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The Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty

By: Juan Josafat Ben Ezra

...LORY AND MAJESTY BY JUAN JOSAFAT BEN-EZRA, A CONVERTED JEW TRANSLATED FROM THE SPANISH, WITH A PRELIMINARY DISCOURSE, BY THE REV. EDWAR... ...T, LONDON MDCCCXXVII THIS EDITION PUBLISHED BY J G TILLIN ENGLAND © MM Coming of Messiah Vol. 1 -ii- CONTENTS DEDICATION. ............ ................................................................1 PRELIMINARY DISCOURSE BY THE TRANSLATOR. ................................................ ............................................................................129 A CRITIQUE OF THE WORK .................................................... ... know not when, in the form of an abridgment of extracts, and has been much read by the members of the Gallican church; amongst certain of whom, I a... ... translate and another to revise, and to lay them as specimens of the work, before such members of the church as might be thought competent to decide... ...rit of man, as it openeth and cleareth under its purifying influence; if we were like a council of revolutionary empirics, sat down to reconstitute t... ...pear. We are kept watchful, and we observe every event; we observe the deliberations of councils, we observe the progress of opinions, we feel the p... ...her already he may not have granted it to many without asking our consent, or making us privy to his purpose? I know that some classical authors are ...

The coming of the Messiah.

...ALL that I have to say to thee, my venerable friend Christophilus, reduces itself to the serious and formal examination of one single point; which, in the present constitution or system of the church and the world, appears to me of the highest importance; viz. Whether the ideas which we entertain concerning t...


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Plutarchs Lives Volume One

By: Hugh Clough

... Plutarch’s Lives – Volume One trans. Arthur Hugh Clough is a publication of the Pennsyl- vania State University. This Portable Document file is furn... ...lutarch’s Lives – Volume One trans. Arthur Hugh Clough is a publication of the Pennsyl- vania State University. This Portable Document file is furnish... ...sity. This Portable Document file is furnished free and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in a... ...e, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyone... ...hat had a hollow in it exactly fitting them; and went away making her only privy to it, and commanding her, if she brought forth a son who, when he ca... ...forced into a compliance. He then dissolved all the distinct state-houses, council halls, and magistracies, and built one common state-house and counc... ... in the basin, the suitor was rejected, so desirous were they that all the members of the company should be agreeable to each other. The basin was cal... ...rosecute the wrongdoer; intend- ing by this to accustom the citizens, like members of the same body, to resent and be sensible of one another’s inju- ... ...way from their fleet: a contrivance that all the princi- pal Rhegians were privy and assisting to, who had a great desire that the affairs of Sicily s...

.... 5 ROMULUS ........................................................................................................................... 34 COMPARISON OF ROMULUS WITH THESEUS .............................................................. 64 LYCURGUS .......................................................................................................................... 68 ...

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The Prime Minister

By: Anthony Trollope

... by Anthony T rollope A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Prime Minister by Anthony Trollope is a publication of the Pennsylvania... ...eries Publication The Prime Minister by Anthony Trollope is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnis... ...sity. This Portable Document file is furnished free and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in a... ... for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Nei- ther the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyone... ...verett Wharton at a new club, called the Progress, of which they were both members. The Progress was certainly a new club, having as yet been open har... ...nd smoked and played billiards and pre- tended to read. Some few energetic members still hoped that a good day would come in which their grand ideas m... ... get to work. I suppose you would wish that I should take the chair at the Council.’ ‘Certainly;—of course,’ said the Duke of Omnium, turn- ing to the... ...esident of the Council.’ ‘And you?’ ‘If I were wanted at all I should take Privy Seal.’ ‘Certainly not, my friend. If there were any question of my re... ...e that place which required him to labour like a galley slave. Would he be Privy Seal? Would he undertake the India Board? But the Duke of Omnium was ...

Excerpt: The Prime Minister by Anthony Trollope.

