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Dutch language (X) Criminology (X)

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The Narrative of Sojourner Truth (1850)

By: Olive Gilbert

..., New York. Colonel Ardinburgh belonged to that class of people called Low Dutch. Of her first master, she can give no account, as she must have been ... ...y tall and straight, when young, which gave him the name of ‘Bomefree’—low Dutch for tree—at least, this is Sojourner’s pronunciation of it— and by th... ...m. 8 The Narrative of Sojourner Truth Her teachings were delivered in Low Dutch, her only language, and, translated into English, ran nearly as follo... ...ive of Sojourner Truth Her teachings were delivered in Low Dutch, her only language, and, translated into English, ran nearly as follows:— ‘My childre... ...asters. At times, a groan would escape her, and she would break out in the language of the Psalmist—’Oh Lord, how long?’ ‘Oh Lord, how long?’ And in r... ....’ Then again, she would point them to the stars, and say, in her peculiar language, ‘Those are the same stars, and that is the same moon, that look d... ...period. She says, with emphasis, ‘Now the war begun. ‘ She could only talk Dutch—and the Nealys could only talk English. Mr. Nealy could under- stand ... ...nd Dutch, but Isabel and her mistress could neither of them understand the language of the other—and this, of itself, was a formidable obstacle in the... ...across the North River, on whose banks they were standing, before the dull Dutch constable was aware of his mistake. Solomon Gedney, meanwhile, consul...

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The Public Domain : Enclosing the Commons of the Mind

By: James Boyle

...ts for us? Why do we have trademark law, this “homestead law for the English language”? 4 Why not simply allow anyone to use any name or attractive sy... ...ory—so long as he has a reason for focusing on that commonality. Second, the language of intellectual property exists. It has politi- cal reality in t... ...tual property exists. It has politi- cal reality in the world. Sometimes the language confuses and misleads. There are two possible reactions to such ... can attempt to point out the misperceptions and confusions using the very language in which they are embedded. I do not reject the first tactic. It ... ... 30 The economists made exactly Macaulay’s argument, though in less graceful language. They pointed out that copyright extension imposed enormous cost... ...ould not have thought that one could patent the idea of having an electronic Dutch auction on the Internet, working out the daily prices of a bundle o...

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Notes on Life and Letters

By: Joseph Conrad

...ement of words. The logic that may be found there is only the logic of the language. But I need not labour the point. There will be plenty of people s... ...s gift came out—and it was seen then to be much more than mere felicity of language. His impressionism of phrase went really deeper than the surface. ... ...mply, the heights of in- spired vision. He wrote before the great American language was born, and he wrote as well as any novelist of his time. If he ... on Life and Letters tion, will find itself on awakening possessed of no language, a monstrous full-grown child having first to learn the ways of li... ...tion. Industrialism and commercialism—wearing high- sounding names in many languages (welt-politik may serve for one instance) picking up coins behind... ...esides myself, seventeen men all good and true, including a round enormous Dutch- man who, in those hours between sunset and sunrise, managed to lose ... ... hair’s- breadth escape into Italy; and, reaching Genoa, took passage in a Dutch mail steamer, homeward-bound from Java with London as a port of call....

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Catherine : A Story

By: William Makepeace Thackeray out the quarrel of William of Orange, who made us pay and fight for his Dutch provinces; or whether poor old Louis Quatorze did really frighten her... ...ded, entirely indiffer- ent about his birthplace; but speaking the English language, and having been during the course of his life pretty generally en... ...k, he produced from his neck a small locket (which had been given him by a Dutch lady at the Brill), and begged Miss Catherine to wear it for his sake... ...tenance at this event might judge of the progress of the irresistible High-Dutch conqueror. Being of a very vain communicative turn, our fair barmaid ... ...supper, she, pointing to the locket that once reposed on the breast of the Dutch lady at the Brill, looked archly on Hayes and said, “See, John, what ... ...!” and it W AS ventrebleu with him, I warrant you; for bleu, in the French language, means “through;” and ventre—why, you see, ventre means— CAPTAIN. ... ...ccasions when he condescended to walk abroad with her, and extravagance of language and passion in the frequent quarrels they had together. Perhaps in... ...t ear’ (and I can’t say, my dear, but what I have: it was done by a cursed Dutchman at the Boyne). ‘Tell me if he has not got C.R. in blue upon his ri... ...e shine as ye did in the olden days! WE change, but ye speak ever the same language. Gazing in your abysmal depths, the feeble ratioci—” * * *...

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Records: 1 - 4 of 4 - Pages: 

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