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Information theory (X)

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Teoría sobre comportamiento corrupto : Nociones cibernéticas e informáticas para una expansión de la ecuación de Klitgaard

By: Rodrigo Lopez-Pablos

...This essay presents an exploration of elements from information theory and cibernetics on the struggle against corruption behavior in public sector and beyond; the existence of an exemplary or corrupt ethical equilibriums are explored by updating Klitgaard corruption formula a...

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Extenics in Higher Dimensions

By: Florentin Smarandache

...cs, together with Victor Vlădăreanu, Mihai Liviu Smarandache, Tudor Păroiu, and Ştefan Vlăduţescu, in 2D and 3D spaces in technology, philosophy, and information theory....

...Romanian], by Florentin Smarandache, Tudor Păroiu: 79 7. Extension Communication for Solving the Ontological Contradiction between Communication and Information, by Florentin Smarandache, Ştefan Vlăduţescu: 99-112...

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Research on Smarandache Problems in Number Theory (Volume Ii)

By: Zhang Wenpeg, Li Junzhuang, Liu Duanses

..., LIU DUANSEN (EDITORS) RESEARCH ON SMARANDACHE PROBLEMS IN NUMBER THEORY (VOL. II) PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST NORTHWEST CONFERENCE ON NUMB... ...ORY (VOL. II) PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST NORTHWEST CONFERENCE ON NUMBER THEORY Hexis Phoenix, AZ 2005 EDITORS: ZHANG WEN... ...UO, SHAANXI, P.R.CHINA RESEARCH ON SMARANDACHE PROBLEMS IN NUMBER THEORY (VOL. II) PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST NORTHWEST CONFERENCE ON NUMB... ...ORY (VOL. II) PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST NORTHWEST CONFERENCE ON NUMBER THEORY Hexis Phoenix, AZ 2005 ... ...ordered in a paper bound reprint from: Books on Demand ProQuest Information & Learning (University of Microfilm International) 300 ... ...Florentin Smarandache, who listed many new and unsolved problems in number theory. Preface Arithmetic is where numbers run across your mind lookin...

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Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Analysis of Women with Hiv/Aids

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache

... ordered in a paper bound reprint from: Books on Demand ProQuest Information & Learning (University of Microfilm International) ... ...NCES 290 INDEX 312 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 316 5 Preface Fuzzy theory is one of the best tools to analyze data, when the data under s... ...pervised one, involving uncertainty coupled with imprecision. However, fuzzy theory cannot cater to analyzing the data involved with indeterminacy.... ...l women in Tamil Nadu. Chapter 2 is an analysis of the situation using fuzzy theory in general and Fuzzy Relational Maps (FRM) in particular. The F... ... of the nodes/ concepts. In Chapter 4 for the first time we use neutrosophic theory in general and neutrosophic relational maps (NRM) in particular... ...already exist) in contact with the soma of the second cell. Learning encodes information. A system learns a pattern if the system encodes the patte... ...tern in its structure. The system structure changes as the system learns the information. We may use a behavioristic encoding criterion. 15 Learn... ... unknown distribution of patterns. Uniform sampling probability, provides an information theoretic criterion for an optimal quantization. We first ... ... The distinction depends on whether the learning algorithm uses pattern-class information. Supervised learning uses pattern class information, where...

...Fuzzy theory is one of the best tools to analyze data, when the data under study is an unsupervised one, involving uncertainty coupled with imprecision. However, fuzzy theory cannot cater to analyzing the data involved with indete...

