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Tokyo to Tijuana: Gabriele Departing America

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...been defaced with time that had entirely decomposed her form. There had been theories. Plenty of circumstantial evidence had been presented. Her emp... ...octors' class, held at Dr. Lee's breakfast table, he brought up articles and political cartoons for discussions. Everything from the continuing menace... ...age him he would be a pussycat purring on my lap and you guys could make any political cartoon on him you pleased." The Africans once said that the m... ... decency to keep the Christian constituents, brethren of Israel, happy. Its political engagements were for its own economic and military hegemony ins... ...s that the entity could be sensed, for this empirical experience refuted the theories of Parmenides and Plato. Also, she was surprised that it was he... ...nveyed: -- Andrei Linde began a paradigm shift in cosmology that allowed for theories other than the Big Bang or Steady State theories when he propose...

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The Duchesse de Langeais, With an Episode under the Terror, The Illustrious Gaudissart, A Passion in the Desert, And the Hidden Masterpiece

By: Honoré de Balzac

...a good thing for France if this idea could be popularised. The benefits of political harmony are obvious to the least intelli- gent classes. Harmony i... man among them with the steel-en- compassed brains that can forge a new political system and begin a new career of glory for a nation. The Faubourg... ...e itself under a leader. And now it is easy to give a summary of this semi-political survey. The wish to re-establish a large fortune was upper- most ... ...iews, and a mass 31 Balzac of small defects, a real need of religion as a political factor, combined with a thirst for pleasure which damaged the cau... ...-dying, and would not so much as raise itself or stretch out a hand to any political physician; so well aware of its feeble- ness, or so conscious tha... ...enly set- ting him down a thousand miles away from the boudoir, discussing theories of absolute monarchy, which she defended to admiration. Few women ...

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Confessions of an English Opium-Eater

By: Thomas de Quincey

... fact, if I dared to say the real and simple truth, though, to satisfy the theories of medical men, I ought to be ill, I never was better in my life t... ...musement, turned my attention to 66 Confessions of an English Opium-Eater political economy; my understanding, which formerly had been as active and ... ... all general exertion, I drew up my prolegomena to all future sys- tems of political economy. I hope it will not be found redolent of opium; though, i... must have perished, and my whole domes- tic economy, whatever became of Political Economy, must have gone into irretrievable confusion. I shall not...

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Autobiographic Sketches Selections, Grave and Gay

By: Thomas de Quincey

...own peculiar antagonists. These papers, for in- stance, of mine, not being political, were read possibly in a friendly temper by the regular supporter... ... regular supporters of the journal that published them. But some of my own political friends re- garded me with displeasure for connecting myself at a... ... might have better luck. It saddened me, besides, to find myself under the political necessity of numbering amongst the Philistines, and as daughters ... ...cedency in wickedness for the im- mediate period of the writer. Upon which theories, as men ought physically to have dwindled long ago into pygmies, s... ...ished a book. The title I forget; but by its subject it was connected with political or social philosophy. And one emi- nent testimony to its merit I ... ...then coexisting, of Parthia and Rome, and finally (un- der another idea of political greatness) the intellectual glo- ries of Athens. From the picture... ...eds. For new truths of importance are rarely agreeable to any preconceived theories; that is, cannot be explained by these theories; which are insuffi...

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Chantry House

By: Charlotte Mary Yonge

...HAPTER XV—RA CHAPTER XV—RA CHAPTER XV—RATIONAL TIONAL TIONAL TIONAL TIONAL THEORIES THEORIES THEORIES THEORIES THEORIES ‘These are the reasons, they a... ... of things. We much enjoyed those tales, and Emily says they were the only political economy she ever learnt. The model arrangements of our vestries l... ... Chantry House cept it that it could not well be declined. It was partly a political affair, and my father was anxious to put Clarence forward, and ma... ...ed the night was clear, and I told him 255 Yo n g e that all the rational theories I had ever heard were far more improbable than the appearance hers...

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Essays of Michel de Montaigne

By: William Carew Hazilitt

...le, of which we have a description, acquainting us with its physi- cal and political condition at that period, as well as with the character of its ba... ... he belonged, like all the great minds of the six- teenth century, to that political sect which sought to im- prove, without destroying, institutions;... ...between Henry of Navarre (afterwards Henry IV.) and the Duke of Guise. His political life is almost a blank; but De Thou as- sures us that Montaigne e... ...see how her own natural inclination has not only reached but surpassed the theories of the wisest philosophers, regarding the duties and laws of the w... ... esteem and affection, these are only due to their virtue. Let us grant to political government to endure them with patience, however unworthy; to con... ...edon, who, being one of the condemned, and a man of most emi- nent virtue, political and military, after having heard the sen- tence, advancing to spe...

