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Chicago Manual of Style

By: University of Chicago

... Chicago Press IOI. The common designations of weights and measures in the metric system, when following a numeral : I m., a dm., 3 cm., 4 mm.; c.m... ...; such omis- sion is indicated by an apostrophe. Treat "per cent." and the metric symbols as abbreviations, but not the chemical symbols, nor " for... ... Use a thin space after $,a, and similar signs; before "f.," "ff.," and the metric symbols; and between 66 A.M.," "P.M.," "A. D.," "B. c.," "i.e.," ... ...of, ,, 41; use of italics for, 61; AstrojhyM Javnd: come hers m 157 note. metric anWm% symbod in, 110 iote. style for footnotes in, aao note; use... ...lization of, a, 3. Geological terms, capitalization of, 12. Gwhgy, Jod of, metric symbols in, IIO note. Geomq, letters used to designate lines, e... ... sutlix not complete in itself, to be indicated by hvohen. 104. - -- . >- Prefixes "co-," "pre-," and "re-," how to treat, 187. Prepositions: for...

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