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Heroes of Unknown Seas and Savage Lands

By: J. W. Buel

...iscoveries of Erik the Red -- On Greenland's frigid shores -- The Sagas of old Icelandic history -- Discovery of America in the year 889 -- Verdant sh... ...es. The only remedy lies in a substitution of wholesome but no less attractive literature, or in a sanitation which will give immunity to those not ye... ...the crafts which are ploughing the Atlantic to-day. In one of the Sagas of old Icelandic history we have an account of these, in which the keel is rep... ...is imprint on the world's thought, and his superstitions are as much a part of literature as the tales of knightly daring. MERMAIDS, SIRENS AND SEALS.... ...MS OF THE SEA. Nor are these the only contributions the old sailor has made to literature. He has given it phantoms and apparitions amazing from their... ...rm, developed through successive generations, produces luxuriant fruit. Sailor literature is full of ghosts, for the sailor is a firm believer in the ... ...re were many men among them whose names are noted in history, but in Buccaneer literature the chief qualification for prominence was to be more of a d...

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