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On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church

By: Martin Luther

...ABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY OF THE CHURCH 1520 Translated by A. T. W. Steinhäuser and revised by Frederick C. Ahrens and Abdel Ross Wentz INTRODUCTION Th... ...ual- temporal power. Now in The Babylonian Captivity of the Church he enters and takes her central stronghold and sanctuary—the sacramental system by... ...al stronghold and sanctuary—the sacramental system by which she accompanied and controlled her members from the cradle to the grave. Only then could... ...invalid, and any man may make bold to say that he is not bound by any other law or institution of Christ. For a single exception, especially in the ... ... every good work, for it does no wrong, indeed, it is the fulfilling of the law [Rom. 13:10]. In no other way can man come to God or deal with him t... ...8–17]. And after promising Abraham the inheritance in his seed, he gave him circumcision as a mark of his justification by faith [Gen. 17:3–11]. Thus... ...ey reach this conclusion by this one argument: if the sacraments of the New Law were mere signs, there would be no apparent reason why they should s... ... and the bread, saved Abel by his sacrifice, Noah by the rainbow, Abraham by circumcision, and all the others by their respective signs. So far as th... ...aying: “Not the sacrament, but the faith of the sacrament, justifies.” Thus circumcision did not justify Abraham and his seed, and yet the Apostle c...

...ieval Catholic Church with his interpretation of the Bible. He teaches his opinions on the different pratices taken place within the Catholic Church and what they should or do represent. The book is seemingly set in an "angry tone" as this was the first time he accused the pope of being the Antichrist. Luther's book was further published in German by his opponent Franci...

...“Rise up then, you popish flatterers, one and all! Get busy and defend yourselves against the charges of impiety, tyranny, and lèse-majesté against the gospel, and of the crime of slandering your brethren. You decry as heretics those who refuse to contravene such pla...

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