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Anna Karenina

By: Leo Tolstoy, Graf

...bly changed of themselves within him. Stepan Arkadyevitch had not chosen his political opinions or his views; these political opinions and views had c... ...ntained his position, and where they agreed and disagreed. But the circle of political, masculine interests had never interested her, in spite of coun... ...e its influence on the laborer too.” “Yes, but wait a bit. I’m not talking of political economy, I’m talking of the science of agriculture. It ought to... ...chief mental interest in the watering place consisted in watching and making theories about the people she did not know. It was characteristic of Kitt... ...ed to investigate the deplorable condition of the native tribes from the—(1) political, (2) administrative, (3) economic, (4) ethnographical, (5) mate... ...eral and was expecting a command, which might have influence on the course of political events; while Vronsky, independent and brilliant and beloved by... ...ness, and whole periods ranged themselves in his mind in illustration of his theories. “I must write that down,” he thought. “That ought to form a bri... ...tion of the subject of the picture having brought him to one of his favorite theories, Golenishtchev launched forth into a disquisition on it. Part V... ...s nowadays, one of those free thinkers you know, who are rearedd’embl´ ee in theories of atheism, scepticism, and materialism. In former days,” said G...

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Virginibus Puerisque, And Other Papers

By: Robert Louis Stevenson

...ery gist and centrepoint of God’s creation, and demolishes our la- borious theories with a smile; in which our ideas are so bound up with the one mast... ...cean. We have no more than glimpses and touches; we are torn away from our theories; we are spun round and round and shown this or the other view of l... ... of bagmen in the country, but human beings are reckoned by number only in political constitutions. And the Admirals are typi- cal in the full force o... ...are more valuable to England than any material benefit in all the books of political economy between Westminster and Birmingham. Greenville chewing wi... ...ot possible to make it better.” It’s a pretty fair start, is it not, for a political trial? A little later, he has occasion to refer to the relations ... ... sphere of intellect, by which all things are transformed and seen through theories and associations as through coloured windows. We make to ourselves... ...onder, not always to admire, but to make and modify our little incongruous theories about life. It is no longer the uniform of a soldier that ar- rest...

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The Portrait of a Lady

By: Henry James

...lowing eulogy or an accusation of levity? Should you like me to carry out my theories, daddy?” “By Jove, we should see some queer things!” cried Lord ... ...ll be firm,” the old man rejoined; “they’ll not be affected by the social and political changes I just referred to.” “You mean they won’t be abolished?... ...rse.” “I don’t think I am; I’ve been told I’m not; I’m said to have too many theories. But you haven’t told me about the ghost,” she added. Ralph, how... .... 38 Portrait of a Lady CHAPTER 6 I sabel Archer was a young person of many theories; her imagination was re markably active. It had been her fortun... ...r’s part an impulse more tender and more purely expectant. It was one of her theories that Isabel Archer was very fortunate in being in dependent, an... ...lse, as it were, had presumed to do. What she felt was that a territorial, a political, a social magnate had conceived the design of drawing her into ... ...r, no answer to the question. Another idea had come into his head. “Is it my political opinions? Do you think I go too far?” “I can’t object to your p... ...e of his dissipations than in earlier days. In the list of his resources his political reflections should not be omitted, for they were doubtless the a... ...tion of success. She took, it will be observed, not the sentimental, but the political, view of matrimony—a view which has always had much to recommen...

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The French Revolution a History Volume Three

By: Thomas Carlyle

...f sugar. And, alas, if to these two notabilities, of a Phenomenon and such Theories of a Phenomenon, we add this third notability, That the French Nat... ...e; endless Necessity environing Freewill! The weapons of the Girondins are Political Philosophy, Respectability and Eloquence. Eloquence, or call it r..., wherein better or worse some ration of bread may be found. It is true, Political Economy, Girondin free-trade, and all law of supply and demand, a..., and began and ended,—remains the most interesting of all Chapters in Political Economy: still to be written. All which things are they not clean... ... 130 The French Revolution - V olume Three quitting him? Principle, faith political or other, beyond a certain faith of mess-rooms, and honour of an ... ... the purport of it, though not consciously so. False hopes, of Fraternity, Political Millennium, and what not, we have always seen: but the unseen hea...

