Search Results (13 titles)

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Scott, Sir Walter (X) PDF (eBook) (X)

Records: 1 - 13 of 13 - Pages: 
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Guy Mannering

By: Sir Walter Scott

...Guy Mannering by Sir Walter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Guy Mannering by... ...cott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Guy Mannering by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. Thi... ... A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Guy Mannering by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Po... ... State Electronic Classics Series Publication Guy Mannering by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable ... ...r for the file as an electronic transmission, in any way. Guy Mannering by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Se... ...r the file as an electronic transmission, in any way. Guy Mannering by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series... ...ile as an electronic transmission, in any way. Guy Mannering by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series, Jim M... ...y The Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity university. 3 Sir Walter Scott Guy Mannering by Sir Walter Scott INTRODUCTION TO GUY MANN... ...e Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity university. 3 Sir Walter Scott Guy Mannering by Sir Walter Scott INTRODUCTION TO GUY MANNERIN...

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The Talisman

By: Sir Walter Scott

...The T alisman by Sir Walter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Talisman by ... ...Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. Thi... ...t A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Po... ...n State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable ... ...or for the file as an electronic transmission, in any way. The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Se... ...or the file as an electronic transmission, in any way. The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series... ...file as an electronic transmission, in any way. The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series, Jim M... ...y The Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity university. 3 Sir Walter Scott The T alisman by Sir Walter Scott Introduction to the T al... ...e Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity university. 3 Sir Walter Scott The T alisman by Sir Walter Scott Introduction to the T alisma...

Excerpt: The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott.

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By: Sir Walter Scott

...r Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Kenilworth by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. Thi... A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Kenilworth by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Po... ...enn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Kenilworth by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable ... ...t or for the file as an electronic transmission, in any way. Kenilworth by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Se... ... for the file as an electronic transmission, in any way. Kenilworth by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series... ...e file as an electronic transmission, in any way. Kenilworth by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series, Jim M... ...y The Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity university. 3 Sir Walter Scott Kenilworth by Sir Walter Scott INTRODUCTION A certain degr... ...e Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity university. 3 Sir Walter Scott Kenilworth by Sir Walter Scott INTRODUCTION A certain degree o... ...ylvania State University is an equal opportunity university. 3 Sir Walter Scott Kenilworth by Sir Walter Scott INTRODUCTION A certain degree of succe...

...wever, pretend to have approached the task with the same feelings; for the candid Robertson himself confesses having felt the prejudices with which a Scottishman is tempted to regard the subject; and what so liberal a historian avows, a poor romance-writer dares not disown. But he hopes the influence of a prejudice, almost as natural to him as his native air, will not be f...

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A Legend of Montrose

By: Sir Walter Scott

...A LEGEND OF MONTROSE by Sir Walter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication A Legend ... ...A LEGEND OF MONTROSE by Sir Walter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication A Legend of Mont... ...Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication A Legend of Montrose by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. Thi... ... State Electronic Classics Series Publication A Legend of Montrose by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Po... ...Electronic Classics Series Publication A Legend of Montrose by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable ... ...he file as an electronic transmission, in any way. A Legend of Montrose by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Se... ...ile as an electronic transmission, in any way. A Legend of Montrose by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series... electronic transmission, in any way. A Legend of Montrose by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series, Jim M... ...................................................................... 234 4 Sir Walter Scott A LEGEND OF MONTROSE by Sir Walter Scott, Bart. I. INTRODU...

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By: Sir Walter Scott

...Redgauntlet by Sir W alter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Redgauntlet by S... ... Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Redgauntlet by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. Thi... A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Redgauntlet by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Po... ...nn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Redgauntlet by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Por- tabl... ... or for the file as an electronic transmission, in any way. Redgauntlet by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Se... ...for the file as an electronic transmission, in any way. Redgauntlet by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series... ... file as an electronic transmission, in any way. Redgauntlet by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series, Jim M... ...y The Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity university. 3 Sir W alter Scott Redgauntlet by Sir W alter Scott INTRODUCTION THE J ACOBI... ...o to To return to the Sir Walter Scott page, go to

Excerpt: Redgauntlet by Sir Walter Scott.

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Waverley or Tis Sixty Years Since

By: Sir Walter Scott

...WAVERLEY or ‘TIS SIXTY YEARS SINCE by SIR WALTER SCOTT A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Waver... ...WAVERLEY or ‘TIS SIXTY YEARS SINCE by SIR WALTER SCOTT A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Waverley ... ...WAVERLEY or ‘TIS SIXTY YEARS SINCE by SIR WALTER SCOTT A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Waverley or ‘Tis... ...ctronic Classics Series Publication Waverley or ‘Tis Sixty Years Since by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. Thi... ...nic Classics Series Publication Waverley or ‘Tis Sixty Years Since by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Po... ...ssics Series Publication Waverley or ‘Tis Sixty Years Since by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable ... ...electronic transmission, in any way. Waverley or ‘Tis Sixty Years Since by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Elec- tronic Classics ... ...tronic transmission, in any way. Waverley or ‘Tis Sixty Years Since by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Elec- tronic Classics Seri... ...transmission, in any way. Waverley or ‘Tis Sixty Years Since by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Elec- tronic Classics Series, Jim...

Excerpt: Waverley or ?Tis Sixty Years Since by Sir Walter Scott.

