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...tandard Address Number 297-5092 Printed in the United States of America 4 Ion Soare PARADOXISM AND POSTMODERNISM IN FLORENTIN SMA... ...ard Address Number 297-5092 Printed in the United States of America 4 Ion Soare PARADOXISM AND POSTMODERNISM IN FLORENTIN SMARAND... ...n about both, scientist and smarandachism - the name given to the movement by Ion Rotaru and Titu Popescu. However the paradoxist number 1 in the wo... ...time some researchers ( Jacques Sarthou, Dan Tarchila, Doru Motoc and even... Ion Rotaru) declared him a man of genius (or close by!), while others ... ...ontradictory personality, the first source of the paradoxism. I. SOARE The basic thesis of the para... ...ement of some Romanian priorities. Approximately a decade later, the Romanian Ion Rotaru (well-meaning and friend with the paradoxist from Arizona, ... ... Dictionary of literary ideas I, ed. Eminescu, Bucuresti,1973,p.117. 6.Ion Soare, Un scriitor al paradoxurilor: Florentin Smarandache, A writer ... ... for instance, C.M.Popa,The Paradoxist Literary Mouvement- Chicago, 1992; Ion Soare; A writer of the paradoxes: Florentin Sdmarandache; Titu Popescu,... ...ache; Titu Popescu, Paradoxism’s aesthetics, Bucuresti, 1995 aso. 3.see Ion Soare, cit. work, p.6. 4.Titu Popescu,, p.98. 5.Ibidem , p...
...aradoxical. Tens of books, studies and articles have already been written about both, scientist and smarandachism - the name given to the movement by Ion Rotaru and Titu Popescu. However the paradoxist number 1 in the world is less known in his native country. At the same time some researchers ( Jacques Sarthou, Dan Tarchila, Doru Motoc and even... Ion Rotaru) declared him...
...orului matematician Florentin Smarandache este paradoxal : atat despre omul de stinta cat si despre smarandachism numele pe care i lai dat miscarii Ion Rotaru si Titu Popescu sau scris deja zeci de carti studii si articole insa paradoxistul numarul I al lumii este putin cunoscut in tara sa de origine. Pe de alta parte, unii cercetatori (Jacques Sarthou, Dan Tarchild, D...
... Introducerl~)................................... 1-111 Paradoxologie şi paradoxism ................................... 5 Doi Matematicieni Poeţi: Ion Barbu şi Florentin Smarandache ................................... 17 Ofensiva paradoxismului ........................................... 29 Paradoxism şi postmodernism ..................................... 63 Note.....