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Mistaken Identities

By: R. Joiner

A mystery that's really only a mystery to the main protagonist. It's a perverted kind of fun to watch him flounder. Contact me at

Any mystery writer knows that in every clever design there must be at least one unforeseen element that when discovered will bring down the perpetrator’s entire house of cards in such an ironic fashion that it can neatly epitomize the ludicrousness of any mere human being trying to arrange God’s universe. This item is to be discovered by God’s designated instrument, the good guy detective, of course. In this way, the solution is predetermined, as if time is made to run backwards so that all the bifurcations in the road of life, and the bifurcations of those bifurcations, and so on can only lead back to that one monadic instance in which the infinite confusion of our existence is explained. But, what if God’s universe were to be built on the indeterminate model, as if Gödel or Heisenberg himself were adding up the evidence until the solution, through the mere trying to find it, created a dénouement in which the reader, tossing the book in disgust, knew less about the rights and the wrongs than when he first began turning the pages?...

Chapters 1 - 13

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Only Problems, Not Solutions!

By: Florentin Smarandache

The development of mathematics continues in a rapid rhythm, some unsolved problems are elucidated and simultaneously new open problems to be solved appear. 1. "Man is the measure of all things". Considering that mankind will last to infinite, is there a terminus point where this competition of development will end? And, if not, how far can science develop: even so to the infinite? That is . The answer, of course, can be negative, not being an end of development, but a period of stagnation or of small regression. And, if this end of development existed, would it be a (self) destruction? Do we wear the terms of selfdestruction in ourselves? (Does everything have an end, even the infinite? Of course, extremes meet.) I, with my intuitive mind, cannot imagine what this infinite space means (without a beginning, without an end), and its infinity I can explain to myself only by mAans of a special property of space, a kind of a curved line which obliges me to always come across the same point, something like Moebus Band, or Klein Bottle, which can be put up/down (!)...

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The Unfettered Life of Kenyon of New Orleans

By: Steven David Justin Sills

This experimental literary novel seeks to probe the mind of Kenyon, an isolated invalid in her home, as she goes through morphine induced sleep and lucid wakefulness, and in both seeking meaning for her life and to be reconciled to her estranged marriage...

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The Apartment : A Short Story

By: Claude Simon

Have you ever been caught up in a warped space-time situation ? If you have, this will wake up forgotten memories. If you have not, you will be better armed to handle the experience. But if you try to deal with irrational situations using your rational thinking, you may go through a hard time....

When he reached the building, there was no one yet waiting. The afternoon sun was blazing the street, but fortunately the entrance was on the shady side. He heaved a sigh of relief and sat on the cool stone steps. He knew he was meeting someone here but the heat and his walk through the busy dusty streets had muddled up his mind and memory. He hoped that some rest in the shade would bring him back to his full senses. He was still daydreaming about his condition when he heard her voice close to him. - Hi, my name is Deborah Highbridge, glad you could make it. - Hi, no problem. Pleased to meet you, Miss Highbridge. - You can call me Deborah. - OK, then you can call me Anthony. He got up to shake her hand. He was startled but pleased to see a young energetic woman, when he had expected to meet some typically dull fat elderly real estate dealer. Yet he disliked the touch of her hand on his. It was cold and rough, such a contrast with her appearance, as if it belonged to another person. Especially in the midst of summer. She was elegant but not flashy, with hazelnut eyes and auburn hair. A very m...

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Dick Goes to the Bank : An Avery Dick Adventure Story

By: Avery M Dick

He’s expendable, vulnerable and flat-broke; the ideal candidate for his employer of last resort, the U.S. State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service. But his part-time employment opportunity at McDonald’s is a pretty close runner-up. That’s because retired special agent Avery Dick takes on the dangerous, difficult assignments for his Uncle Sam that others shun because they’re just too damn life threatening and not career enhancing in the slightest. Avery doesn’t have a career anymore and his dissolute lifestyle doesn’t count for much anyway. That’s often the case for those who served and protected their country for many years. Otherwise, his career prospects and personal circumstances are just hunky-dory. But despite his unorthodox investigative style and bumbling mannerisms, Avery’s often called to active duty to solve the tough cases---and maintain plausible denial for the big suits in the State Department....

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Commentary on Travancore State Manual, by V. Nagam Aiya

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions


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A Welcome to U. S. A. Citizenship

By: Us Department of Justice
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Gems and their uses in Vedic Astrology : Gems in Vedic Astrology

By: Alok Jagawat

A small book that covers every sloka related to gems and its interpretation.

I believe that only ‘Ratnas’ defined in classics should carry “Swapranavastha” (Self invoked state) and rest of the gemstones are just stones. To energize them one needs proper mantras to invoke their powers which are positioned in dormant condition. This is the same as Idols of Deities need to be “Pranpratishtith” before they are worshipped. But Shalagrams and Dakshinavarti Shankas have their own powers and they are never invoked through Mantras....