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The Tapestried Chamber and Death of the Lairds Jock

By: Sir Walter Scott

...The T apestried Chamber and Death of the Laird’s Jock by Sir Walter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The T... ...The T apestried Chamber and Death of the Laird’s Jock by Sir Walter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Tapes... ...The T apestried Chamber and Death of the Laird’s Jock by Sir Walter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Tapestried C... ...eries Publication The Tapestried Chamber and Death of the Laird’s Jock by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. Thi... ...s Publication The Tapestried Chamber and Death of the Laird’s Jock by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Po... ...cation The Tapestried Chamber and Death of the Laird’s Jock by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable ... ...ssion, in any way. The Tapestried Chamber and Death of the Laird’s Jock by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Se... ...n, in any way. The Tapestried Chamber and Death of the Laird’s Jock by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series... ...ny way. The Tapestried Chamber and Death of the Laird’s Jock by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series, Jim M...

Excerpt: The Tapestried Chamber and Death of the Laird?s Jock by Sir Walter Scott.

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By: Sir Walter Scott

...lter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. Thi... ... Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Po... ...A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Por- tabl... ...ment or for the file as an electronic transmission, in any way. Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Se... ... or for the file as an electronic transmission, in any way. Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series... ... the file as an electronic transmission, in any way. Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series, Jim M... ...y The Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity university. 3 Sir Walter Scott Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott CHAPTER I Thus communed these;... ...e Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity university. 3 Sir Walter Scott Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott CHAPTER I Thus communed these; whi... ...ylvania State University is an equal opportunity university. 3 Sir Walter Scott Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott CHAPTER I Thus communed these; while to t...

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Chronicles of the Canongate

By: Sir Walter Scott

...Chronicles of the Canongate by Sir Walter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Chron... ...Chronicles of the Canongate by Sir Walter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Chronicle... ...Chronicles of the Canongate by Sir Walter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Chronicles of th... ...ate Electronic Classics Series Publication Chronicles of the Canongate by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Uni- versity. T... ...Electronic Classics Series Publication Chronicles of the Canongate by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Uni- versity. This ... ...nic Classics Series Publication Chronicles of the Canongate by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Uni- versity. This Portabl... ... as an electronic transmission, in any way. Chronicles of the Canongate by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Se... electronic transmission, in any way. Chronicles of the Canongate by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series... ...tronic transmission, in any way. Chronicles of the Canongate by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series, Jim M...

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My Aunt Margaret's Mirror

By: Sir Walter Scott

...My Aunt Margaret’s Mirror by Sir Walter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication My Au... ...My Aunt Margaret’s Mirror by Sir Walter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication My Aunt M... ...My Aunt Margaret’s Mirror by Sir Walter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication My Aunt Margaret... ...State Electronic Classics Series Publication My Aunt Margaret’s Mirror by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Univer- sity. T... ...e Electronic Classics Series Publication My Aunt Margaret’s Mirror by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Univer- sity. This ... ...ronic Classics Series Publication My Aunt Margaret’s Mirror by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Univer- sity. This Portabl... ...le as an electronic transmission, in any way. My Aunt Margaret’s Mirror by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Se... ...s an electronic transmission, in any way. My Aunt Margaret’s Mirror by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series... ...ectronic transmission, in any way. My Aunt Margaret’s Mirror by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series, Jim M...

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Bride of Lammermoor

By: Sir Walter Scott

...Bride of Lammermoor by Sir Walter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Bride of ... ...Bride of Lammermoor by Sir Walter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Bride of Lammerm... ... Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Bride of Lammermoor by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Univer- sity. T... ...n State Electronic Classics Series Publication Bride of Lammermoor by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Univer- sity. This ... ... Electronic Classics Series Publication Bride of Lammermoor by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Univer- sity. This Portabl... ...the file as an electronic transmission, in any way. Bride of Lammermoor by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Clas- sics ... ...file as an electronic transmission, in any way. Bride of Lammermoor by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Clas- sics Seri... ... an electronic transmission, in any way. Bride of Lammermoor by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Clas- sics Series, Jim... ...y The Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity university. 3 Sir Walter Scott Bride of Lammermoor by Sir Walter Scott INTRODUCTION TO TH...

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Marmion a Tale of Flodden Field

By: Sir Walter Scott

...Marmion A Tale of Flodden Field by Walter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Marmion: ... ...Marmion A Tale of Flodden Field by Walter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Marmion: A Tale ... ...lectronic Classics Series Publication Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. Th... ...ronic Classics Series Publication Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This P... ...lassics Series Publication Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable... ...n electronic transmission, in any way. Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Elec- tronic Classics ... ...ectronic transmission, in any way. Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Elec- tronic Classics Seri... ...c transmission, in any way. Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field by Sir Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Elec- tronic Classics Series, Jim... ...y The Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity university. 3 Sir Walter Scott Marmion A Tale of Flodden Field by Walter Scott INTRODUCTI...

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The Black Dwarf

By: Sir Walter Scott

...The Black Dwarf by Walter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Black Dwarf ... A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Black Dwarf by Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Po... ...nn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Black Dwarf by Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Por- tabl... ...for the file as an electronic transmission, in any way. The Black Dwarf by Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series... ... file as an electronic transmission, in any way. The Black Dwarf by Walter Scott, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series, Jim M... ...State University is an equal opportunity university. 3 The Black Dwarf by Walter Scott I. TALES OF MY LANDLORD Collected and Reported by Jedediah Cle... ...dividual remained undiminished. 10 The proprietor of the ground, the late Sir James Naesmith, baronet, chanced to pass this singular dwelling, which,... ...ll have no war of so unnatural and unchristian a kind in our time.” “Hout, sir, hout,” replied Elliot; “it wad be but a wee bit neighbour war, and Hea... ...ast thou, or thine, to do with my waking thoughts?” “Your waking thoughts, sir,” said the second of Miss V ere’s companions, with a sort of mock gravi...

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Records: 1 - 13 of 13 - Pages: 

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