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Political Theories (X) PDF (eBook) (X) Psychology (X) Military Science (X)

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Familiar Studies of Men and Books

By: Robert Louis Stevenson

...s which arose from his sympathy with the great French Revolution. His only political feeling had been hith- erto a sentimental Jacobitism, not more or... ...domontade, but filled with living indignation, to de- clare his right to a political opinion, and his willingness to shed his blood for the political ... ...ate, before it becomes fully operative. Strange excursions and high-flying theories may interest, but they cannot rule behaviour. Our faith is not the... ... and between friends of the same sex, but in the field of the less intense political sympathies; and his ideal man must not only be a generous friend ... ...should prevail.” For his part, he would not “for an instant recognise that political organisation for his government which is the slave’s government a... ... thus did it come twice, though in a subaltern attitude, into the field of political history. NOTE. – For many facts in the above essay, among which I...

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And Gulliver Returns Book VI : Our Psychological Motivations

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

... able to read the works of the great, and not so great, intellectuals of our race. It now gives me cause to consider some of the psychological theori... ...izing that, let‘s see what I can do to help you. I‘ll have to warn you that I try to go back to the basics as much as I can. There are so many theori..., like sex, our basic drive or are we driven to find higher meanings in life? Serious students of human nature have expressed each of these theori... ...ife? Serious students of human nature have expressed each of these theories. ―Perhaps by understanding some of the various psychological theori... ...or being the toughest inmate, the power gained from being in the best school or on the best team—the examples are endless. Then there are the politi... ... in our children and young adults the abilities to have power to do some things well. This can be in the vocational, avocational, familial or politi... often valued by the newsmen. But is press freedom more valuable to a Muslim whose prophet has been defiled? It is religious values versus politi... ...r over men. Granting sexual favors is even a better means of gaining power over them. Men tend to get their sexual attraction from economic or politi... ...cles for the drive for power. It had forced them to achieve in business, to become the money winners, and to work at the highest academic and politi...

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