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2002 Films (X) English (X) Most Popular Books in China (X) Education (X)

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Links and Factoids

By: Sam Vaknin

...s Imprint, Skopje 2005 Not for Sale! Non-commercial edition. © 2002, 2005 Copyright Lidija Rangelovska. All rights reserved. Th... ... merely trillionths of a centimeter long. Drive-in Drive-ins were invented by Ric... ...lion people, close to 40 million of them in a computerized database. In January 2002 a federal judge in Pennsylvania ruled that fingerprint exam... ...s aided and often completely cured through speech therapy. ... The Plainfield Ghoul. A serial killer who served as the inspiration to numerous films, among them Psycho, The Silence of the Lambs, Maniac, Thre... ...5 meters. Only 30% of it is in good repair, according a study published in December 2002 by the China Great Wall Academy. The masonry of the Wall h...

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Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Analysis of Women with Hiv/Aids

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache

... or associations in India and Tamil Nadu in particular seek for a ban on some films or some obscene posters simply because such activities would gua... ...ews along with our additional observation wherever possible. 1 On 01-08-2002 we met a 45 year old, uneducated woman. She hails from Tiruvannam... ...s totally unaware of anything about HIV/AIDS. 2 We interviewed on 01-08-2002 a lady who appeared to be in her late thirties. She refused to an... ... or education or hometown or number of children or her marital status on 10-8-2002. She refused to answer all these questions. She was having cold, ... the question whether her husband was tested for HIV/AIDS. 4 On 01-03-2002 we met a 46 year old woman staying as an in-patient of the Tambar... ... disease. She is composed and free of any fear or frustration. 5 On 1-3-2002 we interviewed a women aged 35 years who has studied up to the 5t... ... 123. What do you think about yellow journalism and pornographic/blue films? : 124. Different views prevail in different countries on t...

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Capitalistic Musings

By: Sam Vaknin

... International – UPI Not for Sale! Non-commercial edition. © 2002, 2003 Copyright Lidija Rangelovska. All rights reserved. Th... ...siness sector has been -0.6 percent in the year to the end of the second quarter of 2002. Germany faces the same predicament. As oil prices surge, t... ...ot always foster competition. And many products have umpteen substitutes. Consider films - cable TV, satellite, the Internet, cinemas, video rental... ...TCM infamy, publicly recanted, admitting that, as quoted by Dwight Cass in the May 2002 issue of Risk Magazine: "It is impossible to fully account ... ... to scholarly publishing and other form of intellectual property such as software, films, music, and e-books. Consumers are divided on the issue o... ...nal (UPI) On 18 June business people across the UK took part in Living Innovation 2002. The extravaganza included a national broadcast linkup from... ... an undisclosed amount in May. According to Forgent's 10-Q form, filed on June 17, 2002, yet another, unidentified "prestigious international" comp... ...h of equipment - can publish a Webzine, author software, write music, shoot digital films, design products, or communicate with millions and his wor...

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Trendsiters Digital Content and Web Technologies

By: Sam Vaknin

...vska Lidija Rangelovska A Narcissus Publications Imprint, Skopje 2002-7 Not for Sale! Non-commercial edition. © 20... ...l East Europe categories in The Open Directory and Suite101. Between 1999-2002, he served as the Economic Advisor to the Government of Macedonia. Vi... ...("safety in redundancy"). They contain Web pages, television programming, films, e-books, archives of discussion lists, etc. Such materials can help... ...processes, books, newspapers, any printed matter, works of art and music, films (which, at their beginning were not considered art), software, softwa... ...ploaded Pi to a million places. . . Q. Why are stand-alone images (e.g., films, photographs) and sound excluded or rare? A. We have tried some, bu... ...ld catch up with my vision of a portable information tablet. As of summer 2002, I am still waiting, but technological developments are rapidly neari... ...despread and most of the millions of exchanged files are music tracks and films (though book rip-offs are not unknown as well). Q. Why do you thi... ... report titled "Anti-virus, anti-spam, and content filtering market trends 2002-2006", anti-spam revenues are projected to exceed $88 million this ye... ...sclosed amount in May. According to Forgent's 10-Q form, filed on June 17, 2002, yet another, unidentified "prestigious international" company, parte...

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Cyclopedia of Economics

By: Sam Vaknin The Silver Lining – Ethical Dilemmas in Modern Films Download free anthol... ...ved the inedible parts as trophies. These lurid deeds inspired a slew of books and films, most notably The Silence of the Lambs with Hannibal (Lect... ...estructible entity. The artifacts of popular culture - thrillers, action and sci-fi films, video games, computer viruses - assume that all organisms... ...ecies. Eugenics may be based on a literal understanding of Darwin's metaphor. The 2002 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica has this to say: "D... ... be found. On 18 June business people across the UK took part in Living Innovation 2002. The extravaganza included a national broadcast linkup from... ...cies are able to co-produce ad campaigns in a real time interaction; Cinema and TV films are produced from disparate geographical spots through the... ...e of Catholic Bishops in his Letter to President Bush on Iraq, dated September 13, 2002, going to war is justified if these conditions are met: "Th... ...ely imitates substance abuse. Appearing in the BBC series Body Hits on December 4, 2002 Dr. John Marsden, the head of the British National Addictio... ...or Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics, and others, and published in the September 2002 issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, revealed that brea...

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