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G-Dimensional Theory & the Smarandache Quantum Paradoxes : Comparative Logic and Modern Quantum Theory

By: L. Stephen Young

... L. Stephen Young G-DIMENSIONAL THEORY & THE SMARANDACHE QUANTUM PARADOXES: Comparative Logic and Mod... ...& THE SMARANDACHE QUANTUM PARADOXES: Comparative Logic and Modern Quantum Theory Table 1A. Elliptic Pa... ...Research Press Rehoboth 2001 2 L. Stephen Young G-DIMENSIONAL THEORY & THE SMARANDACHE QUANTUM PARADOXES: Comparative Logic and Mod... ...& THE SMARANDACHE QUANTUM PARADOXES: Comparative Logic and Modern Quantum Theory T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s Pa... ...g theoretical systems. Thus, the scientific paradox is a valuable source of information in comparing physical theories or in demonstrating the need ..., "marbles in a bag" geometry assumed in modern theory, which has little information to offer on intranuclear nucleon structure. 14. Assuming th... in an equal reflection angle with respect to the normal of the surface. Information transmitted concerning the matter field is limited to surfac... ... Snell's Law: (n i / n r = sinϕ r / sinϕ i ). [12] Atomic structural information of the through matter field is absent in VLS transmission. "... ...curs without transfer of momentum or energy, without transfer of structural information of the matter particles and occurs across the electromagneti...

...The author's motivating interest the past few years has been the development and dissemination of G-dimensional theory (GDT). K. Toshihara, from Japan, proposed the concept of a paper defining G-Dimensional theory in relation to the Smarandache quantum paradoxes. After reviewing a draft, Dr. M. L. Perez, Editor of the SNJ, suggested th...

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DSmT 理论 及其在信息融合中的应用 (文集) (Advances and Applications of DSmT for Information Fusion (Collected Works)) : Chinese Edition

By: Florentin Smarandache; Jean Dezert

The Chinese edition of Advances and Applications of DSmT for Information Fusion (Collected Works) that explains the Dezert-Smarandache Theory.

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Research on Smarandache Problems in Number Theory

By: Zhang Wenpeg, Editor

...RESEARCH ON SMARANDACHE PROBLEMS IN NUMBER THEORY (Collected papers) Edited by ZHANG WENPENG D... ... Hexis 200 4 RESEARCH ON SMARANDACHE PROBLEMS IN NUMBER THEORY (Collect ed papers) Edited by ZHANG W... ...ordered in a paper bound reprint from: Books on Demand ProQuest Information & Learning (Univers ity of Microfilm International) 300... ...Florentin Smarandache, who listed many new and unsolved problems in number theory. Contents Dedication v Preface xi An arithmetic function and the pr... ...its mean value 49 Gao Nan viii RESEARCH ON SMARANDACHE PROBLEMS IN NUMBER THEORY On the generalized constructive set 53 Gou su On the inferior and su... problems implicated and are still promoting the development of number theory and mathematics. American - Romanian number theorist Florentin Sm...

...Number theory is an ancient subject, but we still cannot answer many simplest and most natural questions about the integers. Some old problems have been solved, but more arise. All the research for these ancient or new problems impl...

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Interval Neutrosophic Sets and Logic : Theory and Applications in Computing

By: Florentin Smarandache logic and rst order interval neutrosophic predicate logic. The interval neutrosophic logic can reason and model fuzzy, incomplete and inconsistent information. In this chapter, we also design an interval neutrosophic inference system based on rst order interval neutrosophic predicate logic. The interval neutrosophic inference system can be applied to decision making. Ch...

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Data Recovery E-Book

By: EaseUS

...Data Recovery Book V1.0 (Visit for more information) DATA RECOVERY BOOK V1.0 FOREWORD -----------------------... ...----------------------------------------------------------- The core of information age is the information technology, while the core of the inform... ... technology, while the core of the information technology consists in the information process and storage. Along with the rapid development of the i... ...e information and the popularization of the personal computer, people find information more and more useful and need it ever more than the past. Owni... ...age devices and modes to save data. What’s more, when saving the data and information, it is more important to ensure the storage security as well as... ...2, with 32-bit cluster numbers, of which 28 bits are currently used. In theory, this should support a total of approximately 268,435,438 (< 2 28 ) ...

...The electric book introduces the construction of hard disk, the theory of data saving, construction of file system, the reasons of data lost and the examples of data recovery in detail. For more information visit ...

