Search Results (19 titles)

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Records: 1 - 19 of 19 - Pages: 
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That Mother-in-Law of Mine

By: Anonymous

Here we were, only a month married, and spending our honeymoon at a most charming summer resort, where there was no excuse for getting out of patience. Everything was beautiful and attractive: Little hotel, strange to say, quite delightful; no fault to find with surroundings and accommodations; my darling Bessie, as sweet as an angel and determined to be happy and to make me happy; everything, in short, calculated to give us a long summer of delight. That is, if Bessie had only been an orphan. But there was her mother, who had joined us on our summer trip, after the first two weeks of unalloyed happiness, and threatened to accompany us through life. (excerpt from chapter 1)...


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Book of A Thousand Nights and a Night, The (Arabian Nights) , Volume 04

By: Anonymous

This is a collection of stories collected over thousands of years by various authors, translators and scholars. They are an amalgam of mythology and folk tales from the Indian sub-continent, Persia, and Arabia. No original manuscript has ever been found for the collection, but several versions date the collection's genesis to somewhere between AD 800-900. The stories are wound together under the device of a long series of cliff-hangers told by Shahrazad to her husband Shahryar, to prevent him from executing her. Many tales that have become independently famous come from the Book, among them Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, and the voyages of Sinbad the Sailor. This collection comes from the third of sixteen volumes translated by Burton. (based on Wikipedia article)...

Fiction, Fairy tales, Myths/Legends

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Geschiedenis van een neger

By: Anonymous

Geschiedenis van een neger is een anoniem, rond 1771 verschenen boekwerk. Het is het verhaal van een hugenoot, aangeduid met de letter N., die met zijn vrouw en dochter en vergezeld van de begaafde neger Thomas van Suriname naar Amsterdam reist. N. ontpopt zich als een meester met verlichte ideeën die gelooft in de natuurlijke edelheid van de mens. Hij verklaart deze ideeën wanneer een eiland wordt aangedaan waar een andere Hugenoot een heilstaat heeft gesticht. `Goede woorden’ sorteren volgens N. meer effect dan slagen. In zijn goede-meesterschap is hij consequent wanneer zijn dochter Agnes verklaart de trouwe en tot het christendom bekeerde Thomas te verkiezen boven een andere huwelijkskandidaat: N. stemt toe in het huwelijk met de neger. (Wikipedia)...

Fiction, Philosophy, Travel

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Book of A Thousand Nights and a Night, The (Arabian Nights) — Volume 02

By: Anonymous

This is a collection of stories collected over thousands of years by various authors, translators and scholars. The are an amalgam of mythology and folk tales from the Indian sub-continent, Persia, and Arabia. No original manuscript has ever been found for the collection, but several versions date the collection's genesis to somewhere between AD 800-900. The stories are wound together under the device of a long series of cliff-hangers told by Shahrazad to her husband Shahryar, to prevent him from executing her. Many tales that have become independently famous come from the Book, among them Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, and the voyages of Sinbad the Sailor. This collection comes from the second of sixteen volumes translated by Burton. (based on Wikipedia article)...

Adventure, Fairy tales, Short stories, Myths/Legends

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Mabinogion, The, Volume 1

By: Anonymous

The Mabinogion is a collection of eleven prose stories collated from medieval Welsh manuscripts. The tales draw on pre-Christian Celtic mythology, international folktale motifs, and early medieval historical traditions. While some details may hark back to older Iron Age traditions, each of these tales is the product of a highly developed Welsh narrative tradition, both oral and written. Lady Charlotte Guest in the mid 19th century was the first to publish English translations of the collection. (Summary from Wikipedia)...

Ancient Texts, Myths/Legends

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Book of a Thousand Nights and a Night, The, Volume 05

By: Anonymous

This is a collection of stories collected over thousands of years by various authors, translators and scholars. They are an amalgam of mythology and folk tales from the Indian sub-continent, Persia, and Arabia. No original manuscript has ever been found, but several versions date the collection’s genesis to somewhere between AD 800-900. The stories are wound together under the device of a long series of cliff-hangers told by Shahrazad to her husband Shahryar, to prevent him from executing her. Many tales that have become independently famous come from the Book, among them Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, and the voyages of Sinbad the Sailor. This collection comes from the first of sixteen volumes translated by Richard Francis Burton. The Book of A Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 01 )...

