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Catch It Keep It (X) Bob Oconnor (X) Authors Community (X)

Records: 1 - 5 of 5 - Pages: 
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And Gulliver Returns Book III : A Visit to Kino

By: Bob Oconnor

... 4 It took less than ten hours from Los Angeles International Airport to touc... ... had remembered as a boy, Kino was a province of China but in the late 90s it had been granted a freedom to experiment with social and political poli... ... of that amount to China. So China has been lending so much to the U.S. to keep it afloat that it practically owns New York and California! C... ...d to 1.3 per woman—less that the 2.1 required to replenish the parents and keep its population stable. Kino‟s fertility rate is only 1.2. The million... ...s and work places. We test primarily for diseases and drug use. We want to catch any potential problem for an individual and for the society while i... ...ctors, such as that other energy was so cheap and the modern materials for catching photons were not developed. But as the need for non-polluting en...

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And Gulliver Returns Book I : Touchdown

By: Bob Oconnor

...nto our intellectual cosmos was at least as exciting as my travel in space. It gave me both the hope of possible solutions to our planetary problems... ...lots or bullets. Utopia is a realizable dream, but will we decide to pursue it?” —“With that whole solar system out there, isn’t there some possi... a bit too much to expect when the media tell us that more is better, and keeping is better than giving. “When I left for outer space many o... ...mparable toll that the Black Death did in Europe centuries ago. But then we keep getting strains of influenza, like swine flu, that can wipe out lar... ...his scoop. As the press conference ended, Chet moved to the exit doorway to catch the hero as he made toward the door that opened into his new world,... on the other mountain top. Kelsey Grammer lived down the way on Cornell. Bob Foxworth lived on this side of the lake. My next door neighbor was S... ...e for either real or imagined wrongs. —“Exactly Con, but we are caught in a Catch 22. The poor people are too uneducated to realize that their procr...

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And Gulliver Returns Book V : My Visit to Singaling

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

...nance and trade. Again, the Asian intelligence and work ethic have pushed it far past its rivals in the West. Population control was probably a majo... ...r factor in its rise, but was not as essential to its economic miracle as it had been for China.. Even back in the early 1980's Singaling had be... ...chelons. Sociologists tell us that it takes 2.2 children per family to keep the population stable. By limiting families to only two children a so... ...ranged. The biological parents, being unlicensed to have children, cannot keep the child. The government may, after testing the biological parents f... they have had more fun if the fathers had taught them how to throw and catch, showed them some pass patterns, then let the kids play the mental a...

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And Gulliver Returns Book IV : A Look at Our Human Values

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

..................................... 232 From a self centered point of view it is immoral ................................................................ ...-centered point of view. ............................................ 265 It is immoral from a self-centered point of view. ............................ ... as the commandment requires? Are most Christians dishonoring the code by keeping Sunday rather than Saturday, the Sabbath, as their day of worship?... ...are available but they are told not to use them. Then their large families keep them in poverty. I don‘t know how true it is but I‘ve read in the pop... ..., cancer cures and lifestyle changes. But governments are much to slow to catch up with the present. For example in the next 70 years the U.S. will s... ...try. So taxing the rich, even if taxed minimally, is often like trying to catch a greased pig at the county fair. -- ―But doctor, in spite ... ...sibility of a Hell? Or do people rise and fall in the eyes of God as they bob and weave through their lives? Is their favorability in the eyes of Go...

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And Gulliver Returns Book VI : Our Psychological Motivations

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

..........................................................................................................................................113 HOW IT AFF... ... AFFECTS PARENT LICENSING .............................................................................................................116 HOW IT AFF... ...s. We might call this the conscience. Freud called it the ‗super ego,‘ which is Latin for ‗higher than the self.‘ This super ego attempted to keep t... ...ling when they are not allowed 16 teenage sex or drugs? What is it that keeps ... ... 22 —―Lee, I think you‘re making that up. If it had happened I know I was much more interested in catchi... ...pouse, my children or my neighbors. Sometimes we bring our adjustment patterns to our relationships or our jobs. So you can see why we want to catch ...

...ETY 203 VALUE QUESTIONS206 THE WELFARE STATE 207 The Welfare State is Moral from a self-centered point of view 208 From a self centered point of view it is immoral. 209 Moral from God based assumptions 210 Immoral from God based assumptions 211 Moral for society based assumptions 211 Immoral from a societal point of view.212 HUMAN RIGHTS 213 Moral from a self-centered poin...

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Records: 1 - 5 of 5 - Pages: 

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