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The Williams Record

By: Student Media

...Northrop Clarey '07, of Great Barrington made the opening address. "Fellow students: members of the faculty, hiding behind the trees; fair sisters of ... ...fe escorts tor visitors of the fair sex and also two illustri- ous orators from the lower classes. Ijet me introduce to you the sophomore orator, Mr. ... ...here to thank the various alumni who, unsolicit- ed, have contributed news from time to time. The same prinoiplo obtains in the collection of under- g... ...e Harvard law school. Johnson will study architecture at the University of California. Continued in the next isme. MONDAY. APRIL 15 7.80 p. m.—Last of... ... a brilli- ant stylist, and belongs to the decorative, prose-poet order of writers. While it is true that in many of his personal traits he re- minds ... ...nilwr which show increasing ease and creative faculty on the part of thair writers. ""The Gate of Tears'" by Mr. Westerraann, is espuoially sweet, ten... ... accepted a similar position with the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. in Los Angeles, Cal. '99—The engagement of Miss E. Rathbone of Elmira, N. Y., ... ...epted a similar position with the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. in Los Angeles, Cal. '99—The engagement of Miss E. Rathbone of Elmira, N. Y., to A... ...and Professor Howes, Crete; the remarkable volcanic island of Tbe- ra, and los and Paros will com- plete Professor Rice's share of the lecture; and hi...

...000 copies distributed in Williamstown, in addition to more than 600 subscribers across the country. The newspaper does not receive financial support from the college or from the student government and relies on revenue generated by local and national ad sales, subscriptions, and voluntary contributions for use of its website. Both Sawyer Library and the College Archives m...

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