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The Pioneers Or, The Sources of the Susquehanna a Descriptive Tale

By: James Fenimore Cooper

...THE PIONEERS OR, THE SOURCES OF THE SUSQUEHANNA A Descriptive Tale by James Fenimore Cooper A Penn State... ...THE PIONEERS OR, THE SOURCES OF THE SUSQUEHANNA A Descriptive Tale by James Fenimore Cooper A Penn State El... ...James Fenimore Cooper A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Pioneers, or The Sources of the Susquehanna, A Descriptive Tale by Jame... ...State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Pioneers, or The Sources of the Susquehanna, A Descriptive Tale by James Fenimore Cooper is a public... ...ssible that the appellation grew out of the meetings that were held at his council fires; the war drove off the agent, in common with the other office... ... from the ground, shot out hori- zontally , immediately beneath the living members of the tree, sat a bird, that in the vulgar language of the country... ...families then resident in the colonies who thought it a degradation to its members to descend to the pursuits of commerce; and who never emerged from ... ...never emerged from the privacy of do- mestic life unless to preside in the councils of the colony or to bear arms in her defense. The latter had from ... ...reasons for believing that both Mohegan and the Leather-Stocking have been privy to the existence of a mine in this very mountain for many years.” The...

Excerpt: The Pioneers, or The Sources of the Susquehanna, A Descriptive Tale by James Fenimore Cooper.

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The Deputy of Arcis

By: Honoré de Balzac

...ine Prescott Wormeley A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Deputy of Arcis by Honore de Balzac, trans. Katharine Prescott Wormeley... ...t Wormeley A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Deputy of Arcis by Honore de Balzac, trans. Katharine Prescott Wormeley is a publi... ...s by Honore de Balzac, trans. Katharine Prescott Wormeley is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnis... ...y Honore de Balzac, trans. Katharine Prescott Wormeley is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnished... ...d not been the son of an ardent Bonapartist, he belonged to a family whose members had justly incurred the animosity of the Cinq-Cygne family, owing t... a demo- crat? T o me, progress is fraternity re-established between the members of the great French family. We cannot conceal from ourselves that m... ... this Simon Giguet, into a support for himself with the presi- dent of the council. If you want letters, powers, credentials, write to me.” “And those... ...r-in-law, Monsieur le Baron Martial de la Roche-Hugon was a diplo- mat and Councillor of State employed on more or less ex- 164 The Deputy of Arcis t... ...allenauve committed a fraud, how will you prove that the so-called son was privy to it? He might have been the dupe of some political schemer.” “But w...

...Excerpt: All elections begin with a bustle before beginning to describe an election in the provinces, it is proper to state that the town of Arcis-sur-Aube was not the theatre of the events here related. The arrondissement of Arcis votes at Bar-sur-Aube, which is forty miles from Arcis; consequently there is no...

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Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh

By: Thomas Carlyle

...SARTOR RESARTUS: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh By Thomas Carlyle A PENN STATE ELECTRONIC CLASSICS SE... ...lyle A PENN STATE ELECTRONIC CLASSICS SERIES PUBLICATION Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh by Thomas Carlyle is a publicat... ...TRONIC CLASSICS SERIES PUBLICATION Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh by Thomas Carlyle is a publication of the Pennsylvani... ...e and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh by Thomas Carlyle is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnished... ...r languidly emits its voice-of-destiny to haggard hun- gry Villains; while Councillors of State sit plotting, and playing their high chess-game, where... ...ight have seemed wonderful how Herr Heuschrecke should be named a Rath, or Councillor, and Counsellor, even in Weissnichtwo. What counsel to any man, ... ...e: the beginning of Creation is—Light. Till the eye have vision, the whole members are in bonds. Divine moment, when over the tempest-tost Soul, as on... ... already can the Society number, among its office-bearers or corresponding members, the highest Names, if not the highest Persons, in Germany, England... ...oundest ignorance: in the Wahngasse all lies swept, silent, sealed up; the Privy Council itself can hitherto elicit no answer. “It had been remarked t...

Excerpt: Sartor Resartus. The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh.

