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Too Far

By: Rich Shapero

Told as a parable, and vividly observed, Rich Shapero’s Too Far is an exhilarating and heart-breaking story of an end to innocence that captures the triumphs and follies of the child’s imagination as it struggles to remain boundless and free....

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Benign Flame : Saga of Love

By: BS Murthy

The attractions Roopa experienced and the fantasies she entertained as a teen shaped a male imagery that ensconced her subconscious. Insensibly, confident carriage came to be associated with the image of maleness in her mind-set. Her acute consciousness of masculinity only increased her vulnerability to it, making her womanliness crave for the maleness for its gratification. However, as her father was constrained to help her in becoming a doctor, she opts to marry, hoping that Sathyam might serve her cause though the persona she envisioned as masculine, she found lacking in him. But as he fails to go with her idea, she becomes apathetic towards him, and insensibly sinks into her friend Sandhya’s embrace, for lesbian solace. In time, she comes in contact with Tara the suave call girl who unsuccessfully tries to rope her into her calling to achieve which she introduces Ravi the seducer. However, when Roopa goes to attend Sandhya’s wedding, she loses her heart to Raja Rao the groom even as Prasad, her husband’s lecherous friend falls for her. The scheming Prasad induces Sathaym to go the corrupt way besides weaning him away from Roop...

That winter night in the mid-seventies, the Janata Express was racing rhythmically on its tracks towards the coast of Andhra Pradesh. As its headlight pierced the darkness of the fertile plains, the driver honked the horn as though to awake the sleepy environs to the spectacle of the speeding train. On that, in the S-3, were the Ramaiahs with their nine year-old daughter Roopa. Earlier, from Ramavaram, it was in the nick of time that Ramaiah took Janaki to Vellore for the doctors to extricate her from the jaws of death. Now, having been to Tirupati for thanksgiving, he was returning home with his wife and Roopa they took along for the sojourn. While her parents were fast asleep, Roopa sat still on a side berth, reminiscing her times at the hospital where Janaki took one month to recuperate under Dr. Yasoda’s care. Soon the train stopped at a village station, as though to disrupt Roopa’s daydreams of modeling herself on the lady doctor at the Christian Medical College Hospital, and as she peeped out, the ill-lit platform seemed to suggest that the chances of her being Dr. Roopa could be but dim. Ramaiah too woke up to the commotio...

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Jewel-Less Crown : Saga of Life

By: BS Murthy

This is the story of the rise and fall of an ambitious man, the decline and decay of his conniving wife, the trials and tribulations of their wayward son as well as the grit and gall of a spirited girl, who comes into his life. This depiction of their life and times not only pictures the facets of ambition and achievement, intrigue and betrayal, compulsion and compromise and sleaze and scandal but also portrays the possibilities of repentance and resolution, love and empathy coupled with compassion and contribution, leading to the spirituality of materialism, and that makes it the saga of our times. ...

“If not for my disorientation, there was no way I would've gone astray,” she said with an apparent regret. “Gautam was no mean a lover for all that. If not a victim of circumstances, I wouldn't have ended up the way I did. Surely, I shouldn't have. True, I am amorous but not amoral at all. Whatever I had undone myself, hurt my man and ruined my son. Now, I think it’s time I help my son at least to get a chance to undo his past.” “I know how hard it is for you,” said Dr. Gupta as he got up to leave. “May God give you the strength to handle your predicament.” “Let's hope so,” she smiled wearily seeing him off. “I can never thank you enough for your concern to my son. Had I shown him a fraction of that, perhaps, things would not have come to this pass. Well, it is time I show him that I care. How I wronged the man I married and the son I bore. Sadly, there is no way I can retrieve the shame I heaped on my man. But it’s not the case with my son, let me see. Thanks for coming and goodbye to you.”...

Book One - -Artha and Kama -Party Gone Sour -Trauma at Tihar -Mind of the Maligned -Twist at Tees Hazari -Trial in Camera -Dilemma of Qualms -Moment of Reckoning -End within the End -Vestiges of Prestige -High on Rebound -Bellows of Delhi -Dicing with Life -Spidering Spadework -Loss to Order -Daring Fate -Victims of Deceit -Baring the Soul -Garland of Guilt Book Two - -Dharma and Moksha -Bliss of Being -Collage of Crime -Domain of the Devil -Renaissance of Life -Sprouts of Love -Despair of Hope -Turn at the Bend -Amity of Empathy -A Day to Remember -Spirituality of Materialism -Sense of Reincarnation -Epilogue ...