Fairy tales, Myths/Legends

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Book of A Thousand Nights and a Night, The (Arabian Nights) — Volume 06

By: Anonymous

This is a collection of stories collected over thousands of years by various authors, translators and scholars. They are an amalgam of mythology and folk tales from the Indian sub-continent, Persia, and Arabia. No original manuscript has ever been found, but several versions date the collection’s genesis to somewhere between AD 800-900. The stories are wound together under the device of a long series of cliff-hangers told by Shahrazad to her husband Shahryar, to prevent him from executing her. Many tales that have become independently famous come from the Book, among them Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, and the voyages of Sinbad the Sailor. This collection comes from the sixth of sixteen volumes translated by Richard Francis Burton. (Summary adapted from Wikipedia)...

Adventure, Fairy tales, Short stories, Myths/Legends

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Historia Apollonii Regis Tyri

By: anonymous

Apollonius of Tyre is the subject of an ancient short novella, popular during medieval times. Existing in numerous forms in many languages, the text is thought to be translated from an ancient Greek manuscript, now lost. The earliest manuscripts of the tale, in a Latin version, date from the 9th or 10th century; the most widespread Latin versions are those of Gottfried von Viterbo, who incorporated it into his Pantheon of 1185 as if it were actual history, and a version in the Gesta Romanorum. Shakespeare's play Pericles, Prince of Tyre was based in part on Gower's version, with the change of name probably inspired by Philip Sidney's Arcadia. Apollonius of Tyre was also a source for his plays Twelfth Night and The Comedy of Errors....

Humor, Historical Fiction

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Book of A Thousand Nights and a Night, The (Arabian Nights) — Volume 03

By: Anonymous

This is a collection of stories collected over thousands of years by various authors, translators and scholars. The are an amalgam of mythology and folk tales from the Indian sub-continent, Persia, and Arabia. No original manuscript has ever been found for the collection, but several versions date the collection's genesis to somewhere between AD 800-900. The stories are wound together under the device of a long series of cliff-hangers told by Shahrazad to her husband Shahryar, to prevent him from executing her. Many tales that have become independently famous come from the Book, among them Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, and the voyages of Sinbad the Sailor. This collection comes from the third of sixteen volumes translated by Burton. (based on Wikipedia article)...

Adventure, Fairy tales, Short stories, Myths/Legends

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History of Robinson Crusoe, The

By: Anonymous

A 6-page digest of Defoe's famous work for young readers (Summary by Dennis Sayers)

Children, Adventure

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Reinaart de Vos

By: Anonymous

Het episch dierdicht Van den Vos Reynaerde, geschreven in het Middelnederlands in de 13e eeuw, geldt als een hoogtepunt in de Nederlandse middeleeuwse literatuur. Het epos verhaalt van de schurkenstreken van Reinaert de Vos, die zo listig is dat hij iedereen weet beet te nemen. Deze vertaling uit 1885 is van Julius de Geyter. Uit zijn inleiding: Reinaart de Vos, dat meesterstuk onzer Letterkunde, bestaat uit twee deelen: het eene, dat men gewoonlijk het eerste boek noemt, is omtrent den jare 1250 in Vlaanderen geschreven door een man van genie; het zoogenaamde tweede boek , ongeveer 150 jaren later waarschijnlijk ook door een Vlaming opgesteld, is nauwelijks het werk van een man van talent. De eerste onzer beide dichters, zooals d'eposschrijvers immer deden, had al d'avonturen van zijnen held bijeengezameld, er met een meesterhand de grondstof uitgegrepen, en ze tot een kunstjuweel verwerkt. Naar zijn eigen oordeel, was zijn gedicht gansch de geschiedenis van Reinaart, wat er dan ook over dezen nog meer was geschreven of in den mond des volks voortleefde. Onze tweede schrijver, anderhalv' eeuw nadien, heeft nu juist dat overtollig g...