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Diana of the Crossways

By: George Meredith

...George Meredith A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Diana of the Crossways by George Meredith is a publication of the Pennsylvania St... ...rge Meredith A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Diana of the Crossways by George Meredith is a publication of the Pennsylvania State... ...sity. This Portable Document file is furnished free and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in a... ... for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Nei- ther the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyone... ...yings rebound on her reputation. Nevertheless the world, as Christian, re- members its professions, and a portion of it joins the burly in morals by e... ...nd the bad manners of a Saxon fired his antagonism to the race; individual members of which he boasted of forgiving and embracing, honouring. So the m... ...fact. One side is vanquished, according to decree of Law, but the superior Council does not allow it to be extinguished. Diana’s battle was fought sha... ...g in the very furnace- 293 George Meredith hissing of Events: an Olympian Council held in Vulcan’s smithy. Consider the bringing to the Jove there ne... ... well as an icy lover, and that Lady Wathin, through his bride, had become privy to the secret between him and Diana? There is reason to think that sh...

...Excerpt: Chapter 1. Of Diaries and Diarists Touching The Heroine. Among the diaries beginning with the second quarter of our century, there is frequent mention of a lady then becoming famous for her beauty and her wit: ?an unusual combination,? ...

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The Pickwick Papers

By: Charles Dickens Dickens Volume Two A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Pickwick Papers, Volume Two by Charles Dickens is a publication of t... ...on The Pickwick Papers, Volume Two by Charles Dickens is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Univer sity. This Portable Document file is furn... ...sity. This Portable Document file is furnished free and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in ... ..., for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk . Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyone... ...rticular instance; all we wish to inform the reader is, that the different members of the party dispersed to their several homes; that Mr. Pickwick an... ... shopkeeper, an enthusiastic and disinterested vessel, who sold tea to the members. Previous to the commencement of busi ness, the ladies sat upon fo... ...t’s meat to the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, and several members of the Common Council (the announcement of this gentleman’s name was received with breath... ... upon this occasion that King Lud, seated on the top of his throne in full council, rose, in the exuberance of his feelings, and commanded the lord ch... ...f his jailer, lest the poor fellow (who had a family) should be considered privy to his flight, and punished accordingly by the infuriated king. ‘The ...

Excerpt: The Pickwick Papers, Volume Two by Charles Dickens.

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Sketches of Young Couples

By: Charles Dickens

... Sketches of Young Couples by Charles Dickens is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Univer sity. This Portable Document file is fu... ... Sketches of Young Couples by Charles Dickens is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Univer sity. This Portable Document file is furni... ... sity. This Portable Document file is furnished free and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and i... ...ile, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyo... ...23rd day of November last past, declare and pronounce to Her Most Honourable Privy Council, Her Majesty’s Most Gracious intention of entering into th... ...ay of November last past, declare and pronounce to Her Most Honourable Privy Council, Her Majesty’s Most Gracious intention of entering into the bond... ...esty, in so making known Her Most Gracious intention to Her Most Honourable Privy Council as aforesaid, did use and employ the words — ‘It is my int... so making known Her Most Gracious intention to Her Most Honourable Privy Council as aforesaid, did use and employ the words — ‘It is my intention... ...arriage which is to take the young couple into the country has arrived. Such members of the party as are most disposed to prolong its enjoyments, affe...

Excerpt: Sketches of Young Couples by Charles Dickens.

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Arthurian Chronicles : Roman de Brut

By: Eugene Mason

... Chronicles: Roman De Brut by Wace, trans. Eugene Mason is a publication of the Pennsylva nia State University. This Portable Document file is furn... ...ronicles: Roman De Brut by Wace, trans. Eugene Mason is a publication of the Pennsylva nia State University. This Portable Document file is furnish... ...sity. This Portable Document file is furnished free and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in a... ...e, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyone... ...for the Roman de Brut served as the direct source for one of the greatest members of the Arthurian literature of any period. This is the Brut, writ ... ... done such sore mischief to the land. After these things they held a great council at Cirencester, commanding thereto all the lords and barons of the ... ...ud king. He hewed him in many pieces, dividing him limb from limb, and his members he sent throughout the realm. Hearken and learn what Samuel said wh... near and far, by brief and message, to come with their wedded dames and privy house holds to London for his feast. So all the lords came at the ki... ...he met his eye. All that he dared of love he showed. He saluted her by his privy page, and bestowed upon her a gift. He jested gaily with the dame, lo...

