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American Jews (X) English (X) PDF (eBook) (X) Religion (X) Religion (X)

Records: 1 - 10 of 10 - Pages: 
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God Prophecy

By: Dr. Paraskev

...of God’s Kingdom on Earth. All other religions wait for this Kingdom, too. Jews await the Messiah that will bring it. Muslims wait for Mahdi, who will... ...d rock-n-roll” slogan ... On the other hand, in the 1930s, the most famous American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce prophesied: “ ... entrance is shown to be ...

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Kabbalah for Beginners

By: Rav Michael Laitman

...ntradicted everything his contempo- - Perhaps one of the best known Native American traditions is the Council Circle. Here, the members sit in a cir... ...on their path and conquered the King- - dom of Judea. Tens of thousands of Jews were killed, and those who were taken captive were sold to slavery. C... the Romans who had killed his teacher, Rabbi Akiva, still persecuted Jews and continually invented new laws to punish them. Among these laws wa... ...nvented new laws to punish them. Among these laws was one that prohibited Jews from studying Kabbalah. But despite the Romans’ prohibition, Rashbi i... ...couples, whose numbers have been declining for decades as a proportion of American households, have finally slipped into a minority, according to an... ...o the New England Journal of Medicine, “Annu- - ally, more than 46 million Americans, ages 15-54, suffer from depressive episodes.” And the Archives ...

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From Chaos to Harmony

By: Rav Michael Laitman

...produced within them a sophisticated and unique ego. This was effected so the Jews would speed up the evolution of the world while they were still a... ...e nations of the world did not possess sufficient drive for progress, and the Jews’ role was to urge them forward to greater egoistic evolution. Hen... ...aal HaSulam predicted that if no changes were made, the very existence of the Jews in the land of Israel would be at risk. In the writings of The La... ...n a quote from Haminai, who was quoting from the Quran when he said that ‘The Jews will not fight you Israel’s Role 175 as one man. You think that... ...nd how it may be resolved. The root of both anti-Semitism and of blaming the Jews for every adversity that occurs in the world is part of the purpo... ...omosome pool of Jews as part of the genetic landscape of the Middle East, The American Journal of Human Genetics, 2001, 1095-112:(5)69. 22 http://w...

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Christ's Journal

By: Paul Alexander Bartlett

...d, impressive, highly pictorial.” JOE KNOEFLER in the L.A. Times: “ American writer gifted with...perception and sensitivity.” FRANK TANNENBA... ... of his work and literary correspondence have now been established at the American Heritage Center of the University of Wyoming, the Nettie Lee Bens... ...Heritage Center of the University of Wyoming, the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection of the University of Texas, and the Rare Books Collect... .... He must have known that I had not preached revolt. “Are you king of the Jews?” he asked, motioning me to come closer. “Your people have brought yo... ...head. Six or eight men confronted me. They mocked me. “Hail, king of the Jews,” they hol- lered. Priests appeared and cried: “Crucify him...he cal... ...he Paul Alexander Bartlett Collection held by the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection of the University of Texas, and form part of a second ... ...y of Texas, and form part of a second diversified col- lection held by the American Heritage Center of the University of Wyoming, which also includes...

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Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians

By: Dr. Martin Luther

... want you to help us publish some leading work of Luther’s for the general American market. Will you do it?” “I will, on one condition.” “ And what is... ...t is that?” “The condition is that I will be permitted to make Luther talk American, ‘streamline’ him, so to speak—because you will never get people, ... ... actually to read Luther unless we make him talk as he would talk today to Americans.” I illustrated the point by reading to Mr. Zondervan a few sente... ...ndervan a few sentences from an English translation lately reprinted by an American publisher, of one of Luther’s outstanding reforma- tory essays. Th... ...e may as well offer Luther in the original Ger- man or Latin as expect the American church-member to read any translations that would adhere to Luther... ... tells us in I Corinthians 1:23, 24: “We preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishness; but unto them whic... ...ock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; but unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wis- dom of God.” Begin w... ...- served in every detail. They were supporters in this conten- tion by the Jews, with the result that those who were not firmly established in faith w... ...that Paul was not a sincere teacher of God because he ignored the Law. The Jews were offended at the idea that the Law of God should be entirely ignor...

...teness and brevity. ?Luther is still the greatest name in Protestantism. We want you to help us publish some leading work of Luther?s for the general American market. Will you do it??...

