Search Results (2 titles)

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English Male Singers (X) Literature (X) Engineering (X)

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The Two Brothers Tranlated by Katharine Prescott Wormeley

By: Honoré de Balzac student publication project to bring classical works of literature, in English, to free and easy access of those wishing to make use of them. Cove... ...ssion that opinions were free, to ex- press that opinion to several of his male and female custom- ers as he served them in the grocery. The citoyenne... In Paris, we fre- quently meet with men so fascinated with actresses, singers, or ballet-dancers, that they are willing to become directors of a ... the town across the meadows to an ancient convent named Frapesle, whose English gardens, quite unique in that arrondissement, have received the am-... ... helping him strenuously. In Portugal, in 1809, he was left for dead in an English battery, into which his company had penetrated without being able t... ...le grand master, to pro- cure clandestinely, each one of you, twenty rats, male or fe- male as heaven pleases. Collect your contingent within three da...

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Speeches: Literary and Social

By: Charles Dickens student publication project to bring classical works of literature, in English, to free and easy access of those wishing to make use of them. Copy... ...on—why, where can you go that they have not been there before? Is there an English farm—is there an English stream, an English city, or an English cou... ... to recognize in this toast the President’s usual disinterestedness; since English literature could scarcely be re membered in any place, and, certai... ... of 25S. extending over a period of five years, entitles a subscriber—if a male—to an annuity of 16 pounds a year, and a female to 12 pounds a year. N... ...ollected within the scope of its benevolence are all actors and actresses, singers, or dancers, of five years’ standing in the profession. To relieve ... ...r sitters, to idle pens, unchecked reckless rumours, and undenounced lying malevolence. Charles Dickens 194 I cannot forbear, before I resume my seat...

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