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The Talisman

By: Sir Walter Scott

...n by Sir Walter Scott A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State... ...sics Series Publication The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnis... ...sity. This Portable Document file is furnished free and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in a... ...e, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyone... ...of that tiding, That the kingis wants were swyche, To the steward he spake privyliche— “Our lord the king sore is sick, I wis, After porck he alonged ... of Engaddi, had, in that character, been the correspondent of popes and councils; to whom his letters, full of eloquent fervour, had described the ... ...ians in the Holy Land, in colours scarce inferior to those employed at the Council of Clermont by the Hermit Peter, when he preached the first Crusade... ...nt from which he derives his surname.” With the assistance of those of his privy chamber, the King then hastily robed himself in a doublet and mantle ... ...capable of deceit. He forgets neither friend nor foe—re- 272 The Talisman members, and with accuracy, both benefit and injury. He hath a share of man...

Excerpt: The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott.

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Plutarchs Lives Volume Two

By: Hugh Clough

... Plutarch’s Lives – Volume Two trans. Arthur Hugh Clough is a publication of the Pennsyl- vania State University. This Portable Document file is furn... ...lutarch’s Lives – Volume Two trans. Arthur Hugh Clough is a publication of the Pennsyl- vania State University. This Portable Document file is furnish... ...sity. This Portable Document file is furnished free and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in a... ...e, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyone... ...rendered to the Romans in his treaty with Sylla. Sertorius summoned a full council which he called a senate, where, when others joy- fully approved of... ...d order in the cities, and without bloodshed or banishment of any of their members, reestablished the proper constitution in the governments, and now ... ... had entered into the conspiracy of themselves, without any oth- ers being privy to, or guilty of it. But yet afterwards, in a letter to Antipater, he... his brother, “Brother, help!” Upon this first onset, those who were not privy to the design were astonished and their hor- ror and amazement at wha... ...ns he wrote against Antony, and so they are called to this day. When these members of Cicero were brought to Rome, Antony was holding an assembly for ...

... ...................................................................................................................................... 31 COMPARISON OF SERTORIUS WITH EUMENES................................................................. 50 AGESILAUS ............................................................................................................................

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Waverley or Tis Sixty Years Since

By: Sir Walter Scott

...n Waverley or ‘Tis Sixty Years Since by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnis... ...Waverley or ‘Tis Sixty Years Since by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnished... ...sity. This Portable Document file is furnished free and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in a... ...e, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor any- o... ... upon which festive occasion, three cheers were given by all the sit- ting members of that respectable society, whose throats the wine had left capabl... ...w, nor indeed possible to trace them. This proposition was undeniable. The council therefore broke up without coming to any conclusion, as has occurre... ...s it had done to Edward. He indeed knew of more motives than W averley was privy to, for the peremptory order that he should join his regiment. But th... ...use?’ ‘I do not mean to disguise it; but I do deny, most resolutely, being privy to any of their designs against the Government.’ ‘You do not, however... ...e among comrades disposed to quarrel with them, both as Englishmen, and as members of the Church of England.’ ‘Well said, parson!’ replied the magistr...

