Search Results (277 titles)

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Literature (X) Romance (X)

Records: 1 - 20 of 277 - Pages: 
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Damaged Goods

By: Barry Rachin

Twenty-eight year-old Jesse Caldwell is painfully shy, lives at home and hates his moronic life. Miranda Huffington suffers from a gimpy leg and equally stunted personality. This is not your standard Harlequin romance....

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Tristan and Iseult

By: Joseph Bédier

This is the Arthurian legend of Tristan and Iseult. It is a tale of love, honour, intrigue, betrayal and jealousy, ending ultimately in tragedy. This story predates that of Lancelot and Guinevere, and is one of the most influential romances of the medieval period, inspiring many artists, from story-tellers to painters to composers. (Summary by Joy Chan)...


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Wuthering Heights

By: Emily Brontë

A tale of passion set in the bleak Yorkshire moors in mid 19thC, far from the Victorian uprightness, Wuthering Heights depicts the mutual love of Catherine and Heathcliff till destruction rends the narration; yet cruelty is only to be met with forgiveness in the following generations. Romantic, impassioned and wild, it is also a dark journey in the human soul. (Summary by Lady Maria)....


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Erec and Enide

By: Chrétien de Troyes

A medieval romance in which Eric goes through many trials until he is sure of Enide's loyalty and true love (Summary by mj)


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Poor Miss Finch

By: Wilkie Collins

“Poor Miss Finch.” That is what everyone calls the courageous protagonist of this book. In other words, “poor thing, she’s blind, isn’t it awful?” Ha! Lucilla Finch is the wisest of all the characters, in spite of, and perhaps because of, her blindness. This story is about her trials, tribulations and triumphs. She reminds me of myself. Not the falling recklessly in love and being pulled this way and that by foolish young men and mad old doctors. I mean that, like her, I’m blind and proud of it! (Introduction by Sandra G)...


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Entführung, Die

By: Joseph von Eichendorff

Romantik pur: ein edles verarmtes Fräulein, ein wilder Räuberhauptmann, ein edler Graf, eine schöne aber eigensinnige Dame, alte Schlösser in den bewaldeten Tälern der Loire und eine Wette mit dem französischen König. Das sind die Elemente dieser Erzählung von Joseph von Eichendorff (Zusammenfassung von Hokuspokus)...


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Homosexual Weekend

By: Rutherford McQuoib

A group of old gay, college friends get together in a rural cabin for a weekend of wine, memories, choreographed dance routines, pot roast, cookies, sex, and conflict....

Peaches finally emerged from the kitchen carrying a large platter covered by a metal cloche. "Dinner is now available for you to consume right now," he whispered airily. "I can't wait!" Rod exclaimed excitedly. "You will not have to wait for your dinner for I have it my hands in front of you," Peaches said softly. With that he lifted the cloche. The people at the table stared at the platter in shock. "Are those cookies?" Tugger said weakly. "And are they shaped like penises?" Rod gasped. "Oh my," Marc sighed....

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Consolation, The

By: Anne Brontë

volunteers bring you 11 recordings of The Consolation by Anne Brontë. This was the Weekly Poetry project for March 14th, 2010.

Poetry, Romance, Nature

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Mountain Girl, The

By: Payne Erskine

A delightful love-story, genuinely American in feeling and treatment. The story is stirring, the heroine is ideal. (Summary by the Chicago Tribune, from time of publishing)...


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By: Honoré de Balzac

Published by Honoré de Balzac in the tempestuous year of 1830, the tale follows the undulating pathways of Sarrasine the sculptor’s shocking journey to his coming of age. As one of the “fathers of realism” Balzac painted with his words a vivid portrait of life in the swirling salons of Europe at the end of the Bourbon monarchy, and we follow Sarrasine from France to Italy in search of both his métier and his muse. However it is also the story of La Zambinella, an Italian singer with whom Sarrasine falls madly and passionately in love. But that passion holds a secret which Sarrasine spies too late. (Summary by Chip)...


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Story of Gösta Berling, The

By: Selma Lagerlöf

The Story of Gösta Berling was published in Sweden in 1894 and immediately brought its author into prominence. The tales are founded on actual occurrences and depict the life in the province of Värmland at the beginning of the 19th Century century. Värmland is a lonely tract in the southern part of Sweden, and has retained many of its old customs, while mining is the principal industry of its sparse population. It consists of great stretches of forest, sloping down to long, narrow lakes, connected by rivers. Miss Lagerlöf has grown up in the midst of the wild legends of her country, and, deeply imbued with their spirit, interprets them with a living force all her own. (Summary from the foreword by Pauline Bancroft Flach)...


