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Records: 1 - 20 of 133 - Pages: 
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Sacred Books

By: M. Winternitz

THE period covered by the inception, the publication, and the completion of the Sacred Books of the East exactly coincides with the thirty-four years that I have spent in Oxford. When I matriculated, Professor Max Muller, the editor of the series, was about to begin work on the first volume, which appeared while I was still an undergraduate. I lost no time in making his acquaintance, for it was the influence of one of his works that had stimulated me to begin under Professor Benfey the study of Sanskrit at the University of Gbttingen, when I left school nearly two years before. During my undergraduate days and later lowed much to Professor Max Muller's advice and encouragement in regard to my studies, which have ever since followed, as far as Sanskrit is concerned, much the same lines as his. I consequently always took a lively interest in the Sacred Books edited by him as they successively appeared during the course of a quarter of a century, no fewer than thirty-six volumes having a more or less direct bearing on my own work, and fourteen of the translators being personally known to me. Professor Max Mi.iller lived to see all...

Habeltt sua lata libelli-not only after they have been published, but sometimes even before they are printed. It was in the spring of 1894 that the late Professor Max Muller first suggested to me that I should compile a General Index of the names and subject-matter for the complete series of the Sacred Books of the East. Such an Index, he thought, would be a great help to all students of the Sacred Books of tile East, and of the greatest value for the study of the history of religions....

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Spiritual Heart : The Religion of Unity

By: Vladimir Antonov; Mikhail Nikolenko, translator

In this book the author presents the understanding of the primary philosophical truths and that form of religious activity of people that God wants to see on Earth. He also provides a detailed explanation of God, Evolution, man, the purpose of human life, and the Path of spiritual self realization. The book also contains an overview of the Russian history in comparison with the examples of degradation of major religious civilizations — up to the current condition of almost complete collapse of Russian religious culture. The author suggests ways out of this situation....

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The Urantia Book : Study Edition

By: Unknown

The Urantia Book (sometimes called the Urantia Papers or The Fifth Epochal Revelation) is a spiritual and philosophical book that originated in Chicago sometime between 1924 and 1955. The authorship remains a matter of speculation. The authors introduce the word "Urantia" as the name of the planet Earth and state that their intent is to "present enlarged concepts and advanced truth." The book aims to unite religion, science and philosophy, and its enormous amount of material about science is unique among literature claimed to be presented by higher intelligences. Among other topics, the book discusses the origin and meaning of life, humankind's place in the universe, the purpose of evil and suffering, the relationship between God and people, and the life of Jesus. The Urantia Foundation, a U.S.-based non-profit group, first published The Urantia Book in 1955. In 2001, a jury found that the English book's copyright was no longer valid after 1983. The English text became a public domain work in the United States, and in 2006 the international copyright expired....

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Cyclopedia of Philosophy

By: Sam Vaknin

Cyclopedia of issues in modern philosophy: The philosophy of science and religion, the cognitive sciences, cultural studies, aesthetics, art and literature, the philosophy of economics, the philosophy of psychology, and ethics....

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Bhagavad Gita with Commentaries

By: Various; Commentary by Vladimir Antonov

The Bhagavad Gita — or, in translation from Sanskrit, the Song of God — is the most important part of the Indian epic poem “Mahabharata”. The latter describes events that are 5-7 thousands years old. The Bhagavad Gita is a great philosophical work that played the same role in the history of India as the New Testament did in the history of countries of the European culture. Both these books powerfully proclaim the principle of Love-Bhakti as the basis of spiritual selfperfection of man. The Bhagavad Gita also presents to us a complete notion about such fundamental problems of philosophy as what is man, God, about the meaning of human life and principles of his evolution....