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Letters of Two Brides

By: Honoré de Balzac

...from her cradle, has been my destined bride. In this lies the secret of my political enthusiasm. Spain has taken the place of a mis- tress and receive... my grati- tude: “I have no doubt that you left Spain in consequence of political events. If my father is sent there, as seems to be ex- pected, we... ...h feelings of a very high order, and I shall thus be obliged to enter into political questions of the greatest importance to the kingdom, which might ... ... the reasons of your conduct, I have weaved together all sorts of romantic theories about you. “She has made a mere experiment in marriage,” I thought... ...urself in the country, I shall be cross. T ell me, are you afraid that the political wisdom of the house of l’Estorade should seem to centre in you? O... ... On reading your last letter but one, I find some stinging comments on our political situation. You mocked at us for keeping the post in the Audit Dep...

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By: Sir Walter Scott

... event, should it really take place, as one which ought not to alter their political calculations. “If Richard returns,” said Fitzurse, “he returns to... ...f turned by the discovery of a pair of patent snuffers, and by the learned theories which would be brought forward to account for the form and purpose...

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The Socialist Myth of the Greedy Banker

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

...nary money is always and everywhere created by governments. I also explain how and why governments do so. Finally I say a few things about conspiracy theories concerning the central banks, since the latter play a key role on what we call "inflationary money". This essay is written for non economists with an interest on the subject . Even though I have postgraduate studies ...

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A Unifying Field in Logics : Neutrosophic Logic. Neutrosophy, Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic Probability

By: Florentin Smarandache

... lived in that society a double life: an official one - propagated by the political system, and another one real. In mass-media it was promulgated t... ...logic thus generalizes: - intuitionistic logic, which supports incomplete theories (for 0<n<100, 0<=t,i,f<=100); - fuzzy logic (for n=100 and i=0, a... ...t generalizes: 7 - the intuitionistic set, which supports incomplete set theories (for 0<n<100, 0<=t,i,f<=100); - the fuzzy set (for n=100 and i=0... ...fied as neutrality. K) Delimitation from Other Philosophical Concepts and Theories: 1. Neutrosophy is based not only on analysis of oppositional pro... ... have a catastrophe! P) Neutrosophic Studies and Interpretations of Known Theories, Modes, Views, Processes of Reason, Acts, Concepts in Philosophy.... ... today it will be raining or not. Because any attempt to change the political power ends up in embarking another power, "the revolution is imp... ...account they transform the church into a business and the religion into a political propaganda. "The contradictiousness is a component of indiv... ...s-media partially does this. Social disease, created by mass media's political manipulation: Give citizens the impression/disillusion they are ... ...ine a country or group of people or class to remain neuter in a military, political, ideological, cultural, artistic, scientific, economical, etc. in...

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Sextus Empiricus and Greek Scepticism

By: Mary Mills Patrick

... relate to the customs of Libya, showing a minute knowledge in regard to the political and religious customs of this land that he displays in regard ... ... oldest, we know from its distinct mention in connection with the foundation theories of Pyrrho, by Diogenes. [3] In treating of the subjective reas... ... ideas, desires, and reasoning originate, [8] but simply refers to the two theories of the Dogmatics, which claim on the one hand that it is in the... ...Tropes are empirical, and aim to furnish objective proofs of the foundation theories of Pyrrhonism, while the five are rather rules of thought leadin... ...ay as the appearance of images in a dark room. V. Most philosophers present theories of aetiology which agree with their own individual hypotheses a... ... by homoeomeriae like Anaxagoras, or by matter and form like Aristotle. VI. Theories are accepted which agree with individual hypotheses, and others ... ...ce. This basis of action was itself a death-blow to all reform in social or political life. It was a selfish, negative way of seeking what was, after...

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Heroes of Unknown Seas and Savage Lands

By: J. W. Buel

...usively in the hands of the Portuguese and Spanish. Queen Elizabeth, while for political reasons refusing to give open recognition to the enterprise w... ...endish banqueted the Portuguese merchants, and related to them the most recent political intelligences that he had, and in turn they described to him ... ...rming such work that they ascribe to the statues a supernatural origin. Of the theories and traditions set forth to account for these stone images onl...

