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Facts and Fictions in the Securities Industry

By: Sam Vaknin

...om: Lidija Rangelovska – write to: palma@unet.com.mk Visit the Author Archive of Dr. Sam Vaknin in "Central Europe Review": http://www.ce-revi... ...ww.ce-review.org/authorarchives/vaknin_archive/vaknin_main.html Visit Sam Vaknin's United Press International (UPI) Article Archive – Click HERE! ... ... http://samvak.tripod.com/guide.html Created by: LIDIJA RANGELOVSKA REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA C O N T E N T S I. Introduction II. The Value ... ...uld. Additionally, investments were small and shareholders few. A firm resembled a household and the number of people involved – in ownership and i... ...s operating in the firm's market. 3. The encouragement of the development of in- house, proprietary, technological solutions to the needs of the ... ...angible, retarded wealth formation. In some respects, the West - and especially the United States - are poorer now than they were in 1988. This monu... ..., retarded wealth formation. In some respects, the West - and especially the United States - are poorer now than they were in 1988. This monumental ... ...nsciously imploding the US markets. This caused a violent depression in the United States and some other countries, with the collapse of financial ... ...he original credit. A new reform bill, passed in both the Senate and the House of Representatives in April 2005 seeks to reverse the trend by maki...

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