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Data Recovery E-Book

By: EaseUS

...Data Recovery Book V1.0 (Visit for more information) DATA RECOVERY BOOK V1.0 FOREWORD -----------------------... ...----------------------------------------------------------- The core of information age is the information technology, while the core of the inform... ... technology, while the core of the information technology consists in the information process and storage. Along with the rapid development of the i... ...e information and the popularization of the personal computer, people find information more and more useful and need it ever more than the past. Owni... ...age devices and modes to save data. What’s more, when saving the data and information, it is more important to ensure the storage security as well as... ...2, with 32-bit cluster numbers, of which 28 bits are currently used. In theory, this should support a total of approximately 268,435,438 (< 2 28 ) ...

...The electric book introduces the construction of hard disk, the theory of data saving, construction of file system, the reasons of data lost and the examples of data recovery in detail. For more information visit

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Smarandache Loops

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

...ordered in a paper bound reprint from: Books on Demand ProQuest Information & Learning (University of Microfilm International) 300 ... ... n c e s 113 I n d e x 119 5 PREFACE The theory of loops (groups without associativity), though researched by severa... ...the properties of loops are absent. This is in marked contrast with group theory where books are abundantly available for all levels: as graduate te... ...d as advanced research books. The only three books available where the theory of loops are dealt with are: R. H. Bruck, A Survey of Binary System... ...ein, H. O. Pflugfelder and J.D.H. Smith (editors), Quasigroups and Loops: Theory and Applications, Heldermann Verlag, 1990. But none of them are com... ...s. However, for the sake of readers who are involved in the study of loop theory we have provided a wide-ranging list of papers in the reference. We... ...s. The proof of the theorem is left for the reader. Refer [6] for more information. THEOREM 2.4.2: A diassociative Hamiltonian loop G is eithe... ...on the loop L. Now we go on to give the definition of isotopes for more information please refer Bruck [6]. DEFINITION 2.5.1: Let (L, •) be a l...

...The theory of loops (groups without associativity), though researched by several mathematicians has not found a sound expression, for books, be it research level or otherwise, solely dealing with the properties of loops are absen...

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Report on Orphaned Works

By: Marybeth Peters

............................................................23 1. Inadequate Information on the Work Itself................................................ .............................................. 28 3. Limitations of Existing Information Resources......................................................... .......................................................... 29 b. Third-Party Information Resources ........................................................ ................................... 31 4. Difficulties Researching Copyright Information .................................................................. ...ying and locating the copyright owner, such as (1) inadequate identifying information on a copy of the work itself; (2) inadequate information about... ...v. Ashcroft, 537 U.S. 186, 219-21 (2003). 124 Id. at 219 (“[E]very idea, theory, and fact in a copyrighted work becomes instantly available for pub... ...rch of the mandatory registry would, standing alone, be sufficient, but in theory a formal Page 77 REPORT ON ORPHAN WORKS U NITED STATES COPYRIGHT...

...f work and type of use involved. Several others were in favor of a “formal” approach, whereby the copyright owner is required to maintain his contact information in a centralized location, and a user need only search those centralized locations to perform a reasonable search. That approach was offered as being more certain than the “ad hoc” approach....

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The Mystery of Jamieson Stone

By: Jonathan Cross

... Barton would have refused to investigate. There had to be someone who knew, or had some information as to what Stone was about to reveal that woul... ...Moscow, and his Doctorate in psychiatry in Vienna. It also listed some other biographical information that Brand, at least for now, considered unimpo... ...atamir considered Brand’s question, and finally said, “Without revealing any confidential information, I can state that I was treating him for severe... ... - J.Cross/Stone 60 “No one… except, maybe the President.” “Who else knows that this information was accessed, besides your friend?” “No one. ... ...o one. I warned him, all right,” he answered. “I threatened that if I found out that this information was leaked, I’d have him killed. Satisfied?” ... ...ion was directly connected to the Pentagon break-in.” “An unknown terrorist group is the theory, unless, you believe that Brand is involved as well... ...n of the decision making processes within the brain.” “Has anyone ever checked out this theory?” “I have seen experiments first hand. Using the w... ...y that produces what we call the conscious decision making process. If I could verify his theory of numbing, then I could find ways to stimulate the ...