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The New Atlantis

By: Francis Bacon

...low. So you see, by this main accident of time, we lost our traffic with the Americans, with whom of all others, in regard they lay nearest to us, we ... ...e was Joabin. He was a Jew and circumcised; for they have some few stirps of Jews yet remaining among them, whom they leave to their own religion. Whi... ... may the better do, because they are of a far differing disposition from the Jews in other parts. For The New Atlantis – Bacon 25 whereas they hate ... ... inferior to his divine majesty, yet they are far from the language of other Jews. And for the country of Ben salem, this man would make no end of co... would make no end of commending it, being desirous by tradition among the Jews there to have it believed that the people thereof were of the genera...

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Interview with the Future

By: Rav Michael Laitman

...o bond with the Creator. We are doubly guilty here as not only do we, the Jews, not make progress, but by failing to do so, we prevent the progress ... of Light,” as opposed to progress in the “Path of Pain.” When we, the Jews, do what we must, the entire world will support and follow us. Everyo... ... literally want to die. However, he will not be able to stop living. The Americans have already written on their Dollar: ‘In God We Trust’; the Ara... ...nly be found outside his world. Question: What are the superpowers that Jews have with regards to the management of the world; what is that speci... of leadership that is found in their ‘spiritual genes’? Answer: The Jews will lead the world by their ascent to the upper world precisely by r... a “Jew,” a “Hebrew,” meaning go over to the that side of the barrier. Jews are not a people; they are a group of people who acquired the method,...

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Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life

By: Rav Michael Laitman

...e Know?, offers a good exam- ple of that concept with a story about the Native Americans who PA RT I I I : P E RC E P T I O N O F R E A L I T Y 122 ... ...receive those teachings from the Greeks, but rather he received them from the Jews. Therefore he must be called Kabbalist, [... ] and he himself was...

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Cyclopedia of Philosophy

By: Sam Vaknin

...his leads to horrors such as the Holocaust. The Nazis did not regard as humans the Jews, the Slavs, homosexuals, and other minorities - so they sou... and supersede one's moral obligations towards non- affiliated humans. Thus, an American's moral obligation to safeguard the lives of American f... ...igation to save the lives of innocent civilians, however numerous, if they are not Americans. The larger the number of positive self-definitions I ... ...most recent examples are the massacre of the Tutsis in Rwanda, the Holocaust of the Jews in Nazi Germany's Third Reich, and the Armenian Genocide in... ...ical Islamists are now advocating the mass slaughter of Westerners, particularly of Americans and Israelis, regardless of age, gender, and alleged c... ... fraud scandals signals the end of an era. Disillusionment and disenchantment with American capitalism may yet lead to a tectonic ideological shift... ...t it takes one Jew to really know another. Conditioned by millennia of persecution, Jews are paranoid, defensive, and obsessively secretive. It is i... ...tion - not only a religious one If race is defined in terms of genetic purity, then Jews are as much a race as the remotest and most isolated of the... ...nsforming itself into an outpost and beacon of Western (first British-French, then American) neo-colonialism. As the representative of the oppresso...

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The Vatican Conspiracy

By: Jonathan Cross

... is on the warpath again. I heard him shouting up and down the halls that the American Bishops were trying to rewrite Church Doctrine again.” Ignor... ...edo momentarily, but then he quickly reminded himself that this was the first American Pope in history, and more importantly the first one of Jewish... ...Not only because he had been newly appointed, but primarily because he was an American Cardinal, and the mood in the Vatican was to return the Papac... ...n waiting patiently in the Square, that the newly elected Pope was an unknown American Cardinal; the mostly Italian crowd stared at each other in di... ...n it was later discovered that Pope Francis was not only a recently appointed American Cardinal, but that he was of Jewish decent who had been adopte... ...ate. He was born a Muslim in the holy city of Ur, the birthplace of Abraham. Jews, Muslims, and Christians had worshipped peacefully in their own m..., had hired him to discover more caches of oil. His only quarrel with the Jews was that they had bombed an Iraqi power plant. 274 J.Cross/Arte... ... done so. His family was safe, and he had no personal animosities against any Jews. Growing up, he played with many of them as friends. And then t... ...festered into hatred toward the Americans, who had killed his family, and the Jews who they protected. He vowed to himself that they would pay with ...

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Records: 1 - 10 of 10 - Pages: 

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