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Involution And Evolution : A rhyming anti-war novel: A rhyming anti-war novel

By: Joss Sheldon

Involution & Evolution is an anti-war novel focussing on Alfred Freeman, a World War One conscientious objector whose character is based on Jesus and Buddha. It stabs away at the hypocrisy at the centre of modern religion and politics, in a uniquely rhythmic and colourful manner....

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My Philosophical Ideas

By: Antonio Pinto Renedo

This book represents a journey through the world through meditation.

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My Secret Family

By: John Leet

My Secret Family aka Sugar Crash is a cult novel about personality and eating disorders, originally written as a short story in 1991 and published as a novel in 1997. The novel went viral in 1997. By 2005 the characters in the book, each represented by a personality disorder, were considered a 'pro-ana' secret language by the media, even though the book has no 'pro-ana' message. The story spread in an unusual fashion because it was originally published, not in book form, but as a collection of stapled pages in the form of a found diary, which readers copied and distributed at their own expense. The book has no copyright and an estimated 60 million copies have been made....

Suffer to be Beautiful By Ana I don't eat bread or chocolate cake, in dinners and breakfasts I do not partake, there's cherry plum pudding cooled fresh on the sill, it may as well sit there – to me it's all swill. I cannot remember the taste of dessert, when I climb out my dress my ribs creak and they hurt, I'm down three sizes to a minus 2, I need to put cotton in the sides of my shoes. I cry in my sleep for one last little bite, a glass of tap water stays my appetite, my lips have not tasted a real crème Brule, in so long my taste buds have just withered away. my doctor and mother share the same phobia - that my skin will stretch tight and eventually tear. I suffer and diet and look like a rake, but oh! What a beautiful corpse I will make!...

The Escape Artist Art House of Ana The Arc This Broken Art of Mine Stalking Luke Mall Rats The Poser Sugar Crash Ana Mia Sue Sophie The Riders of the Apocalypse House of Sophie ...

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By: Ms. Mrs. Winifred Henry; Adinas Henry

Winifred starts her story off in the first person, to create a personable feel for the reader; she then changed her story to the third person as it reads like fiction with all the colorful characters evolving. The reader must remember that everything in this story is actual facts of what happened in Winifred’s life; hence the story is a historical document as well. It is delightful to read, heartfelt, funny and also at times will have you in tears so be ready with your tissue boxes....

The light and the dark shadows danced in grotesque shapes on the freshly painted green and cream walls, at times, reaching out, in mythical movements, towards the well baked off-white of the ceiling. A loud ticking alarm clock, from its place of importance on the mantle-piece, disturbed the silence of the room, acting like a hypnotist’s metronome on the man sleeping in the deep old fashioned arm chair. Singed hair tumbled boyishly about his once handsome face. The slightest movement he made brought sounds of moaning from swollen lips. Flashing firelight revealed the cause of the pain. Blisters that hung in bunches’ like grapes, almost the size of walnuts, decorated his shoulder and wove themselves right down one side of his body. I slowly opened the door so as not to disturb my father and tip-toed my way across towards the wreckage of human flesh slumped on the chair. I was a child of seven with large curls of hair that ran down to my shoulders now sparkling gold in the bright glow of the flickering firelight. I had large blue eyes that held the fathoms of the ages in them; such was the wisdom bestowed upon me. Looking at my fat...

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By: Christian Sorensen

There is no good war. All war is hideous. munir is a novel about Baghdad under Occupation. It is a story detailing the tragic intersection of intelligence personnel, militants, and Iraqi millennials....

“Ah!” Majid exclaimed, realizing where they were. Spying their favorite nook in the city, Majid approached the cozy concrete to kick back. Munir had noticed this quotidian wonder many years ago when he was working part-time as a delivery boy. One ‘precision’ strike in 1991, courtesy of a 35-year-old B-52 bomber, had taken out a homeless shelter. The blast had also carved the ideal reading nook out of an adjacent wall. The shelter was eventually rebuilt, but the wall remained damaged and crumbling....

