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Laws of Destiny Never Disappear : Culture of Thailand in the Postlocal World

By: Matti Sarmela

...ving, village landscapes, different languages and dialects, different folk music, the whole diversity of local cultures that has existed on Earth. The... ...ther here in the village. In the evenings, we used to walk along the road, musicians used to play old folk instruments and the others follow them, dan... ... used to collect money for the temple or celebrate for other reasons. Play music, sing and dance it was great fun. Today, you don't see such things an... ...ar completely, but people don't like them today, like they don't like Thai music. Today, they listen to disco music and it annoys me. Foreign, Western... ...en receive bad models from the adverts - in dress, behaviour - and also in music. There is Thai music on television very rarely. Those objects in the ... ...s or scientific miracles restored from extinction by biotechnology. Social critics in Thailand have declared that globalization is only a new name for...

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