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American Women Poets (X) Bob Oconnor (X)

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And Gulliver Returns Book IV : A Look at Our Human Values

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

...s losing one‘s job. Sex makes us happier, as does enjoying one‘s job. The Americans, who spend much more time working are much higher on the happine... ...ed at home, in your neighborhood or in school is the truth, divine truth. Americans eat with their forks in their right hands, Europeans with the for... ...r is unethical, but this war is ethical. Abortion is unethical, denying a women‘s freedom to control her own body and her own pregnancy is similarly ... ...icans have one of the highest abortion rates in the world at 51 per 1,000 women of child bearing age. Why are they saying one thing while doing some... ... couldn‘t have foreseen and probably would disapprove. ―One of our poets put it this way: Is there heaven or is there hell? No book nor sage... ...sibility of a Hell? Or do people rise and fall in the eyes of God as they bob and weave through their lives? Is their favorability in the eyes of Go...

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And Gulliver Returns Book VI : Our Psychological Motivations

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

...s many ideas of what we are and what approaches to life we need to take to be happy. Philosophers have added to the mix. As have playwrights, poets,... In boys this is often called the Oedipus complex, in girls, the Electra situation. Both of these ideas come to us from the ancient Greek poets ... ...d name the organ 14 several inches lower as the path to a man‘s heart. Women ... ...‘t be surprised when young Germans tortured and killed for Hitler, when young Chinese and Cambodians killed for Mao or Pol Pot, or even young Americ... ...part of the power package.‖ --―Chuck, do you remember when our Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, was chided for dating beautiful women ... ... in the vitamin D producing sun, could add the A and D to their skim milk. They don‘t, but are finally thinking about it—sixty years after the Americ...

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