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Living Without Regrets

By: Sopuruchukwu Chukwudi Okafor; Sopuruchukwu Chukwudi Okafor

This book is a guide for anyone who wishes to live a happy life which will be free of regrets.And If you are the person, do not hesitate to download this book because it will reveal to you the practical steps you are to take in order to live a happy life. Remember that this life is too short and for that reason it's not worth living in regrets...

This book will help you a lot to live a life free of regrets

Proper planning Utilizing one's opportunity Avoid making wrong choices Manage your time properly

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The Bald Boy Keloglan and the Most Beautiful Girld in the World

By: Ph.D. HB Paksoy

Before we ascend to the thoughts and deeds of Keloğlan, it may be desirable to explore the foundations of Turkish oral literature, which enjoys its share of archetypes. One such internationally known character is Nasreddin Hoja (or, Hoca), representing the voice of reason in a witty manner. On one occasion, Nasreddin borrows a kazan (large cauldron) from his neighbor. When Nasreddin returns the kazan, the neighbor sees that there is a small cooking pot in the bottom. He asks Nasreddin: "What is this?" Nasreddin replies: "Apparently the kazan had been pregnant and it has given birth to this small pot." The neighbor unquestioningly accepts the kazan and the pot. Some weeks later, Nasreddin wishes to borrow the same kazan. The neighbor is only too happy to oblige. This time, a month passes. The neighbor calls on Nasreddin to inquire about his kazan. Nasreddin, with a concerned look, announces: "I am sorry, but your kazan died." The neighbor is puzzled. Then becoming angry, he demands: "How could it die?" "You believed that it gave birth, why do you not believe that it died?" ...

On another celebrated occasion, which took place over some eight centuries ago, Nasreddin again demonstrates the necessity of experimental science and reasoning: One day Nasreddin brings home three pounds of meat, expecting his wife to cook it for dinner. At dinner-time, Nasreddin finds no meat on the table. He asks his wife, "What happened to the meat?" His wife replies, "The cat ate it." Nasreddin breezes into the kitchen, puts the cat on the scales, and discovers the cat to be weighing three pounds. Nasreddin quizzically questions the result, "If the meat I brought home weighed three pounds, then, where is the cat? And, if this happens to be the cat, then what happened to the meat?" ...

Table of Contents Preface Introduction Keloğlan from Dream to Throne Keloğlan and His Wise Brother Tekerleme The Keloğlan Who Would Not Tell The Keloğlan Who Guarded the Door How Keloğlan Stole Köroğlu’s Horse, Kırat, for Hasan Pasa Man Persecuted Beause of Wife’s Great Beauty How Hasan and Hasan Differed from Hasan The Heavy Headed Keloğlan The Magic Bird, The Magic Fruit, and the Magic Stick The Pomegranate Thief and the Padişah’s Sons The Blind Padişah with Three Sons The Padişah’s Youngest Son as Dragon-Slayer Keloğlan as Dead Bridegroom How Keloğlan Got a Bride for a Chickpea Keloğlan and the Sheep in the Sea Keloğlan and the Sheep in the River Keloğlan and the Lost but Recovered Ring Keloğlan and the Deceived Judge The Maligned Maiden Keloğlan and the Mirror The Successful Youngest Daughter The Shepherd Who Came as Ali and Returned as a Girl Keloğlan and the Girl Who Traveled Nightly to the Other World The Keloğlan and the Padişah’s Youngest Daughter The Shepherd Who Married a Princess But Became Padişah of Another Country Keloğlan Turns the Shoes How Keloğlan Drowned His Mother-in-Law Keloğlan an...

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Exploring, Exploiting

By: Manohar Asija

This novel is based on the plot that describes the life of a young lady having worked as Assistant Professor at the University level. These days, she is engaged by a Trust, interested in promoting `mental illumination through peace of mind and self-confidence. She is going places to deliver lectures, keep in mind the aims of the organization as well as the composition of the audiences. In fact, since her infancy she is on the move from one part of India to another, even having no idea of the identity of the couple who parented her. Having been reared up by a domestic maid, she was obliged to inherit this type of job to earn for her livelihood. The onset of puberty in the proximity of unrelated men was to be withstood with caution and care for her chastity. These tours of lecturing around, once make her find a known lady in her audience in Delhi. This incident opens her the way to meet many people in this big city and take her to the person who fathered her. Here, she also gets the truthful information about her mother. ...