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The Note Book of an English Opium-Eater

By: Thomas de Quincey

... applied to pro- cesses current and in movement, or as taking the shape of theories applied to processes past and accomplished. The Mosaic cosmogony, ... ...l, by embarking his small capital of talent on the springtide of a furious political collision, brought back an ampler return for his little invest- m... ... decorous nation, and closely connected, upon principles of fidelity under political suffer- ing, with the Roman Catholics, to say little in his own d... ...f the public, not admitted to the secret—and equally exaggerated as to its political power by the government in the hush-money for its future suppres-... ...t the ‘master of sentences’ had become long since, in competition with the political economist. Yet, be assured, reader, that all the ‘ologies’ hither... there was an affinity to do, but no means of doing it. The last great political act of Lord Wellesley, was the smashing of the Peel ministry in 1...

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On Heroes, Hero-Worship, And the Heroic in History

By: Thomas Carlyle

...his world at all, if quackery so grew and were sanctioned here. Alas, such theories are very lamentable. If we would attain to knowledge of anything i... ...f Job was written in that region of the world. I call that, apart from all theories about it, one of the grandest things ever written with pen. One fe... ...ssacks and cannons; and does a great feat in keeping such a tract of Earth politically together; but he cannot yet speak. Something great in him, but ... ...s, building up Religions, heroic Forms of human Exist- ence in this world, Theories of Life worthy to be sung by a Dante, Practices of Life by a Shaks... ...t it forever! We will say nothing at all, I think, of that sorrowfulest of theories, of its being some mean shop- keeper grudge, of the Augustine Monk... ...nay Ludlow, Hutchinson, Vane himself, are admitted to be a kind of Heroes; political Conscript Fathers, to whom in no small degree we owe what makes u... ...” says Lord Clarendon himself: “heats and jealousies,” mere crabbed whims, theories and crotchets; these induced slow sober quiet Englishmen to lay do...

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Dead Souls

By: D. J. Hogarth

... which is probably the reason why the latter are mostly to be found in the Political Police, or acting as mere ciphers whose existence is a purely hop... ...ends, owing to her ignorance of the art of managing them—but to the coming political revo- lution in France and the direction in which fashionable Cat... ...e thunderstruck, for they knocked on the head all previous conceptions and theories. Not for a moment could it be supposed that the former docu- ment ... ... on touching a spring, to vanish instantaneously from sight. Various other theories were then propounded, among them a theory that Chichikov was Napol... ...hty work which was to con- sider Russia from every point of view: from the political, from the philosophical, and from the religious, as well as to re... ... with good man- agement, to make such an immensity of profit.” “And as for political economy,” continued Kostanzhoglo, without noticing him, and with ... ...t noticing him, and with his face charged with bil- ious sarcasm, “—as for political economy, it is a fine thing indeed. Just one fool sitting on anot...

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The Vatican Conspiracy

By: Jonathan Cross

... this is only suspicion, rumor, nothing more. The source is attributed to his political opponent.” Alfredo shrugged his shoulders. “You know politici... ever since.” “What were your studies, aside from what was required?” “Political Science, Holy Father.” Again things started to take shape. ... ... “Political Science, Holy Father.” Again things started to take shape. “Why Political Science?” “You know the Jesuits, they’re into everything.” ... ...een his Campaign Manager, and whom he considered to be one of the most astute political observers he had ever known. Maybe, that’s why he married her... ...rvices Committee. I guess he was looking for some answers. You know he’s very political,” he said trying to make some sense. “Alex, you’re not tell... ...ieve his theory is correct." "And what is your theory?" "Before we advance theories, let us look at the facts. Some of which have just come to my...

...f the Italian mafia. These men form an alliance to eliminate the drug cartels of the world to save the children of the future against the backdrop of political power struggle. ...

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Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers

By: Thomas de Quincey

...lty in winning over the Russian counsels to a concurrence with some of his political views, and thus covertly introducing the point of that wedge whic... of Rus- sia, Zebek-Dorchi proceeded in his new character to fulfil his political mission with the Khan of the Kalmucks. So art- fully did he prepa... ...suggested the alteration to the Em- press, and he chiefly appropriated the political advantages which it was fitted to yield. For, as he was himself a... ...s title. His mixed character of ambas- 157 Thomas de Quincey sador and of political surveillant, combined with the depen- dent state of the Kalmucks,... ...olga, a Russian gentleman of some rank at the court of the Khan, whom, for political reasons, it was thought necessary to carry along with them as a c...; or to things promising for knowledge; or to things which, like dubious theories or imperfect attempts at systematizing, though neu- tral as regard... ...ories, applied to processes current and in movement, or under the shape of theories applied to processes past and accomplished. The Mosaic cosmogony, ... ... (concerning which the most eminent of theologians have held very opposite theories,) one thing is certain, that, so long as we entertain such pretens...

