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...mai vechiul cidu, atAt de ostentativ afi~t: "Poeme fara nici un vers w Asistam la 0 dialedica a negatiei ~i la 0 polemica interioara Tn cadrul operei smarandachene. Poetul se dezice de el Tnsu~i, de 0 ipostaza a sa Iirica anterioara. TItlul volumului ne atrage, numaidecat, atenpa. P1in tunele de cuvinte, 0 metafora din poemul ultim al volumului, vrea sa sugereze mersul uni...
This book contains a collection of poems compiled by the author Florentin Smarandache.
This book contains a collection of poems compiled together by Florentin Smarandache.
... Gheorghe NICULESCU * Florentin SMARANDACHE P A R A D A M A R I L O R E N I G M E ... ...are computerizat ă: Ioan TALE Ş 3 Gheorghe Florentin NICULESCU SMARANDACHE PARADA MARILOR ENI... ...LE Ş 3 Gheorghe Florentin NICULESCU SMARANDACHE PARADA MARILOR ENIGME ...
This book contains a collections of poems compiled by the author, Florentin Smarandache.
...Semhatarul acestor randuri se ana confruntat cu doua asertiuni. Prima. Cine este Florentin Smarandache? A doua Poetul nu are biografie; poezia este biografia sa Dar a doua asertiune vrea sa 0 elimine pe prima Nemaifiind doua nu se pune problema optiunii. Cand l-ar interesa t~i pe cititor viata unui poet?...
This book contains a collection of poems compiled by Florentin Smarandache.
This book is a collection of poems compiled together by Florentin Smarandache. Book translates in Romanian---
... Aarborg, Danemarca 1998 FLORENTIN SMARANDACHE AF... ...rg, Danemarca 1998 FLORENTIN SMARANDACHE AFINIT{ÚI ... ...betic | pe Û|ri, iar in cadrul aceleia Õi Û|ri în ordine alfabetic | pe autori. Iulie 1998 Florentin Smarandache University of New Mexico ... ... Û|ri, iar in cadrul aceleia Õi Û|ri în ordine alfabetic | pe autori. Iulie 1998 Florentin Smarandache University of New Mexico Gallup Ca... ...ragil", de Alcides Buss, Florianopolis, 1992. 4 Traducere din portughez | de Teresinka Pereira Õi Florentin Smarandache, iunie - iulie, 1993, din v... ...Alcides Buss, Florianopolis, 1992. 4 Traducere din portughez | de Teresinka Pereira Õi Florentin Smarandache, iunie - iulie, 1993, din volumul "Kal... ...cope", de Maria do Carmo Gaspar de Oliveira. 5 Traducere din portughez | de Teresinka Pereira Õi Florentin Smarandache, iunie - iulie, 1993, din a... ...Maria do Carmo Gaspar de Oliveira. 5 Traducere din portughez | de Teresinka Pereira Õi Florentin Smarandache, iunie - iulie, 1993, din antologia "A...
These are a collection of poems compiled by the author, Florentin Smarandache.
This book contains a collection of poems compiled by the author, Florentin Smarandache.
This book contains a collection of poetry compiled by the author Florentin Smarandache.
This book contains a collection of poems compiled by the author Florentin Smarandache
...SILENCE'S BELL by Florentin Smarandache (non-standard haiku poems, translated from Romanian by Stefan B... ...fa of dreams. - Do not wait for me, I'll linger a little among the stars. Florentin Smarandache, a Poet with the Dot under the I ... ...ams. - Do not wait for me, I'll linger a little among the stars. Florentin Smarandache, a Poet with the Dot under the I ... ...or of these lines is confronted with two assertions. The first one: who is Florentin Smarandache? The second: the poet has no biography; his poetry is... ...e lines is confronted with two assertions. The first one: who is Florentin Smarandache? The second: the poet has no biography; his poetry is his biogr... at the Romanian publishing houses. But this "happy regime" is not for Florentin Smarandache, who from 15 titles could see only two books publish... ...e Romanian publishing houses. But this "happy regime" is not for Florentin Smarandache, who from 15 titles could see only two books published at home... is why today, opening this volume and learning for the first time about Florentin Smarandache the reader of only these 80 haiku discovers a poeti... ...his poet; what has he written and what is the echo of his other books? Florentin Smarandache is still young for one to speak about his biography. ...
This book contains a collection of Haiku poems compiled by Florentin Smarandache.