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By: Sir Walter Scott

...ssics Series Publication Redgauntlet by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Por- table Document file is furn... ...cs Series Publication Redgauntlet by Sir Walter Scott is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Por- table Document file is furnish... ...ty. This Por- table Document file is furnished free and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in a... ...e, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyone... ...nion and unanimity which for some 5 Sir W alter Scott time animated their councils, were all in a considerable de- gree produced by the smallness of ... ...wife threw herself, on three different occasions, before George II and the members of his family, was rudely repulsed from their presence, and at leng... ...le time of my proposed tour. [It is well known and remem- bered, that when Members of Parliament enjoyed the un- limited privilege of franking by the ... ...r hell, I know not,’ said Steenie. ‘I will delate you for a warlock to the Privy Council!’ said Sir John. ‘I will send you to your master, the devil, ... ..., I know not,’ said Steenie. ‘I will delate you for a warlock to the Privy Council!’ said Sir John. ‘I will send you to your master, the devil, with t...

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Don Quixote

By: Miquel de Cervantes

...Don Quixote by Miquel de Cervantes Translated by John Ormsby 1922 edition of Ormsby’s translation A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication... ...ote by Miguel de Cervantes, trans. John Ormsby (1922 ed.) is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furni... ... by Miguel de Cervantes, trans. John Ormsby (1922 ed.) is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnishe... ...e, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyone... ...- ing petitions and drawing up statements of claims to be presented to the Council, and the like. So, at least, we gather from the depo- sitions taken... ... and middle; on the contrary, they construct them with such a multitude of members that it seems as though they meant to produce a chimera or monster ... ...ho. “I mean to say,” said Don Quixote, “that when the head suffers all the members suffer; and so, being thy lord and master, I am thy head, and thou ... ... astonishment at the words of Tosilos; and as he was one of those who were privy to the arrange- ment of the affair he knew not what to say in reply. ... ...f the enchanted head; but except Don Antonio’s two friends no one else was privy to the mystery of the enchantment, and if Don Antonio had not first r...

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The English Mail-Coach and Joan of Arc

By: Thomas de Quincey

...The English Mail-Coach and Joan of Arc BY THOMAS DE QUINCEY Edited with Introduction and Notes by Milton Ha... ...on Haight Turk, Ph.D. A PENN STATE ELECTRONIC CLASSICS SERIES PUBLICATION The English Mail-Coach and Joan of Arc By Thomas de Quincey is a publicatio... ...TE ELECTRONIC CLASSICS SERIES PUBLICATION The English Mail-Coach and Joan of Arc By Thomas de Quincey is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Univ... ...nglish Mail-Coach and Joan of Arc By Thomas de Quincey is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnished... ... fatally easy for students to forget it. That teacher will have rendered a great service who has kept his pupils alive to the real aim of their studie... ...r then lived, in the hope of seeing a sister; was apprehended by the older members of the family; and through the intercession of his uncle, Colonel P... ...ect was very feebly illuminated, and it became necessary to call a cabinet council on the grand state question, “Where was the Emperor to sit?” The ha... ...This mutinous individual audaciously shouted, “Where am I to sit?” But the privy council, incensed by his disloy- alty, unanimously opened the door, a... ...utinous individual audaciously shouted, “Where am I to sit?” But the privy council, incensed by his disloy- alty, unanimously opened the door, and kic...

...Excerpt: Some portions of this Introduction have been taken from the Athenaeum Press Selections from De Quincey; many of the notes have also been transferred from that volume. A number of the new notes I owe to a review of the Selections by Dr. Lan...

.... BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE............................................................................................................................ 11 THE ENGLISH MAIL-COACH....................................................................13 SECTION I?THE GLORY OF MOTION .................................................................................. 13 GOING DOWN WITH ...

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Barnaby Rudge a Tale of the Riots of Eighty

By: Charles Dickens

...Barnaby Rudge A Tale of the Riots of Eighty by Charles Dickens A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publi... ...A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Barnaby Rudge, A Tale of the Riots of ‘Eighty by Charles Dickens is a publication of the Penns... ...enn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Barnaby Rudge, A Tale of the Riots of ‘Eighty by Charles Dickens is a publication of the Pennsylv... ..., for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk . Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyone... ...faggots which were heaped upon the hearth, old John withdrew to hold grave council with his cook, touching the stranger’s entertain ment; while the g... ... yesterday, and would quite explain her conduct. Do you suppose Barnaby is privy to these circumstances?’ ‘Quite impossible to say, sir,’ returned the... ... not?’ ‘Formerly the ‘Prentice Knights, my lord. The indentures of the old members expiring by degrees, they changed their name, it seems, though they... ...ed down there in grand array, their roars and shouts would be heard by the members inside; with a great deal more to the same purpose, all of which Hu... ...eaded night drew near again. At last, at seven o’clock in the evening, the Privy Coun cil issued a solemn proclamation that it was now necessary to e...

