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Philosophy of mind (X) Law (X) Smarandache Collections (X)

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Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Analysis of Periyar's Views on Untouchability

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache

... FUZZY AND NEUTROSOPHIC ANALYSIS OF PERIYAR’S VIEWS ON UNTOUCHABILITY W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy e... ... K. Kandasamy e-mail: Translation of the speeches and writings of Periyar from Tamil by Meena Kand... ... ProQuest Information & Learning (University of Microfilm International) 300 N. Zeeb Road ... evil of Untouchability. Since the notion of caste is based on the 8 mind, it is appropriate to use Fuzzy and Neutrosophic theory. In Cha... ...he 46 Vaishyas and his feet became the Shudras. The moon was born from his mind; the sun was born from his eye.” The pity is that Dalits don... ...caste hierarchy, concepts of superiority and inferiority are ingrained in the minds of people. This psychologically suppresses the Dalits and the Su... ... against religion and the domination of Brahmins. Because of his rationalist philosophy, Periyar has often been compared with Voltaire (1694-1778).... ... don’t come in front of me.’ How can a human being digest this? This is the philosophy of the Vaikom Satyagraha and the Gurukulam struggle. Rememb... ...ikom Satyagraha and the Gurukulam struggle. Remember that only based on this philosophy, Mahatma Gandhi carried out a Satyagraha in South Africa, a...

...K.R.Narayanan was a lauded hero and a distinguished victim of his Dalit background. Even in an international platform when he was on an official visit to Paris, the media headlines blazed, ‘An Untouchable at Elysee’. He was visibly upset and it proved that a Dalit who rose up to such...

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Analysis of Social Aspects of Migrant Labourers Living with Hiv/Aids Using Fuzzy Theory and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache

...W. B. VASANTHA KANDASAMY FLORENTIN SMARANDACHE ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL ASPECTS OF MIGRANT LABOURERS LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS USING FUZZY ... ...ce To Rural Tamilnadu In India XIQUAN Phoenix 2004 ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL ASPECTS OF MIGRANT LABOURERS LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS USING FUZZY T... ...rence To Rural Tamilnadu In India W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Chennai – 600036, I... ...Some of the interviews are exhaustive, and give us great insight into the minds of people with AIDS and at the same time some of the patients exhibi... ...cation or ethics or values with no motivation, no care for the family, no mind to think about their children or wife, with all addictive habits are ... ...t only under intoxication they had visited CSWs so they were out of their mind to use any safe sex methods in spite of the CSWs insisting them to u... ...absolute truth)=1 + while NL(relative truth)=1. This has application in philosophy (see the neutrosophy). That’s why the unitary standard interva... ...t)=1 + while NS(relative membership element)=1. This has application in philosophy (see the neutrosophy). That’s why the unitary standard interva... ... USA. He published over 60 books and 80 papers and notes in mathematics, philosophy, literature, rebus. In mathematics his research papers are in n...

...In this book for the first time we have ventured into the total analysis of migrant labourers in rural Tamil Nadu who are victims of HIV/AIDS using FCM, BAM and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps. As in our study and analysis we felt several of the factors related with the psycho, socio, economic problem...

...Migration acquires great significance in the study of peoples and populations, for it not only involves the merely mathematical spatial redistribution of people, but also because it has enormous impact on livelihood, life-styles, employment, socioeconomic and political stabil...

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