...ective Michael Brand to find the truth. The detective discovers that Stone was murdered, but the reason behind his death is a mystery. Brand uncovers information pointing to Jamieson’s involvement in arming the international space station. As rogue generals from Russia, China and the U.S. try to install a mind-control weapon designed to divide the world into three part...

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Report on Orphaned Works

By: Marybeth Peters

............................................................23 1. Inadequate Information on the Work Itself................................................ .............................................. 28 3. Limitations of Existing Information Resources......................................................... .......................................................... 29 b. Third-Party Information Resources ........................................................ ................................... 31 4. Difficulties Researching Copyright Information .................................................................. ...ying and locating the copyright owner, such as (1) inadequate identifying information on a copy of the work itself; (2) inadequate information about... ...v. Ashcroft, 537 U.S. 186, 219-21 (2003). 124 Id. at 219 (“[E]very idea, theory, and fact in a copyrighted work becomes instantly available for pub... ...rch of the mandatory registry would, standing alone, be sufficient, but in theory a formal Page 77 REPORT ON ORPHAN WORKS U NITED STATES COPYRIGHT...

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The Silver Lining: Moral Deliberations in Modern Cinema

By: Sam Vaknin, Ph. D.

...true friend. A real friend is expected, above all, to provide us with full and true information and, thereby, to enhance our ability to choose. Trum... ... and the willingness to take risks (such as the risk of providing Truman with full information about his condition). All the actors who played Trum... ...bsence of choice, no utopia can exist. In the absence of full, timely and accurate information, no choice can exist. Actually, the availability of ... ...them are identical states. Only an outside observer - one who in possession of full information regarding both the Matrix and the humans - can tell ... ...hough one can remember their outcomes). One often forgets events, names, and other information even if it was conscious at a given time in one's pa... ...possible where the laws of nature are different. This is the same tired regularity theory in a more exotic guise. They are all descendants of Hume'... ...rld. It mainly arises when we introduce intentional action and perception into the theory of causation. Let us revert to the much- maligned owner of... ... property, planning, wealth and capital. Mental inequalities lead to innovation and theory. Knowledge differentials are at the heart of educational ... ...d logic): computability or recursive functions (later to be developed into Automata Theory). The authors confined themselves to dealing with comput...

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Veritas Neo: The New Vision for a New Reality

By: Kee

...e believe in God. Some don’t. To some people, quantum mechanics and chaos theory play an instrumental part in the patterns of life; to some people, i... ... in existence, and that everything is possible just by the idea that this theory exists: how I came to be here to do this, for example. Some people b... ...xample. Some people believe that the universe is holographic, and that all information exists everywhere at once, and that tapping into this is the r... ...But the simple root of this particular belief statement is this: in chaos theory, it is held that "if a butterfly flaps its wings in Tokyo, the weat... ...- is an emergent belief structure based around the concepts of Multiverse theory[more specifically, it leans more toward interpretations of String T... ... a connection between all of these "levels of reality"; that not only can information pass from one to another or vice versa, but that the vibration... ...lest form. My identity and my origins carried over to this world[for more information, you can find a fuller explanation elsewhere]... and that theo... ...s... they all fail; they depend on each other to share and translate that information. They say that "someone would have seen it coming, somehow"... ... ...s or the potential for destruction therein. It's a wake-up call using the information and signs that are already out there: the ideas that are easy ...