Preface to the Russian edition of the Bhagavad Gita......2 Sanskrit terms left in the text without translation....3 BHAGAVAD GITA....5 Conversation 1....5 Conversation 2....7 Conversation 3.......12 Conversation 4.......14 Conversation 5.......17 Conversation 6.......19 Conversation 7.......22 Conversation 8.......24 Conversation 9.......26 Conversation 10......28 Conversation 11......30 Conversation 12......33 Conversation 13......35 Conversation 14......37 Conversation 15......38 Conversation 16......40 Conversation 17......41 Conversation 18......43 THREE ASPECTS OF KRISHNA’S TEACHING......49 Ethical Aspect of Krishna’s Teaching....49 Ontological Aspect of Krishna’s Teaching.....53 Psychoenergetic Aspect of Krishna’s Teaching......58 Bibliography.......64...

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In Search of God

By: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

Some thinker has said, ?A smattering of knowledge turns people away from God. Grater knowledge brings them back to Him?. The author concludes in this book by examining various theories that the choice humanity have is not between the universe with God and the universe without God. The real option is between the universe with God and no universe at all. Therefore humanity is compelled to opt for the proposition the universe with God. Hence it is logical to say I exist, therefore, God exist....

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Indian Muslims

By: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

The book analyses that uptill now Muslims have tended to attribute their problems to prejudice and discrimination and to waste the better part of their time and energy in railing against offenders who often exist only in their own imaginations. What the author has to say is simply that it is high time they changed their way of thinking and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the process of self-reconstruction....

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Ideology of Peace

By: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

Peace, always desirable for its own sake, has been vital to human progress in every age. The difference now in this nuclear age is that it has literally become a matter of life and death for humanity. Peace means life: its absence leaves no hope of human survival. The writer?s aim, therefore, is to present peace in the form of a complete ideology?an ideology which awakens human consciousness; which provides the answer to all life?s problems in terms of peace; which describes the crucial importance of peace, right from the individual to the international level. In essence, peace is not an option: it is our destiny....

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How to Establish Peace in the Holy Land?

By: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

How to Establish Peace in the Holy Land?

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Hijab in Islam

By: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

Hijab in Islam

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God Arises

By: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

This book, the result of 30 years spent by the author in exhaustive research, attempts to present the basic teachings of religion in the light of modern knowledge and in a manner consistent with modern scientific method. After a thorough investigation of the subject, the writer has reached the conclusion that religious teachings are academically valid and as understandable and intellectually acceptable as any of the theories propounded by men of science....

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God and the Life Hereafter

By: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

God and the Life Hereafter

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Global Warming and Islam

By: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

Global Warming and Islam

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The Secret of a Successful Family Life

By: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

In order to lead a successful life, it is important for man to learn the art of Life Management. The art of life management means, on the one hand man understanding himself, (i.e. he should know who he is, what his capabilities are) and, on the other hand, his becoming aware of the world around him. Then he may plan his life in a realisticmanner, and make improvements whenever and wherever required....

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Convertion: An Intellectual Transformation

By: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

Convertion: An Intellectual Transformation

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Concerning Divorce

By: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

Concerning Divorce

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Calling People to God

By: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan; Saniyasnain Khan, Translator

Dawah work has been termed in the Quran ‘the call to God.’ In other words, dawah work aims at bringing people closer to their Creator and Sustainer. Calling people to God is telling them that the only right way of life for them on this earth is to become true believers in God. Dawah or ‘calling people to God’ is to make man capable of bonding directly with his Lord, so that he starts receiving God’s blessings on a spiritual level. It is thus that his heart and mind will become illuminated by God’s light. His entire being will be bathed in the shower of God’s blessings. A time will come when God’s message reaches all human beings. It is something, which the whole of humanity has awaited for a very long time. No other work is greater than that of dawah—calling people to God. And there is no surer guarantee of our securing divine succour than our performing this dawah mission. This is God’s eternal law. And the time is not far off when God will fulfill His promise in totality....

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A Treasury of The Quran

By: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

A Treasury of The Quran

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An Islamic Treasury of Virtues

By: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

An Islamic Treasury of Virtues

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Alarm of Doomsday

By: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

The Alarm of Doomsday

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Records: 1 - 20 of 133 - Pages: 

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