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Information Technology Tales

By: Brad Bradford

...the sword, generating the powers of knowledge needed to create and govern empires. 6. China‘s InfoTech Siblings For centuries, the Chinese keep... ...e monk from York makes writing forever easier to read. 9. Largest Land Empire Ever Illiterate tribes of nomad herder-hunters unite under Genghis ... ...s Khan and then take less than a century to create the largest contiguous empire in world history. 10. Mongols Open the Way They open the gate b... ...to augment memories that resided in the brain‘s technology. Prehistoric nomadic herding, hunting, and gathering societies had, of course, devised ... ...c foundations. InfoTech through time and space In about 3500 BC, many nomadic tribes—rather than migrate seasonally—settled down in southern Mes... ... earth. Prehistoric herders, gatherers, and hunters who abandoned the nomadic life soon learned that their memories could not handle the recordk... ... generated powers of problem-solving knowledge needed to build and govern empires. To me, it‘s only logical that increased access to problem-solvi... ... access to problem-solving knowledge must have played a vital role in the empire building by Alexander the Great, but his empire did not long surviv... ...along rolling steppes in search of grass to nourish their herds. In the nomadic rhythm of the steppes, the Mongols spent spring tending newborn an...

.... Symbols of Sound Demand Analysis-The alphabet makes the pen mightier than the sword, generating the powers of knowledge needed to create and govern empires. -- 6. China‘s InfoTech Siblings-For centuries, the Chinese keep to themselves ?the wasps’ secret? and then develop printing blocks—the precursor to Gutenberg’s wondrous invention. Paper and print nourish China’s awak...

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