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Involution & Evolution is an anti-war novel focussing on Alfred Freeman, a World War One conscientious objector whose character is based on Jesus and Buddha. It stabs away at the hypocrisy at the centre of modern religion and politics, in a uniquely rhythmic and colourful manner....
Nach dem Tod der Mutter entschließen sich die beiden Schwestern Lotte und Lena nun nach Berlin zu ziehen, um dort ihren Weg zu machen. Aus überschaubareren Verhältnissen kommend, stellt der Wechsel in die Großstadt sie vor einige Herausforderungen, sowohl unerwartete wie erwartete. Werden sie es schaffen sich trotz aller Schwierigkeiten zu behaupten oder werden sie letztendlich doch den Gefahren zum Opfer fallen vor denen im Vorfeld schon ein besorgter Familienfreund gewarnt hatte? (Zusammenfassung von Jessi)...
The Real Thing is, on one level, a somewhat ironic tale of an artist and two rather particular models. Yet it also raises questions about the relationship between the notion of reality in our humdrum world, and the means that an artist must use in trying to achieve, or reflect, that reality. Though the protagonist is an artist and illustrator of books, not a writer, it's not hard to imagine that James has himself, and other writers, in mind.(summary by Clifford)...
Those Extraordinary Twins was published as a short story, with glosses inserted into the text where the narrative was either unfinished or would have duplicated parts of Pudd'nhead Wilson....
The man with the surprise endings: that was O. Henry's trademark. This is the second published collection of short stories by O. Henry originally released in 1906. There are twenty five stories of various lengths including several of his best known works such as The Gift of the Magi and The Cop and the Anthem. The book's title refers to the then population of New York City where many of the stories are set. Some society snobs has the opinion that there were only 'Four Hundred' people in New York City who were really worth noticing. But O. Henry felt that every person in New York was worth noticing and had their own story which is explains the title of this collection little stories of the 'Four Million.' To O. Henry, everyone in New York counted. And everyone had a story....
A collection of volunteers’ favourite chapters. Some were chosen for being the key chapter in a great novel, others for the wonderful clarity with which great ideas are expressed, and still others because the reader did a wonderful job. Whatever the reason they were chosen, we hope they will give you as much pleasure as they did us. (Summary by David Barnes)....
Tom Corbett - Space Cadet was one of the first multimedia sensations. In the 1950s the character had his own radio show, TV series, comic book, breakfast cereal, and a line of young-adult novels. A cross between Tom Brown's School Days and Horatio Hornblower (and loosely based upon Robert A. Heinlein's novel Space Cadet), the books follow the adventures of Tom and his friends Roger Manning and Astro as they work their way through Space Academy to become officers of the Solar Guard. Along the way they tangle with space pirates, smugglers, and the threat of demerits for breaking the rules. The authorship of the novels remains unknown -- the credited name, Carey Rockwell was a pseudonym created by the publisher -- although the most likely candidates are Joseph Greene (who created the character) and Richard Jessup (who wrote for the TV and radio shows). (Summary by Sean O'Hara)...
This begins with an odd inheritance at the end of a honeymoon, both parties being inexperienced. Then someone comes to visit, then another, until we've got a chaotic bedlam of New England's tragically off the wall odd-ball relations. Our protagonists may not communicate efficiently at first but at least they've got a sense of humours. The humourous style keeps up as well as some moments of lustre and rich feeling about the printed word itself. (Introduction by D. Wor)...
’s Short Story Collection 041: a collection of 20 short works of fiction in the public domain read by a group of members.
Ipinakikilala ng mga boluntaryo ng ang isang koleskyon ng mga gawaing Tagalog sa pampublikong pag-aari. Ang mga sumusunod na bahagi ay pinili ng mga mababasa......