Excerpt: Barnaby Rudge, A Tale of the Riots of ?Eighty by Charles Dickens.

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Don Quixote

By: Miquel de Cervantes

...Don Quixote by Miquel de Cervantes Translated by John Ormsby 1922 edition of Ormsby’s translation Part Two A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Pu... ... Two by Miquel de Cervantes, trans. John Ormsby, 1922 ed. is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furni... ...o by Miquel de Cervantes, trans. John Ormsby, 1922 ed. is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnishe... ...e, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyone... ...e, now,” said Don Quixote, “and have it reach the ears of the lords of the council to-morrow morning, and some other carry off the thanks and rewards ... ...ho. “I mean to say,” said Don Quixote, “that when the head suffers all the members suffer; and so, being thy lord and master, I am thy head, and thou ... ...s flying through the air, and did not feel any pain what- ever; and if the members are obliged to feel the suffering of the head, it should be obliged... ... astonishment at the words of Tosilos; and as he was one of those who were privy to the arrange- ment of the affair he knew not what to say in reply. ... ...f the enchanted head; but except Don Antonio’s two friends no one else was privy to the mystery of the enchantment, and if Don Antonio had not first r...

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The Voyage Out

By: Virginia Woolf

...Out by Virginia Woolf A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Voyage Out by Virginia Woolf is a publication of the Pennsylvania State... ...sics Series Publication The Voyage Out by Virginia Woolf is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnis... ...sity. This Portable Document file is furnished free and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in a... ...e, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyone... ... she was greatly relieved to pass a build- ing put up by the London County Council for Night Schools. “Lord, how gloomy it is!” her husband groaned. “... ...just opinion of the stupidity of mankind until you have sat upon a Borough Council!” The little man fixed her with a glance of ferocious energy. “I ha... ... their heads balancing baskets, and cripples hastily displayed muti- lated members; it issued among steep green fields, not so green but that the eart... ...ached the second column of the report, a spas- modic column, for the Irish members had been brawling three weeks ago at Westminster over a question of... ...difficult to get on with?” “Intolerable… . They want me to be a peer and a privy councillor. I’ve come out here partly in order to settle the matter. ...

Excerpt: The Voyage Out by Virginia Woolf.

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The Dukes Children

By: Anthony Trollope

...n by Anthony Trollope A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Duke’s Children by Anthony Trollope is a publication of the Pennsylvani... ...ries Publication The Duke’s Children by Anthony Trollope is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Univer- sity. This Portable Document file is furn... ...sity. This Portable Document file is furnished free and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in a... ...e, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor anyone... ... and McCloskies, who on such an occasion were bound to show themselves, as members of the family. With them and his two sons the Duke walked across to... ... death; and it means also that I deceived and betrayed that trust by being privy to an engagement on your part, of which he disapproves, and of which ... ...hall be laid aside, ’ he said, with that manner by which even his peers in council had never been able not to be awed, ‘but if you communicate with Mr... ... selves on being the elect of the nation. It often appears to me that some members of Parliament so regard their success in life,—as the fellows of ou... ...the list of the new Cabi- 570 The Duke’s Children net as President of the Council. He was perhaps a little fidgety, a little too anxious to employ hi...

...Excerpt: When The Duchess Was Dead No one, probably, ever felt himself to be more alone in the world than our old friend the Duke of Omnium, when the Duchess died. When this sad event happened he had ceased to be Prime Minister. During the...

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