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Tokyo to Tijuana: Gabriele Departing America

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...t Toksugum Palace in Chongno of Seoul Sang Huin (known by his friends in the states as Shawn) felt an empathy as deep as the gods; and the reconstruct... ...d him in Soul. Sang Huin was always traveling--especially when he was in the States. He was discontent and was seeing himself falling further and furt... ...ng Ki gave Sang Huin his beeper number. Sang Huin invited him to a Christmas party held for students at a language institute but stayed contained to h... ...ewhat comforting that the murky morality of such engagements was debated by senators and talk show hosts. Protecting Kuwait or securing the free flo... ...er, which was becoming less odd annually, concerned her especially after the United Nations report that the world temperature would rise two degrees o... ...lessly, she fell into hysterical laughter at the sketch of an old woman in a party hat, who smiles on sweetly as her grandson, abandoning all of the p... ...be God's appointed bully of world events and His proponent of capitalism and democratic tyranny was the American myth. She often asked herself how she... ...d grammar!," she bantered. He smiled morosely. "The article said that in the Democratic Republic of Congo a door of a cargo plane fell open. The arti... ...t contracts would have taken place in the 19th century when the deceased was united in the ultimate act of consummation: the decay into that plot of l...

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