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The French Revolution a History Volume One

By: Thomas Carlyle

...h you can still buy when there is no gold left; Book-paper, splendent with Theories, Philosophies, Sensibilities,—beau- tiful art, not only of reveali... ..., and how it is contracted and bargained for,—to universal satis- faction? Theories of Government! Such have been, and will be; in ages of decadence. ... ... her great process. Meanwhile, what theory is so certain as this, That all theories, were they never so ear- nest, painfully elaborated, are, and, by ... ...t of Paris may count itself an unloved body; mean, not magnanimous, on the political side. Were the King weak, always (as now) has his Parlement barke... ...the world generally? From the dens of Stock-brokerage, from the heights of Political Economy, of Neckerism and Philosophism; from all articu- late and... ...; gone off in smoke, at the foot of Henri’s Statue. States-General (with a Political Millennium) are now certain; nay, it shall be an- nounced, in our... ...y from its dim depths, will arise and do it,—for down even thither the new Political Evangel, in some rude version or other, has penetrated. It is Mon... ...y ballot and by voice,—rise discrepant towards the ear of Heaven. To which political phenomena add this economical one, that Trade is stagnant, and al...

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Celt and Saxon

By: George Meredith

...winge or suspicion of a sting from the tone of his host, though he was not political and was of 17 George Meredith a mood to pity the poor gentleman’... ...hire Riviera. ‘I will venture to guess at nonsense,’ he answered. ‘Nothing political, then.’ ‘That scarcely follows; but a host at his own table may b... ...long way to see the exhibition.’ ‘But why cannot men be temperate in their political argu- ments?’ ‘The questions raised are too close about the roots... ...y had written of late about Irish affairs recurred to Captain Con, and the political fires leaped in him; he sparkled and said: ‘Let me beg you to pas... ...with their bloody beaks.’ ‘We obey our orders, and leave you to settle the political business,’ Philip replied. Forbery declined the fray. Patrick was... girl, and you are welcome to the marriage-feast; but avaunt new-fangled theories and howlings: old tunes, tried systems, for us, my worthy friends.... ...ry singularly affected, like a person shut off on a sudden from her former theories and feelings. Theo- retically she despised the soldier’s work as m...

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The French Revolution a History

By: Thomas Carlyle

...h you can still buy when there is no gold left; Book-paper, splendent with Theories, Philoso- phies, Sensibilities,—beautiful art, not only of reveali... great pro- cess. Meanwhile, what theory is so certain as this, That all theories, were they never so earnest, painfully elaborated, are, and, by th..., the whole Nation is behind thee. Thou too (O heavens!) mayest become a Political Power; and with the shakings of thy horse-hair wig shake principa... ...e: say rather, with such weap- ons, homicidal and suicidal, in exasperated political duel, will Bodies-corporate fight! But, in any case, is not this ... ...t of Paris may count itself an unloved body; mean, not magnanimous, on the political side. Were the King weak, always (as now) has his Parlement barke... ...the world generally? From the dens of Stock-brokerage, from the heights of Political Economy, of Neckerism and Philosophism; from all articulate and i... ...; gone off in smoke, at the foot of Henri’s Statue. States-General (with a Political Millennium) are now certain; nay, it shall be announced, in our f... ...f sugar. And, alas, if to these two notabilities, of a Phenomenon and such Theories of a Phenomenon, we add this third notability, That the French Nat...

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The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson to His Family and Friends ; Selected and Edited with Notes and Introd. By Sidney Colvin : Volume 1

By: Robert Louis Stevenson composure. I am gen- erally glad enough to fall back again, after these political in- terludes, upon Burns, toddy, and the Highlands. 23 The Lette... ...uit enough to think that any end will justify an unjust law. Here ends the political sermon of your affectionate (and somewhat dogmatical) son, ROBERT... ...the American on poli- tics. It is odd how it irritates you to hear certain political statements made. He was excited, and he began suddenly to abuse o... ... and were a bottle of Fleury a thing to be obtained, capable of developing theories along with a fit spirit even as of yore. Yet I now draw near to th... ... on receipt, I thus acknowledge. I have already expressed myself as to the political as- pect. About Grahame, I feel happier; it does seem to have bee... ...and much may be said against you. But in this weather, and O dear! in this political scene of degradation, much must be forgiven. I fear England is de...

