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Royal Navy Shore Establishments (X) Government (X)

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Familiar Studies of Men and Books

By: Robert Louis Stevenson

...he river, the boat-shaped island “moored” by five bridges to the different shores, and the two unequal towns on either hand. We forget all that enumer... ...of falsehood. And then, when we come to the place where Lantenac meets the royal- ists, under the idea that he is going to meet the republicans, it se... ...n Mr. Spen- cer found his Synthetic Philosophy reverberated from the other shores of the Atlantic in the “barbaric yawp” of Whitman? 64 Robert Louis ... ...sert where we can see no human smoke.” In a little temple, hard by the sea-shore, they lay down to repose; sleep overtook them as they lay; and when t... ...on a favouring breeze towards the gal- lows; the disorderly abbess of Port Royal, who went about at fair time with soldiers and thieves, and conducted... ...Alma Mater interfered before the king; and the Provost was deprived of all royal offices, and condemned to return the bodies and erect a great stone c... ...s. In the exploits of Hawke, Rodney, or Nelson, this dead Mr. Pepys of the Navy Office had some considerable share. He stood well by his business in t... ...ts youth, he tells about it, as a matter of course, to a lieutenant in the navy; but in 1669, when it was already near an end, he could have bitten hi... ... while he was writing the journal for our enjoyment in his comely house in Navy Gardens, no fewer than two of his cousins were tramping the fens, kit ...

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Democracy in America

By: Alexis de Tocqueville

...bstinately fix our eyes on the ruins which may still be described upon the shore we have left, whilst the current sweeps us along, and drives us back-... ...perienced the revolution itself. The emigrants who fixed themselves on the shores of America in the beginning of the seventeenth century severed the d... ...tor – Valley of the Mississippi – Traces of the Revolutions of the Globe – Shore of the Atlantic Ocean where the English Colonies were founded -Differ... ...rwards, under Charles II. that their existence was legally recognized by a royal charter. This frequently renders its it difficult to detect the link ... ...dure of England; in 1650 the decrees of justice were not yet headed by the royal style. See Hutchinson, vol. i. p. 452. **Code of 1650, p. 28; Hartfor... ...o instruments of oppres- sion. The Revolution declared itself the enemy of royalty and of provincial institutions at the same time; it confounded all ... ...thing which corresponds to the French system of maritime conscription; the navy, as well as the merchant service, is supplied by voluntary service. Bu..., but they cannot refuse a willing subsidy to defray the expenses of the navy; for if the fleets of Europe were to blockade the ports of the South a... ... Use shall be for a longer T erm than two years; To provide and maintain a Navy; T o make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and nava...

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Memorials and Other Papers

By: Thomas de Quincey

... of the two great parties. It is suffi- cient for entire sympathy with the royal Swede, that he fought for the freedom of conscience. Many an enlighte... ...mongst those of Cuzco, in South America; 3dly, amongst the records of some royal courts in Madrid; 4thly, by collat- eral proof from the Papal Chancer... ...ubling of Cape Horn, the shipwreck on the coast of Peru, the rescue of the royal banner from the Indians of Chili, the fatal duel in the dark, the ast... ...e, or anywhere off the line of tourists, I and a lieutenant in our English navy paid sixpence uniformly for a handsome din- ner; sixpence, I mean, api... ...and consideration, as those who bear the king’s commission in the army and navy? Can this be affirmed of the continent, either generally, or, indeed, ... ...ndency which sooner or later is destined to fill the whole capacity of the shore. To have proved, therefore, if it could have been proved, that Christ..., so memorable as the first ground of Greek intercourse with the African shore of the Mediterranean, never consulted the Delphic Oracle in reference... ...ady passed; and the battle of Lepanto, in 1571, which crippled the Turkish navy in a degree never wholly recovered, gave the first overt signal to Eur... ...cking barbarities; at the little island of Castel Rosso, on the Karamanian shore, they butchered, in cold blood, several beautiful T urkish females; a...

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The Federalist Papers

By: Alexander Hamilton

...wer, emolument, and consequence of the of- fices they hold under the State establishments; and the per- verted ambition of another class of men, who w... ...people. There have been, if I may so express it, almost as many popular as royal wars. The cries of the nation and the impor- tunities of their repres... ...T No. 11 The Utility of the Union in Respect to Commercial Relations and a Navy For the Independent Journal. HAMILTON To the People of the State of Ne... ...ard us, in this respect, would arise from the estab- lishment of a federal navy. There can be no doubt that the continuance of the Union under an effi... ...nment would put it in our power, at a period not very distant, to create a navy which, if it could not vie with those of the great maritime powers, wo... ...ber of rivers with which they are intersected, and of bays that wash there shores; the facility of communication in every direction; the affinity of l... ...fifth degree, in others falling as low as the forty-second. The south- ern shore of Lake Erie lies below that latitude. Computing the distance between... ...ways have ended in their favor, and in the abridgment or subversion of the royal authority. This is not an assertion founded merely in speculation or ... ... The world has accordingly been witness to few examples of this species of royal prostitution, though there have been abundant specimens of every othe...

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