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শ্রাবণ দিনের কাব্য

By: শফিকুল ইসলাম

স্মৃতির শহরে পিছু ফেরা নিয়ে কিছু কবিতা । একুশের বই মেলায় আগামী প্রকাশনী, বাংলা বাজার ঢাকা থেকে প্রকাশিত কবি শফিকুল ইসলাম এর কাব্যগ্রন্থ শ্রাবণ দিনের কাব্য। এই গ্রন্থে প্রায় ৫০টির (পঞ্চাশ) মত কবিতা স্থান পেয়েছে। গ্রন্থের প্রচছদ পরিকল্পনায় শিবু কুমার শীল। কবিতাগুলো মনের গভীরতম অনুভূতিকে উদ্বেলিত করার মত গদ্য -রীতিতে রচিত ।...

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Never Will The World Forget This Matchless Gnani Purush (Hindi Dadavani November-2007)

By: Dada Bhagwan

For the salvation of such human beings, the Self expressed spontaneously in full glory within the bodily temple of Shri Ambalal Muljibhai Patel of Bhadran, Gujarat, India in June 1958. The fully enlightened Self within is referred to as ‘Dada Bhagwan’. After that evening, Ambalal became Gnani Purush Dadashri and his satsang opened up the new path of liberation called Akram Vignan. It took only an hour for this science to manifest within him.In this Kalikaal the extraordinary wonder of total reverence and worship for an ordinary householder—not an ascetic-renunciate—arose.Dadashri had only one burning desire that, ‘May the whole world attain this bliss that I have attained.’ With infinite compassion he used to say, “It is hard to see all this suffering humanity. My deep inner intent is that may all living beings of the universe attain peace and happiness. May many people attain moksha—final liberation from the cycles of birth and death." ...

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Neutrosophic Interpretation of Tao Te Ching

By: Florentin Smarandache

Our book will update the old Chinese thinking in Tao Te Ching to the modern way of life, where contradictions are accepted and two opposite ideas 'A' and 'nonA' and their neutrality 'neutA' can all three be true at the same time. Firstly, we are willing to point out that 'Tao Te Ching' already has some limitation, because many questions we are interested in cannot be answered within 'Tao Te Ching'. For example, 'Tao Te Ching' basically discussed the matters in China, however considering all possible situations it should matter in foreign countries as well, i.e. the “global village”. This was impossible in Lao Tzu’s time. Secondly, if the original “Tao Te Ching” is regarded as “Positive Tao Te Ching”, its opposite is “Negative Tao Te Ching”, while the intermediate or compound state is “Neutral Tao Te Ching”. Thus, our book presents the way to extend the original “Tao Te Ching” in various neutrosophic interpretations....

Positive (Original) Chapter 1 The Way that can be followed is not the eternal Way. The name that can be called is not the eternal name. The Principle that can be explained is not the eternal Principle. “Nonexistence” is the name of the origin of heaven and earth; “Existence” is the name of creating the myriad things. Therefore, the essence of Principle always can be seen from “Nonexistence”; The operation of Principle always can be seen from “Existence”. These two are profound and from the same origin, while their titles are different. More and more profound, that is the general door to all essences. Negative Chapter 1 The Way that cannot be followed is the Eternal Way. The name that cannot be called is the eternal name. The Principle that cannot be explained is the eternal Principle. ‘Nonexistence’ is not the name of the origin of heaven and earth; ‘Existence’ is not the name of creating the myriad things. Therefore, the essence of Principle cannot ever be seen from ‘Nonexistence’; The operation of Principle cannot ever be seen from ‘Existence’. These two are simple and from the different origins, while their ti...

Brief Introduction……………………………………………………..……….3 Foreword………………………………………………………………..………6 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 1…………………………….14 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 2…………………………….16 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 3…………………………….18 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 4…………………………….19 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 5…………………………….20 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 6…………………………….21 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 7…………………………….22 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 8…………………………….23 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 9…………………………….24 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 10…………………….……..24 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 11…………………….……..26 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 12…………………….……..26 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 13…………………….……..27 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 14………………….………..28 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 15………………….………..29 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 16……………….…………..30 Positive, Negative and Neutrosophic Chapter 17………………….………..31 Positive, ...