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Links and Factoids

By: Sam Vaknin

..., and Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (VICAP). VICAP is a nationwide data information center designed to collect, collate, and analyze cri... ... connect its member countries and provide them with user-friendly access to police information. Using this system, Interpol National Central Bureau... ...atter of seconds, with direct and immediate access to databases containing critical information (ASF Nominal database of international criminals, el... ...tification, international weapons tracking and trafficking in human beings-related information, etc). Interpol Fingerprints Provides informati... ...ce agency) Computer System (TECS) Member States can directly input data into the information system in compliance with their national procedures,... ...h consciousness. Still, numerous anecdotes recounted by eyewitnesses support the theory that consciousness survives in the first 2-6 seconds and ... ...n Vladimirovich Michurin (1855-1935) and his brand of Lamarckism - a pre-Darwinian theory of evolution of the species proposed in the French scient... ...t. A species with long necks was born. The Soviet leadership sought an indigenous theory to counter the "capitalistic" works of Mendel and Charles... ...cific Western University, California, USA. Graduate of numerous courses in Finance Theory and International Trading. Certified E-Commerce Concepts ...

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From Chaos to Harmony

By: Rav Michael Laitman

...ounding reality. Therefore, 40 FROM CHAOS TO HARMONY he sought more and more information, and wanted to research and control everything. If we obse... ...ucleus of each cell contains the genetic code that encompasses all the body’s information. Theo- retically, this is all the information needed to rec... ...NEW DEGREE Even though all the cells in our bodies contain identi- cal genetic information, each cell puts a different part of that information into ... .... This is why each creature aspires for freedom. Yet, Nature does not provide information con- cerning which actions we are free to choose, and which... ...e that in the end, we are ruled by two sources: our in- born elements, and the information we absorb from our environment during the course of our li... ...mals behave in this manner, and we shall briefly review the leading ones. The theory of “Group Selection” asserts that altruism serves the good of t... an animal be- longs, hence the specific animal is rewarded by it, too. The theory of “Kin Selection” explains that if altruism is turned toward t... ... it indirectly contrib- utes to the survival of its own genes. The “Symbiosis” theory argues that altruistic behavior is based upon the particular a...

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The Point in the Heart

By: Rav Michael Laitman

...lists, a group unparalleled in history. they created a bridge of language, information, and feel- ings, forces, and lights between the way we understa... of it was coincidental. every- thing that happens is a manifestation of information that preexisted in the initial spark of light. Following the i... ...World 9 3 the reason for the appearance of every detail in nature is the information that was initially rooted in the spark of light. Kabbalah expl... ... role of the media should manifest. instead of being a dubious source of information, the media needs to gain trust by con- tributing to the educati... ...aLevi Ashlag (The Rabash), Michael Laitman, Professor of Ontology and the Theory of Knowledge, PhD in Philosophy and Kabbalah, and MSc in Medical Bi...

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The Hitler File : A Novel of Fact

By: Sam Vaknin

...could afford all this and his lavish lifestyle to boot and he never volunteered the information. It was this kind of friendship. Dan scrutinized t... meet Arlosoroff?” “I did.” “Once, more than once? Do I need to extract this information from you or perhaps you would consider sparing my ti... ...was afraid of that. ***** “Do you think they killed him?” Dan’s conspiracy theory paranoia was infectious. “Killed whom?” “The journa... ...en by pretending to have interviewed – someone like Mueller. Of course, this pet theory of mine failed to account for many facts: If Frankenber... ...s involved are the private key.” “So, he who controls the algorithm controls the information?” “True. The third disk brought to us by our mutua... ...seless. This is why he has become so perilously popular lately.” “They encrypted information with a public key. Then they concealed it in arbitra... the GMG. The library was an unequalled juncture of grapevine gossip and official information. But now it was locked. As I was preparing to bea... ...rnates. I felt calm and composed. “There are only two unresolved issues with this theory.” – said Libby. We all turned to face her. “Assuming t... ...immaculate pate with a polka dot handkerchief: “Excellent point. And what’s your theory, Dan?” “Credibility.” – shrugged his interlocutor – “Wh...

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