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...S: ROMAN DE BRUT by WACE TRANSL TRANSL TRANSL TRANSL TRANSLA A A A ATED BY EUGENE MASON TED BY EUGENE MASON TED BY EUGENE MASON TED BY EUGENE MASON TE... ...N DE BRUT by WACE TRANSL TRANSL TRANSL TRANSL TRANSLA A A A ATED BY EUGENE MASON TED BY EUGENE MASON TED BY EUGENE MASON TED BY EUGENE MASON TED BY EU... ... Chronicles: Roman De Brut by Wace, trans. Eugene Mason is a publication of the Pennsylva nia State University. This Portable Document file is furn... ...ronicles: Roman De Brut by Wace, trans. Eugene Mason is a publication of the Pennsylva nia State University. This Portable Document file is furnish... ...rance, where, during the last half of the twelfth century, it received its great est impulse from Crestien de T roies, the most distinguished of the ... of Denmark, Historia, ix. 11; Brut, vs. 10123 ff.; Arthur’s return to Britain from France, Historia, ix. 11; Brut, vs. 10427 ff.; Arthur’s coro... ...for the Roman de Brut served as the direct source for one of the greatest members of the Arthurian literature of any period. This is the Brut, writ ... ... done such sore mischief to the land. After these things they held a great council at Cirencester, commanding thereto all the lords and barons of the ... near and far, by brief and message, to come with their wedded dames and privy house holds to London for his feast. So all the lords came at the ki...
Excerpt: Arthurian Chronicles: Roman De Brut by Wace, translated by Eugene Mason.