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God Prophecy

By: Dr. Paraskev

...GOD PROPHECY by Dr. Paraskev 2 Introduction For some of us, this is a spiritual book that tells the real Truth of God. And the t... ...we could walk easily, smoothly, within a normal human lifetime. For others of us, it is a book that reveals what the future holds. For each human and ... ...still others, it's just a mundane book. It gives us a cure for the plagues of the 3 CONTENTS Part I: Planetary Prophecy ................................ ...oral one. What humanity still needs are the higher values (and attitude of mind) of a higher Vision: the Plan of God for us. 7 Plan of God What the P... ...s period, it is not realistic to expect another priority to prevail in the mind of human. And especially, it is not realistic to believe that a major ... ...ot realistic to believe that a major Spiritual Revolution will take place. Mind develops according to matter. And until mind is not relatively materia...

...For some of us, this is a spiritual book that tells the real Truth of God. And the true Path to God. A pragmatic Path we could walk easily, smoothly, within a normal human lifetime. For others of us, it is a book that reveals ...

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