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Empire and Wars

By: Sam Vaknin

...ija Rangelovska A Narcissus Publications Imprint, Skopje 2006 First published by United Press International – UPI Not for Sale! Non-commercial ed... ...written permission from: Lidija Rangelovska – write to: palma@unet.com.mk Visit the Author Archive of Dr. Sam Vaknin in "Central Europe Review": ... ...from: Lidija Rangelovska – write to: palma@unet.com.mk Visit the Author Archive of Dr. Sam Vaknin in "Central Europe Review": http://www.ce-revi... ...ed by: LIDIJA RANGELOVSKA REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA C O N T E N T S I. The Author II. About "After the Rain" Containing the United States I. ... ...I. Add Me to the List VII. The American Hostel VIII. The Semi-failed State The War in Afghanistan I. Afghan Myths II. Pakistan’s Nice Little... ...n Building III. Is It All about Oil? IV. The Axis of Oil V. Saddam’s One Thousand Nights VI. Turkey’s Losing Streak VII. Turkey’s Jewish Friend ... ...sion. The Pew Research Center published in December 2002 a report titled "What the World Thinks in 2002". "The World", was reduced by the pollsters... ...er their geopolitical goals. When this happens, erstwhile outcasts become "freedom fighters", pariahs become allies, murderers are recast as sensit... ...one percent of the US military budget and far less than the cost of one B-2 bomber aircraft." Even the United States Mission to the United Nations,...

The antecedents and aftermath of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the role of the United States in international affairs.

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