The Beast in the Jungle' is a 1903 novella by Henry James, first published as part of the collection, The Better Sort. Almost universally considered one of James' finest short narratives, this story treats appropriately universal themes: loneliness, fate, love and death. The parable of John Marcher and his peculiar destiny has spoken to many readers who have speculated on the worth and meaning of human life.(Summary by Wikipedia)...
A classic style western written by one of the first female western writers. Caroline Lockhart was a rancher, writer and possibly the first woman to go over Glacier National Parks Swiftcurrent Pass. (Summary by Dawn)...
Casanova ist 53 Jahre alt und wünscht sich nichts sehnlicher, als in seine Heimatstadt Venedig, aus der er einst verbannt worden ist, zurückzukehren und macht sich voller Hoffnung, dieser Bann werde bald aufgehoben, auf die Heimfahrt. Unterwegs begegnet er Olivo, dem Gatten einer ehemaligen Geliebten. Da Casanova Olivo einst zu viel Geld verholfen hat, lädt dieser ihn dankbar zu sich auf sein Landgut. Dort trifft Casanova nicht nur seine ehemalige Geliebte wieder, sondern auch eine betörende junge Schönheit namens Marcolina, die gleich in ihm die alte Leidenschaft erweckt. Casanova bietet dem durchs Kartenspiel hochverschuldeten Liebhaber der Marcolina, Leutnant Lorenzi, viel Geld, um unerkannt und verkleidet eine Nacht bei Marcolina verbringen zu dürfen -- Lorenzi willigt ein, nimmt das Geld und gibt Casanova im Tausch seinen Mantel. Mit diesem bekleidet begibt sich Casanova nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit auf das Zimmer Marcolinas, um noch einmal seine alte Leidenschaft zu entfesseln. Als am nächsten Morgen die ersten Sonnenstrahlen durch das Fenster fallen, erkennt Marcolina, mit wem sie die Nacht verbracht hat. Der fliehende Casano...
The small Midwestern town of Freeport was scandalized years ago when Ruth Holland, then a young girl, ran away to the West with a married man. Now that she's returned home to take care of her dying father, she faces some hard truths about who her true friends are and where her life is headed. (Summary by Arielle Lipshaw)...
In der Strafkolonie ist eine Erzählung von Franz Kafka, die im Oktober 1914 entstand und 1919 veröffentlicht wurde. Einem Forschungsreisenden wird das Rechtssystem einer Strafkolonie vorgeführt. Es besteht darin, dass jeder Angeklagte unabhängig von seiner Schuld von einem Apparat in minutiösem Ablauf stundenlang gefoltert und dann getötet wird. Den Apparat beschreibt Kafka als überdimensionalen Parlograph in der Funktionsweise eines Phonographen mit vibrierender Metallplatte und Nadel. Dieser Apparat ist der Hauptgegenstand der Erzählung, er repräsentiert die Einheit von Schrift und Tod....
Ledscha, living in ancient Egypt, has lost her betrothed and all hope of love. But the gods see otherwise. She now loves a Greek sculptor, who only wanted her for a model, but even that will not happen. She has been replaced by another woman for the statue of Arachne. Who do the gods see her with? Is it the Greek, or someone else? This work is the last written and published in German by Georg Ebers before he died in 1898. He wrote many novels set it ancient Egypt, which sparked the general interest in and popularity of Egyptology that still thrives today. This book was translated into English also in 1898. (Summary by Ann Boulais)...
This is a collection of short (15 minute or less readings) fiction or non-fiction works in English suitable for a coffee break at work or a short commuter ride. The theme for this collection is HodgePodge: humor, romance, science, long poems, biography, inspirational -- you name it, as long as it's public domain and between 3 and 15 minutes long.(Summary by BellonaTimes)...
When Sylvia Tebrick, the 24-year-old wife of Richard Tebrick, suddenly turns into a fox while they are out walking in the woods, Mr. Tebrick sends away all the servants in an attempt to keep Sylvia's new nature a secret. Both then struggle to come to terms with the problems the change brings about.(Summary by Annise )...