blesses him with language. Even before He takes Adam‘s rib to make Eve, He tells Adam to name ev...

...From whence cometh language, the InfoTech that lets us dominate our planet? We listen. We easily hallucinate word boundaries. Spaces, such as you see in writing, are absent from speech. Yet somehow we find it easy to make sense of speech. -- 2. The Gift of Memory-For millennia, mnemonics reigned over commerce, news, entertainment, and the perpetuation and refinement of cra...

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