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Fourth International Anthology on Paradoxism

By: Florentin Smarandache

... we lived in that society a double life: an official one – propagated by the political system, and another one real. In mass-media it was promulgate... ... DESPRE PARADOAXE Mie totdeauna mi-au pl ăcut paradoaxele. Mai ales alea americane. C ă la şcoal ă înv ăţam c ă americanii se drogheaz ă şi se î... ...neva m ă întreba ce vreau s ă m ă fac când cresc mare îi spuneam pe loc: – American, nenea! – Şi cum treci oceanul? – Cu autostopul. C ă ştiam... ...tra immaginazione puo’ fiorire come un cactus nel deserto. Ma, il manifesto Americano del Paradossismo e’ in particolare, una rivolta degli emigran... ...does all this so right and she doesn’t give a damn about the slyboots script-writers, narrow-minded and with pockets full of money. How big is the s... ... out that the artistic/literary ground is at least as important as the socio-political source of the movement. 186 DAN T ĂRCHIL Ă (România) P...

... Romania of 1980’s. Why was the movement based on contradictions? Because we lived in that society a double life: an official one – propagated by the political system, and another one real. In mass-media it was promulgated that “our life is wonderful”, but in reality “our life was miserable”. The paradox flourishing! And then we took the creation in derision, in opposite s...

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