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Florentin's Laws : ЗАКОНЫ ФЛОРЕНТИНА

By: Florentin Smarandache; Adolf Shvedchikov, Translator

Законы Флорентина не ЯВЛЯЮТСЯ ни законами Мэрфн (песс имистичны), ни законами Питера (О ПТИМИСТИЧНЫ), часть из них пессимистична, часть оптимистична, они также частично нейтральны (НИ ОПТИМИСТИЧНЫ, ни пессимистичны), ЧТО-ТО вроде нейтрозофическои ЛОГИКИ. Поэтому в каждом законе Флорентина есть негатив и ПОЗИТИВ, в то время как законы Мэрфи негативны, а законы Питера включают позитивные атрибуты. Florentin’s Laws are neither Murphy’s (pessimistic) Laws nor Peter’s (optimistic) Laws, but partially pessimistic and partially optimistic, while another part is neutral (ambiguous: neither pessimistic nor optimistic) – as in neutrosophic logic. Therefore, each Florentin’s law includes negatives and positives, unlike Murphy’s law which has only negative attributes, and respectively Peter’s law which has mostly positive attributes or results....

ЗАКОН ФЛОРЕНТИНА, ЧТО И ПОЧЕМУ с 1980 года работают законы Флорентина: I.Всё ВОЗМОЖНО, невозможное тожеl 2.Ничто несовершенно,даже совершенное! З.Всё ПЛОХО,включая хорошее.и наоборот. 4 .Смысл включает бессмыслицу, и бессмыслица включает СМЫСЛ. 5.Всё обладает и не обладает величиной. Новая серия законов появилась в 1986- 1989 годах. Starting from the 1980 Paradoxism’s Laws: 1. All is possible, the impossible too! 2. Nothing is perfect, not even the perfect! 3. Everything is bad, the good included – and reciprocally; 4. The sense has a non-sense, and the nonsense a sense; 5. Anything has a value and a non-value; a new series of laws emerged in 1986-1989....

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Special Presidential Briefing For President Barack Obama

By: Steven M. Greer

A letter to President Barack Obama about UFO information release.

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X²=-3 : Les intermondes: Les intermondes

By: Eau Regale, Editor

11 nouvelles courtes (de 6 à 32 pages) offrant un regard croisé sur le monde présent et futur à travers quelques thèmes: la mort, le féminisme, la criminalité, les moeurs... Ce livre contient un bruitage en première de couverture et une bande son techno originale d'une durée de 60 secondes en quatrième de couverture....

Pouf ! Pouf ! Un homme embusqué vient de tirer sur des passants avec un fusil à lunette. Il ne les connaît pas, ces gens, mais il « ne pouvait pas les voir ». Dans son optique traitée à l'épreuve des re¬flets, il a vu clair sur leur front : il y a vu des bêtes, les bêtes qu'elles sont. Pour lui, ces deux victimes correspondent à… à quoi ? deux comprimés de tranquillisant. Ces deux tirs grou¬pés correspondent à sa dose quoti¬dienne de tranquillité. C'est la panique dans le boulevard, mais il s'en moque comme il se moquerait de l'envol précipité d'un essaim de passereaux effarouchés ; on ne va pas demander à des bêtes de se comporter autrement que comme des bêtes. Et lui, qui est-il, ou que n'est-il pas ? On ne sait pas trop. On sait seule¬ment qu’un jour, alors qu'il n’était encore qu’un enfant, il s'est re¬trouvé nez à nez avec la Mort : quand il réalisa d'une prise de conscience fatale que la mort existait. Pour lui, tout, alors, était fini… terminé ; la vie et tout le reste… terminé. Plus tard, alors qu’il était âgé d’environ vingt ans – notre homme ne se souvient pas, il ne se souvient plus –, il s'est fait braquer par un pe...

Table des nouvelles Sniper 1 A demain 13 A mon amour 45 Ailleurs, sur Terre 54 France, 2010 77 Projet S.I.O.N. 86 Allégorie de la mauvaise mère 115 Unité 0-XY-1 123 L’image fatale 132 Petit vent glacé de délinquance ordinaire 138 Suicide 158...

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Faust Parts I & II : Volume I & II

By: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; Tony Kline, Translator

A complete verse translation of Faust Parts I & II with stage instructions and line numbers.

Part I: Preliminaries (Dedication, Prelude, Prologue) Scenes I-III (Night, City-Gate, Study) Scenes IV-VI (Study, Auerbach's Cellar, Witches' Kitchen) Scenes VII-XV (Street, Evening, Promenade, Neighbour's House, Street, Garden, Arbour, Forest, Gretchen's Room) Scenes XVI-XXV (Martha's Garden, Fountain, Tower, Night, Cathedral, Walpurgis Night, Oberon and Titania, Dreary Day, Night, Dungeon) Part II: Act I Scenes I-VII (Landscape, Castle, Hall, Pleasure-Garden, Gallery, Brightly-Lit Halls, Hall of the Knights) Act II Scenes I-IV (Chamber, Laboratory, Classical Walpurgis Night, Upper Peneus River) Act II Scenes V-VI (Aegean Coves, Telchines of Rhodes) Act III Scenes I-II (Menelaus' Palace, Castle Court) Act IV Scenes I-III (Mountains, Headland:Battle, Emperor's Tent) Act V Scenes I-VII (Country, Garden, Palace, Night, Midnight, Outer Court, Mountain:Forest:Rock:Desert)...