Poetry, Myths/Legends, Animals, Fiction, Literature, Satire

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Child’s New Story Book

By: Anonymous

Short and sweet stories for children. (Summary by Dr. Heather A. D. Mbaye)

Children, Short stories

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Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, The

By: Anonymous

The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz was edited in 1616 in Strasbourg (annexed by France in 1681). It is the third of the original manifestos of the mysterious Fraternity of the Rose Cross (Rosicrucians).NOTE: It was translated into English for the first time in 1690 by E. Foxcroft. This translation became the source for many of the modern attempts to improve the original. The translation presented here is that of E. Foxcroft.Although the book first appeared in 1616, the story takes place over 150 years earlier. It is an allegoric romance (story) divided into Seven Days, or Seven Journeys, like Genesis, and tells us about the way Christian Rosenkreuz was invited to go to a wonderful castle full of miracles, in order to assist the Chymical Wedding of the king and the queen, that is, the husband and the bride. The story begins on an evening near Easter. In the final chapter—the seventh day—CRC is knighted; the year is 1459. It was on Easter-day 1459 that the Constitutions of the Freemasons of Strasburg was first signed in Regensburg, with a second signed shortly afterwards in Strasburg. The Gutenberg Bible be...

Philosophy, Religion, Fiction

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Book of A Thousand Nights and a Night, The (Arabian Nights) — Volume 01

By: Anonymous

This is a collection of stories collected over thousands of years by various authors, translators and scholars. The are an amalgam of mythology and folk tales from the Indian sub-continent, Persia, and Arabia. No original manuscript has ever been found for the collection, but several versions date the collection's genesis to somewhere between AD 800-900. The stories are wound together under the device of a long series of cliff-hangers told by Shahrazad to her husband Shahryar, to prevent him from executing her. Many tales that have become independently famous come from the Book, among them Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, and the voyages of Sinbad the Sailor. This collection comes from the first of sixteen volumes translated by Burton. (Based on Wikipedia article)...

Adventure, Fairy tales, Short stories, Myths/Legends

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Tiny Story Book

By: Anonymous

Short and sweet stories for children. (Summary by Dr. Heather A. D. Mbaye)

Children, Short stories

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Vice in its Proper Shape

By: Anonymous

Cautionary tales of the transmigration of the souls of naughty boys and girls, as elucidated by the mysterious Bramin, Mr Wiseman: Having been gifted with the faculty of distinguishing those animals which are now animated by the souls of such human beings as formerly degraded themselves to a level with the unthinking brutes, I have taken the pains to provide a collection of beasts, birds, &c. most of which are inhabited by the souls of some naughty masters or misses, who died in the neighbourhood. (David Barnes, quoting the Introduction)...

Children, Humor, Instruction

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Arabian Nights Entertainments, The — Volume 01

By: Anonymous

The main frame story concerns a king and his new bride. The king, Shahryar, upon discovering his ex-wife's infidelity executes her and then declares all women to be unfaithful. He begins to marry a succession of virgins only to execute each one the next morning. Scheherazade agrees to marry him and each night, beginning on the night of their marriage, she tells the king a tale but does not end it so that the king keeps her alive in order to hear the next tale. The stories proceed from this original tale; some are framed within other tales, while others begin and end of their own accord. Some editions contain only a few hundred tales, while others include 1001 or more stories and nights. Well known stories from the Nights include Aladdin, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, and The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor. (Summary from Wikipedia)...

Adventure, Fairy tales, Myths/Legends, Short stories

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Broken Vase and Other Stories, The

By: Anonymous

The Broken Vase and Other Stories; for Children and Youth, Compiled by a Teacher FITCHBURG: PUBLISHED BY S. & C. SHEPLEY. 1847. WM. J. MERRIAM, PRINTER, FITCHBURG. (Summary from the Frontspiece)...

Adventure, Advice, Children, Fiction, Instruction, War stories

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Lazarillo de Tormes

By: Anonimo ; Anonymous

La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades (más conocida como Lazarillo de Tormes) es una novela española anónima, escrita en primera persona y en estilo epistolar (como una sola y larga carta), cuya edición conocida más antigua data de 1554. En ella se cuenta de forma autobiográfica la vida de un niño, Lázaro de Tormes, en el siglo XVI, desde su nacimiento y mísera infancia hasta su matrimonio, ya en la edad adulta. Es considerada precursora de la novela picaresca por elementos como el realismo, la narración en primera persona, la estructura itinerante entre varios amos y la ideología moralizante y pesimista. (Resumen de Wikipedia)...

Fiction, Epistolary fiction

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Records: 1 - 19 of 19 - Pages: 

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