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The Golden Bowl

By: Henry James

...move for the brief remainder of these remarks. We owe to the never extinct operation of his sensibility, we have but meanwhile to recall, our greatest... ...had been in bringing them, with her design, together. Meeting him during a winter in Rome, meeting him afterwards in Paris, and “liking” him, as she h... ... me. How is dear Maggie?” It was to come soon enough by the quite unforced operation of chance, the young man’s opportunity to ask her the question su... ... for us; and she was to have stayed all the more that the Ververs. due all winter, but delayed, week after week, in Paris, were at last really coming.... ... to find it out. They had met constantly, and not always publicly, all that winter; they had met more than was known—though it was a good deal known. M... ...inctly as if she had proved what was needing proof, as if the issue of her operation lad been almost unexpectedly a success. Old arithmetic had perhap... ...carce knew what, either before them or behind them. If other importances, 94 The Golden Bowl not to extend the question, kept themselves down, they w...

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