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Awakening, The

By: Kate Chopin

Owing to its highly personal content focused on feminine sexuality, this edition was recorded by eight female readers. To give you an idea of the subject matter, Project Gutenburg catalogues The Awakening under Adultery -- Fiction -- Women -- Louisiana -- New Orleans -- Social conditions. (Summary by Denny Sayers)...


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Annie Kilburn

By: William Dean Howells

After 11 years in Rome, Annie Kilburn returns home to the US after the death of her father. But the home she knew is dramatically changed in many ways. She starts to work with sick children, and finds herself attached to them, and to the minister who helps her, Mr. Peck. (Summary by Stav Nisser)...


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Ice Palace (version 3), The

By: F. Scott Fitzgerald

The story is about Sally Carrol Happer, a young southern woman from the fictional city of Tarleton, Georgia, who becomes engaged one summer to Harry Bellamy, a man from an unspecified northern town. The following winter, on a visit to Harry's home town to meet Harry's family, Sally Carrol begins to have second thoughts... ( Summary by BellonaTimes, with help from Wikipedia )...


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Callous Frigid Chill

By: Jari Winberg

In a future where population control laws have made it difficult for men to find a date, a civil servant struggles to woo the woman he adores.

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Majoor Frans

By: A.L.G. Bosboom-Toussaint

An impoverished young nobleman, Leopold, has unexpectedly been left a large fortune at the death of a distant relative – under one condition: that he marry a young cousin of hers. This young woman, called Francis, has been raised by her grandfather, who is a general. She has had an unconventional upbringing which has left her independent, outspoken and rough in her manners, with a love for horse riding and fencing, and a resolution never to marry. This unwomanly behavior has earned her the nickname “Major Frans”. Leopold falls in love with her, and decides to try and win her as his bride. This book, written in 1874, is considered a character novel influenced by the emerging women emancipation movements of the time. [Description written by Anna Simon]....


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Rosary, The

By: Florence Louisa Barclay

The Rosary is a beautiful love story. Gareth Dalmain falls in love with the Honorable Jane Champion. She loves him back, but does not trust his love, as is known to be a great lover of beauty, and she - alas - is very plain. Just as she decides to trust him, she receives news that he has been blinded in a hunting accident. She wants to go visit him, but he will not receive her, as he wants only her love - not her pity. With the help of their mutual friend and doctor, she gets the position as his nurse under a presumed name, and thereby gets to know the 'new' Gareth. (Summary by Maria Elmvang)...


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Mask, The

By: Florence Irwin

The mask is the one which we all wear, even though unconsciously, to hide our thoughts and feelings. Alison Terry wore one, though she had never realized it until she faced a crisis in her life. Alison, a girl of sympathetic mood and action whose keen intelligence is overbalanced by the inexperience of innocence and a sheltered upbringing, goes to New York with her erratic husband, Phil Howland. She passes through various stages of disillusionment inevitably resulting from cheap boarding-house life, association with the undesirable friends of her husband, and the discovery that Phil himself is selfish and lacking in ambition, a man whose chief interests seem to lie in restaurant-life and gambling. Then comes tragedy in the loss of their little child in a horrible accident for which Phil is responsible. The splendid strength with which Alison forces him to forgive himself and the subsequent loneliness and suffering, lead to the establishment of a mutual bond of sympathy, understanding and encouragement which starts them on the road to their ultimate happiness. Miss Irwin has written a story that rings true, and its publishers recomme...


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Tyranny of Weakness, The

By: Charles Neville Buck

Torn between her love for her aging father, a minister steeped in the puritanical values of old New England, and the young Virginian who was born and raised of southern chivalrous tradition, the many and conflicting emotions which stir deep within Conscience Williams envelop this tale of desire, devotion, inner strength, devious treachery, and individuality of spirit. There would be many obstacles in the path of Conscience's future, and many trials to overcome. Fate has a way of molding inequities in our lives; circumstance is often a veil stronger than the human will can endure. In summarized simplicity, The Tyranny of Weakness is a gripping and intense story of life. However it is also a complex and compelling story of injustice in the face of sincerity; of conflicting traditions; of generational differences; of bold deceit; and of inner strength in dealing with family bonds. (Summary by Roger Melin)...


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By: Jane Austen

Anne Elliott, Jane Austen's only aging heroine, has devoted her life to caring for her financially irresponsible family. Just when she is growing content with her uneventful lifestyle, a long-lost flame re-enters the picture -- now as the beau of her significantly younger cousin. Anne is now faced with a choice: will she watch Captain Wentworth settle into life with another woman, or will she strive to win back his love and escape her family? (Summary by Kirsten Ferreri)...


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Records: 1 - 20 of 277 - Pages: 

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