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The Seasons of Our Lives: How they Alternate from Good to Bad and Vice-Versa

By: George Pan Kouloukis

The moment that you have finished reading this book, you will be able to know whether the years just ahead are good or bad for you, and how long this season will last. You will be able thus to act accordingly: if there is a storm on the horizon, you will be able to take shelter in time; if sunny days loom ahead, you will take advantage before the opportunity pass. The seasons of our lives alternate from good to bad ones - and vise versa - according to a certain pattern, which George Kouloukis, a Greek attorney-at-law, explains in this book, based on the way the good and bad seasons have alternated in the lives of lots of famous men and women, whose the biographies he cites in the book. This knowledge radically transforms the way we all live today, and helps us to live a much better life....

- Chapter 1. The Astonishing Discovery - Chapter 2. Ludwig van Beethoven - Chapter 3. Giuseppe Verdi - Chapter 4. Pablo Picasso - Chapter 5. Napoléon I - Chapter 6. Victor Hugo - Chapter 7. Winston Churchill - Chapter 8. The Complete Picture - Chapter 9. The Advantages - Chapter 10. Mikhail Gorbachev - Chapter 11. Nelson Mandela - Chapter 12. Christopher Columbus - Chapter 13. King Henry VIII of England - Chapter 14. Margaret Thatcher - Chapter 15. Queen Elizabeth I of England - Chapter 16. Aristotle Onassis - Chapter 17. John Glenn - Chapter 18. Elizabeth Taylor - Chapter 19. Maria Callas - Chapter 20. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis - Chapter 21. The Dalai Lama of Tibet - Chapter 22. Jimmy Carter - Chapter 23. Sarah Bernhardt - Chapter 24. Auguste Rodin - Chapter 25. Josephine, Napoléon I’s Wife - Chapter 26. The Confirmation - Chapter 27. The Practical Use - END NOTES - Sources...

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Kabbalah Revealed

By: Rav Michael Laitman

Kabbalah Revealed: The Ordinary Person’s Guide to a More Peaceful Life is a clearly-written, user-friendly guide to making sense of the surrounding world while achieving inner peace. Each of the six chapters in this book focuses on a different aspect of the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah, shedding new light on a teaching that has too often been shrouded in mystery and misconceptions. A subtle, yet profound idea weaves the book’s chapters into a coherent and concrete whole.The first three chapters in Kabbalah Revealed tell us why the present world is in a state of crisis, explaining how our growing desires promote progress as well as alienation, and why the biggest deterrent to achieving positive change is rooted in our own spirits.Chapters Four through Six offer a prescription for positive change. Therein, we learn how we can use our spirits to build a personally peaceful life in harmony with all of Creation.For the first time ever, the timeless principles of Kabbalah are explained f...

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Antichambers, Antipoesies, Bizarreries

By: Florentin Smarandache

Un costaud force une traInee a fuir sa villa. II entretient des relations avec une autredes relations de sang. Le gars court la gueuse jusqu' au bOI-del, ou il est -a la botte d'une prostituee dlkllaussee. Le male lui rcgarde en face son dos puis il met a nu cette femelle deja deshabillee....

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Steel Dust Dawn

By: John Richman

This second novel in the series follows young "Montana" to Fort Worth, Texas in 1886, where he hires on at a major cattle ranch and ultimately saves it from foreclosure. A good deal of the story involves his horse "Spirit" and his involvement in the early Texas State Fair races. This 203 page novel is suitable for young readers. Buy at

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The Path of Kabbalah

By: Rav Michael Laitman

Kabbalists state that there is no reality at all, but something called His Essence, the Upper Force, and this is what we perceive as our world. As uncanny as it sounds, this notion hides in its wings the very prospect of freedom, for every person, for every nation, and for the entire world. The structure and the perception of reality are the surface of this book. But the story of humanity, or more accurately, of the human soul, is the undercurrent that drives the reader forward in this book. It is about you, about me, about all of us. This book is about the way we were, the way we are, the way we will be, and most importantly, it is about the best way to get there. In this neatly structured composition, every part speaks of a different aspect of Kabbalah. It starts with our perception of reality, our perception of the Creator, and the evolution of our soul in the spiritual worlds (including explanatory drawings). The book also clears up misconceptions about Kabbalah and explains, in plain words, how to experience the spiritual realm of our lives....

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