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7 Scorpions : Rebellion

By: Mike Saxton

...t would come to be called the Flash Storm. First came a quick light, then massive explosions simultaneously lit of in every major city across the wo... ...munications. There was no resistance, no organization. Across the planet, mass hysteria gripped the survivors. Conficts broke out. The Middle East ... ...o of a “7.” Sur - rounding the eye was a ferce looking scorpion tatoo, the body just below the eye and the tail wrapping around the socket. The stra... ...en extreme stories of him fring lightning bolts from his hands, summoning massive storms, and even turning his own body to solid metal. Vincent had ... ... bolts from his hands, summoning massive storms, and even turning his own body to solid metal. Vincent had his occasional chuckle at some of the rumo... ... hear me?” Josh was clearly annoyed. “Shhh,” Vincent responded, puting the index fnger of his right hand to his lip, his eyes looking up. “You hear t... ... head. The victim kept convulsing until his eyes became bloodshot and his body went limp. The savage dictator pushed the head down and stormed out.... ...g to keep us alive,” Vincent stated. Lexi made a whirling motion with her index fnger, “Um, can we go back to the whole superhuman thing?” “Want it ... ... might take your head clean of,” Vincent warned. Crisco ran his thumb and index fnger over his lips in a zip- ping motion and said, “Point taken.” “L...

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And Gulliver Returns Book VII : Book 7 Visit to Indus

By: Bob Oconnor

...any of your Western partners. If you expect to survive, you must keep the masses of citizens progressing—in education and in their work ethics. Our ... ...ial reality and try to move the economy in a positive direction using our massive hard working population we can work more cheaply than the other de... ...cessive and expanding out of control, now has judges who realize that the massive population was hindering economic progress. ―The legally e... ...It is no wonder that we were ranked 159 th on the UN‘s Human Development Index of 178 countries. India was 128 th and Pakistan 139 th . But we we... ...ber of techniques, such as mantras and meditative techniques, to calm the body and mind. The self awareness that was our natural state can be again ..., The 15 th Century yoga, called Hatha, begins with the control of the body through various postures and breathing techniques. Once the body is t... ...even stop their hearts and breathing. This is an example of the degree of body control we can reach. But control of the mind and the attainment of mo...

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And Gulliver Returns Book IV : A Look at Our Human Values

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

...e you sleep anywhere and you don‘t have to worry about the weight of your body on a mattress. I had trouble sleeping on my bed in California, but the... ...ical. Abortion is unethical, denying a women‘s freedom to control her own body and her own pregnancy is similarly unethical. Lying is unethical, lyi... ... world were that it was to stop terrorism and to eliminate the weapons of mass destruction. But it hugely increased terrorism and there were no weap... ...struction. But it hugely increased terrorism and there were no weapons of mass destruction. ―People‘s beliefs are seldom totally congruent.... ...ntithetical concepts.‖ ---―Exactly man, our values, like every other body of thought or opinion, must start with basic assumptions--starting po... ...ended family relationships, and the marketing of Christianity through the mass media, have evangelized much of your country. The influence of preache... ... ―Estonia recently moved ahead of Ireland in the State of World Liberty Index in economic and political freedom. The prime minister invited foreig... countries to live in, according to the United Nations Human Development Index are: Norway, Iceland, Australia, Ireland and Sweden, with the U.S. a...

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