Dear Madhu Ji, On my way back home I recapitulated, as my routine exercise, the discussions at the Coffee House. Can you recall the reaction of Mr Malik to Lal's outburst against the final outcome of Dhananjay Chakrovarty's legal battle to ward off the Capital punishment pronounced on him for rape and murder of a minor girl, when he himself was just 21 years? ……………..." I suppose Mr. Malik came out with some amusing retort, which made almost the entire group at the table giggle and I could not make out anything but only observe Mr. Malik move towards the toilets. Respected Sir, I clearly heard your `Guruji`, I mean Mr Malik, murmur aloud, “Is there any punishment available to your civilized society to punish an errant woman who voluntarily and actively seduces and commits rape on an innocent, uninitiated and in the prime of his youth?” “Do you mean a rape amongst a Lesbian fraternity?” Mr. Lal Singh speaks out smilingly. Mr. Malik simply hung his head down and spoke in his normal pitch, “I mean, on a companion belonging to the opposite sex.” Having uttered these words Guruji peacefully got up and moved in a gentle pace towards pu...

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Lives Without Meaning: (translated from Hindi)

By: Dr. Om Prakash Deepak; Sunil Deepak

A glimpse in the life of the poor in the mid-20th century's Delhi (India), where poor Krisana declared a criminal because of his poverty, shares his destiny with a girl about which he had heard....

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El Uésped

By: Valentino

Era de nuevo´l final de la primavera, azía calor, un odioso calor. Volví a ser capturado. Le dije a Daru: –Soltáme. –Ándate si cerés –me contestó sabiendo perfectamente c´era lo ce yo no cería escuxar....

Era de nuevo´l final de la primavera, azía calor, un odioso calor. Volví a ser capturado. Le dije a Daru: –Soltáme. –Ándate si cerés –me contestó sabiendo perfectamente c´era lo ce yo no cería escuxar....

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Goof Petreaus : Kroniek 2015

By: Gerard Stout

Four parallel columns. The same event from different views. You can change column every month and still read the story. If you read the pdf: follow the odd pages first. switch to the even pages later (or v.v.)...

Every month four different views on the same event, fiction included.

All what happened in 1015, my reflections on what I did. Languages, philosophy, travelling, surrealistic and bizarre stories. All cultures included.

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Dialect is het nieuwe Latijn? : Dialect is the New Latin?

By: Gerard Stout

Overview of Lower Saxion dialects and the future of literature in these Dutch dialects. State of the art.

Dialect is not a vehicle of culture, as Latin was. Dialects are for conversation in the rural area about agriculture and food, not to discuss philosophy or economics. The vocabulary is not sufficient for new technology....

Examples op literature in dialect and its future. Illustrated.

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Drents werk : Verhalen, Volume 5

By: Gerard Stout

Life in a cultural poor environment. All stories of 30 years writing. The growth of the writer in style and subject can clearly be seen.

Rural area in the last century in contact and conflict with modern life in the world. Psychological drama's

Over 50 short stories and a detective. Awarded Grote Culturele Prijs van Drenthe 2014. Great Cultural Prize of province of Drenthe (NL) for all his writing....

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Drents Werk I : Romans - novelles - verhalen, Volume 4

By: Gerard Stout

How does a less developed area affect inhabitants and specially; how do (clever) people find a pleasant way of life in a cultural hostile environment. The chosen death of my mother (by voluntary starvation). Prize winning novel....

Choose your own road to freedom. Wet tears when you cry.

Tenths of longer and shorter stories in Drents dialect. All my stories of about 30 years writing. (Together with part 4 of this collective work)

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Binnen zonder kloppen : Verhalen, Volume 3

By: Gerard Stout

Bizarre and by times deregulating stories in a rural setting. Psychological development of characters. Absurd as life can be, sometimes some violence. For a learned reader references to religion, politics and literature of great writers....

All people as strangers in a paradise that they don't recognize.

Over a hundred short stories in Dutch. Title comes from a story: Enter, don't knock at the door.

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De grote verzoening : Onthulling van een schrijver, Volume 1

By: Gerard Stout

Overview of a writers life. Biographical content.

What looks life like in the rural area of Drenthe (NL) where modern life came late in the last century. How did parents, teachers, politics, religion influence the coming of age in a culturally poor environment....

Great reconciliation in several novels, essays

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By: Dale Stromberg

A literary novel that touches on drug addiction, domestic violence and coming of age.

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