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The Williams Record

By: Student Media

...iiXfl* 56fforoj VOL. XXI WILLIAMSTOWN, MASS., MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1907 NO. 1 THE HATCHET BURIED Conclusion of Hostilities Be- tween the Classes of 1909 ... ...AMSTOWN, MASS., MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1907 NO. 1 THE HATCHET BURIED Conclusion of Hostilities Be- tween the Classes of 1909 and 1910 End of the March J7th... ...THE HATCHET BURIED Conclusion of Hostilities Be- tween the Classes of 1909 and 1910 End of the March J7th Celebration —The Shirt-Tail Parade- Speeches... ...r all, a pictorial scene is painted. Perhaps the greatest of these is the "Military Guard," which is not only re- markable for clearness of expres- si... ... to d«te Sfiring Street, WlllUmatown CONSTITUTIONS SIMILAR Germany and the United States Compared by Dr. Hoetzsch IVofesHur Oltci IloiilzKcli, who WHH... ...e Sfiring Street, WlllUmatown CONSTITUTIONS SIMILAR Germany and the United States Compared by Dr. Hoetzsch IVofesHur Oltci IloiilzKcli, who WHH si'lep... ...To him is due the invention of the Hying wedge, one of the most successful formations of modern warfare. While Hannibal's career ended in defeat, and ... ...esome pres- sure to attend the conference meetings. The "go as yon please" air of the place is one of its most valuable assets. Stretiuous recrea- tio... ...e of the true state of things. A college is popularly measured in athletic units; the athletic spirit is the standard of spirit; it is largely through...

...The longest running independent newspaper at Williams is the Williams Record, a weekly broadsheet paper published on Wednesdays. The newspaper was founded in 1885, and now has a weekly circulation of 3,000 copies distributed ...

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