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County Durham (X) History (X)

Records: 1 - 9 of 9 - Pages: 
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Miscellaneous Essays

By: Thomas de Quincey

...himself to be se- duced by their charms, endeavors to banish them from the county of Middlesex. But the truth is, that, however objec- tionable per se... ...t:) the answer was, with roars of laughter, from the under- sheriff of our county— “Non est inventus.” T oad-in-the-hole laughed outrageously at this:... ...t I vehe- mently protest, viz., that no matter though the sheriff in every county should be running after you with his posse, touch a hair of your hea... ...t a body of business rolled north- wards, from the southern quarter of the county, that a fort- night at least occupied the severe exertions of two ju... ... horses, the roads were all silent. Except exhaustion in the vast adjacent county of York from a contested elec- tion, nothing like it was ordinarily ... ... a person is “rather yellow, rather yellow,” [to quote Canning versus Lord Durham:] that is the 148 chief fault with his physics; but, as to his mora...

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A Child's History of England

By: Charles Dickens

...elp. The King despatched a general and a large force to occupy the town of Durham. The Bishop of that place met the general outside the town, and warn... ...g, and went in with all his men. That night, on every hill within sight of Durham, signal fires were seen to blaze. When the morning dawned, the En g... ... the people. Flambard, or Firebrand, whom the late King had made Bishop of Durham, of all things in the world, Henry imprisoned in the Tower; but Fire... ...sword, four thousand of the rebels are supposed to have fallen in that one county. In Norfolk (where the rising was more against the enclosure of open... ...d acts, and one of them was discovered after he was no more. The Bishop of Durham, a very good man, had been informed against to the Council, when the... ... Queen. This was discovered in time by Gardiner; but in Kent, the old bold county, the people rose in their old bold way. Sir Thomas Wyat , a man of ... ...complaining of the injury that had been done to Mr. Hampden, who was their county man and much beloved and honoured. When the King set off for Hampton... ...uable magazine of arms and gunpowder that was there. In those times, every county had its own magazines of arms and powder, for its own train bands or... ...viour’s cross. He put himself into the hands of the Lord Lieutenant of the county, and his detention was made known to the Prince of Orange at Windsor...

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Travels in England during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth

By: Paul Hentzner

...e, and the chamber of the English kings. This most ancient city is the the county of Middlesex, the fruitfullest and wholesomest soil in England. It i... ...ed it, and named it Merton College; and soon after, William, Archdeacon of Durham, restored, with addi- tions, that building of Alfred’s now called Un...

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Young Folks, History of England

By: Charlotte Mary Yonge

...the Standard, because the En- glish had a holy standard, which was kept in Durham Ca- thedral. Soon after, Stephen was taken prisoner at a battle at L... ... this time, were able to get between them and the city. The people of each county were desired to state their grievances; the king engaged to do what ... ... general election—by the men who have a certain amount of property in each county and large town. There must be a fresh election, or choosing again ev...

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By: John Stuart Mill

...petty tradesman and (I believe) small farmer, at Northwater Bridge, in the county of Angus, was, when a boy, recommended by his abilities to the notic... ...d families; the entire identification of the more independent portion, the county members, with the great landholders; the differ ent classes whom th... seemed to be room for a bold and successful stroke for Radicalism. Lord Durham had left the ministry, by reason, as was thought, of their not being... ...actics, must have attempted to make something of such an opportunity. Lord Durham was bitterly attacked from all sides, inveighed against by enemies, ... ...ters took up the tone: I believe there was a portion of truth in what Lord Durham, soon after, with polite exaggeration, said to me—that to this artic... ...shall roll down on one side or on the other. All hopes connected with Lord Durham as a politician soon vanished; but with regard to Canadian, and gene... ...o Canadian, and generally to co lonial policy, the cause was gained: Lord Durham’s report, written by Charles Buller, partly under the inspiration of... ...pular party in Ireland, offered to bring me into Par liament for an Irish county, which they could easily have done: but the incompatibility of a sea...

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History of the Britons

By: Nennius

...ith to Carlisle. 5 Variously supposed to be in Cornwall, or Binchester in Durham, but most probably the Roman station of Garionenum, near Yarmouth, i... ...St. Patrick. 1 King of Connaught. 2 A mountain in the west of Connaught, county of Mayo, now called Croagh-Patrick. 32 History of the Britons of on...

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Considerations on Representative Government

By: John Stuart Mill

...e principles which are the foundation of represen tative government. In a County Board there is not the same justification as in Boards of Guardians ... ... admix ture of ex officio with elected members, since the business of a county being on a sufficiently large scale to be an object of interest and ... ...ves elected to the Board than they have in being returned to Parliament as county members. In regard to the proper circumscription of the constituen ... ...high ways, or prisons, or police, a large extent, like that of an average county, is not more than sufficient. In these large districts, therefore, t... more highly qualified class of persons is likely to be obtainable for a County Board than those who com pose an average Board of Guardians, it may... ...econd warning. A new era in the colonial policy of nations began with Lord Durham’s Report; the imperishable memorial of that nobleman’s courage, patr...

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By: George Eliot

... He had trav- elled in his younger years, and was held in this part of the county to have contracted a too rambling habit of mind. Mr. Brooke’s conclu... ...enerating expectation. This was the Reverend Edward Casaubon, noted in the county as a man of profound learning, understood for many years to be engag... ...t his talents, even if let loose, would not set the smallest stream in the county on fire: hence he liked the pros- pect of a wife to whom he could sa... ...had returned, during their absence, from 33 George Eliot a journey to the county town, about a petition for the pardon of some criminal. “Well, my de... ...for nothing but truth, and that sort of thing. And there is no part of the county where opinion is narrower than it is here—I don’t mean to throw ston..., it would be much better to do so. Why can we not go to London? Or near Durham, where your fam- ily is known?” “We can go nowhere without money, Ro...

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By: George Eliot

...e. He had travelled in his younger years, and was held in this part of the county to have contracted a too rambling habit of mind. Mr. Brooke’s conclu... ...erat ing expectation. This was the Reverend Edward Casaubon, noted in the county as a man of profound learning, understood for many years to be engag... ...t his talents, even if let loose, would not set the smallest stream in the county on fire: hence he liked the prospect of a wife to whom he could say, ... ...eligiousness. He had returned, during their absence, from a journey to the county town, about a petition for the pardon of some criminal. “Well, my de... ...for nothing but truth, and that sort of thing. And there is no part of the county where opinion is narrower than it is here—I don’t mean to throw ston..., it would be much better to do so. Why can we not go to London? Or near Durham, where your family is known?” “We can go nowhere without money, Rosa...

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Records: 1 - 9 of 9 - Pages: 

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