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Philosophy of mind (X) PDF (eBook) (X) Authors Community (X) Alcibiades Press (X) Fiction (X)

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Corpus of a Siam Mosquito

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...e put strength in his shoulders and knees, and set in his heart the daring of a mosquito, which, though constantly brushed away from a man's skin, sti... ...ushed away from a man's skin, still insists on biting him for the pleasure of human blood." --The Iliad Homer Book I: P... ...ey, with their driver, went down Ramkhamhaeng Road singularly in the scope of their thoughts but conditioned into repudiating their aloneness. It was ... ... like for normal people. It was surely a dust storm one invented in one's mind to escape loneliness but then it became intertwined in more neediness ... ..., could flaunt her around as the premier example of the dark vision in his mind and the sexual slavery of his nation all meshed together. He would ha... freedom to interweave within the slowness (a slowness that caused their minds to be more lamenting), Kumpee, at that time, made their way out of th... ...s of the trees. Everything changes. Good men are distorted into Gods, and philosophy is made into a sordid religion. Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, H... ...s were the wrong choices. The enemy of my enemy is my friend was the wrong philosophy. Those were bad foreign affairs blunders. They continually int... ...ted to zoology she couldn't say unless the administration was privy to the philosophy of mice and men. All she knew was that the anthropology teacher ...

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An Apostate: Nawin of Thais

By: Steven David Justin Sills By Steven Sills 1 He assumed that in being exhausted from sporadic fits of sleep and wakeful spans of dull, hypnagogic thoughts matching the inerti... ... sleep and wakeful spans of dull, hypnagogic thoughts matching the inertia of his confinement he would finally become ensconced there, in this train j... ...tying into his mouth from the upper coffin glided downward like the leaves of a deciduous tree; he was remembering happier times and in this confined ... ...itself in present and past tenses as well as its futuristic daydreams, his mind tried to slow this weltering; it invented its games of distractions, i... ... hanging in a tiny net of one of the inner walls of what he labeled in his mind as his "tomb." Hanging there, these two strips of a cotton contained b... ...on a molecular movement bumping and bouncing off the stored rubbish of his mind, so it was not entirely disagreeable. In many ways it besot him like o... ...he self or, at times, those marginally desperate eyes of one who, having a philosophy of needing no one, did not think that he had a reason to be desp... ...hey belonged to extreme cases, and under the "good deeds beget good deeds" philosophy of the Buddhists a wretch like him must have done something mons...

...This is the continuation of Nawin's story. Now a famous prostitute painter suffering a midlife crisis, he abandons supercilious makings of wealth for a train trip ride to Laos where he repudiates and ventures onto something new...

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The Unfettered Life of Kenyon of New Orleans

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...The Unfettered Life of Kenyon of New Orleans By Steven David Justin Sills "My work is not a piece of writ... ...Justin Sills "My work is not a piece of writing designed to meet the taste of an immediate public, but was done to last forever" --Thucydides Part I K... ...nduced sleep where dreams were as uneventful as the idealized restfulness of death; but though privileged enough to be impaired with such a substance... ...crevasse. Something happened. What was it? the shallow regions of her mind asked, taunted even, to no avail other than to reveal cracks which, f... ... his or her abilities, beyond that which was allotted to the commercially minded masses; but that was not to be. No, she was no thinker. But her pain... ...e years of her life. And from somewhere into the vacuity of her conscious mind came a thought: as a timid, inhibited child, had there not been times ..., and when to leave, all under the direction of administrators with the philosophy that it was those who were crazy who became homeless, and not th...

...This experimental literary novel seeks to probe the mind of Kenyon, an isolated invalid in her home, as she goes through morphine induced sleep and lucid wakefulness, and in both seeking meaning for her life and to be reconciled to her estranged marriage...

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Tokyo to Tijuana: Gabriele Departing America

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...ter and imitate any object, and should propose to make a public display of his talents and his productions, we shall pay him reverence as a ... ... with woolen fillets; but for ourselves, we shall employ, for the sake of our real good, that more austere and less fascinating poet and le... ...s fascinating poet and legend-writer, who will imitate for us the style of the virtuous man." Plato (Republic) Chapter One At Toksugum Pala... ...uctable sympathy for another person, it deflated all the romance. He didn't mind that so much. To embark on a deep friendship with strong personal c... ... an eternal trip, cramped on a seat in the bus, disconnection was making his mind jittery, soft, and rolling like a ball away from him. He tried slee... ...ery, soft, and rolling like a ball away from him. He tried sleeping but his mind kept trying to imagine what really took place between his sister and... ... dilated her pupils. Gabriele thought about this subject or quasi-subject of philosophy. She wasn't even a philosopher and yet in a minute and a half ... ...him, she could advocate Gabrieleism everywhere. It would be her movement--a philosophy of self-containment and human empowerment to ward off loneline... ... into them because they were the substance of who he was. As the founder of philosophy, Thales, stated, everything was made of water. Sang Huin, this...

...rean culture and that his own life is an outlier to this conservative society. As he lives there, making his living as an English teacher, he writes of Gabriele, a single parent in Ithaca New York who manifests a more open and less asphyxiating rebellion against society...

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