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The $30,000 Bequest : And Other Stories

By: Mark Twain

...uation that may interrupt our happiness—like the poli tician who runs the political gantlet for office one day, and the next day, because the horizon... ... satisfied now? No. Nothing ever satisfies her but demonstration; untested theories are not in her line, and she won’t have them. It is the right spir...

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And Gulliver Returns Book VI : Our Psychological Motivations

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

... able to read the works of the great, and not so great, intellectuals of our race. It now gives me cause to consider some of the psychological theori... ...izing that, let‘s see what I can do to help you. I‘ll have to warn you that I try to go back to the basics as much as I can. There are so many theori..., like sex, our basic drive or are we driven to find higher meanings in life? Serious students of human nature have expressed each of these theori... ...ife? Serious students of human nature have expressed each of these theories. ―Perhaps by understanding some of the various psychological theori... ...or being the toughest inmate, the power gained from being in the best school or on the best team—the examples are endless. Then there are the politi... ... in our children and young adults the abilities to have power to do some things well. This can be in the vocational, avocational, familial or politi... often valued by the newsmen. But is press freedom more valuable to a Muslim whose prophet has been defiled? It is religious values versus politi... ...r over men. Granting sexual favors is even a better means of gaining power over them. Men tend to get their sexual attraction from economic or politi... ...cles for the drive for power. It had forced them to achieve in business, to become the money winners, and to work at the highest academic and politi...

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In the Fourth Year Anticipations of a World Peace

By: H. G. Wells

...ther of a world-wide propaganda of this the most cre- ative and hopeful of political ideas that has ever dawned upon the consciousness of mankind. Wit... ...y. I follow the man who is, more than any other man, the leader of English political thought throughout the world to-day, President Wilson, in inserti... ...ware of a distinctive national character and involved in some big existing political complex, should wish to disentangle themselves from one group of ... ... and a third, almost entirely illiterate and liable at any time to further political disruption; Andorra with a popula- tion of four or five thousand ... ...resentatives. And here, again, I turn from any European precedents to that political outcome of the British mind, the Constitution of the United State... ...ave for a mouthpiece a Chancellor with his brains manifestly addled by the theories of Welt-Politik and the Bismarckian tradition, and for a figurehea...

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What Is Man and Other Essays of Mark Twain

By: Mark Twain

...voids, and which breed of mass meetings he attends in order to broaden his political knowledge, and which breed of mass meetings he doesn’t attend, ex... ...s wherewith to protect his Truth from the weather. If he was seeking after political T ruth he found it in one or another of the hundred political gos... hough hough hough hought t t t t Young Man. It is odious. Those drunken theories of yours, advanced a while ago—concerning the rat and all that— st... ...ur gess has always found happiness and Adams unhappiness in these several political beliefs and in their migrations out of them. Both of these men ha... ... tian Science, now, with the customary result, the inevi table result. No political or religious belief can make Bur gess unhappy or the other man h... absent, and this enables a nation to learn to accommodate itself to its political and religious circum stances and like them, be satisfied with th... ... the biographers, is built up, course upon course, of guesses, inferences, theories, conjectures—an Eiffel Tower of arti ficialities rising sky high ...

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By: John Stuart Mill

... was in this same year, 1819, that he took me through a complete course of political economy. His loved and intimate friend, Ricardo, had shortly befo... ...o, had shortly before published the book which formed so great an epoch in political economy; a book which would never have been published or written,... ...ect, he ren dered so much service to his and my father’s opinions both on political economy and on other subjects. Though Ricardo’s great work was al... ...rendu, served him afterwards as notes from which to write his Elements of Political Economy . After this I read Ricardo, giving an account daily of w... ...father’s main objects to make me apply to Smith’s more superficial view of political economy, the supe rior lights of Ricardo, and detect what was fa... ...uck, the one by his knowledge, the other by his dialectical acuteness. The theories of International Values and of Profits were excogitated and worked... part of the chapter, the state ment and discussion of the two opposite theories respecting the proper condition of the labouring classes, was whol...

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Notes on Life and Letters

By: Joseph Conrad

...h a stretch of time) of really innocent attitudes: Conrad literary, Conrad political, Conrad reminiscent, Conrad controversial. Well, yes! A one-man s... ...likes, on the sense of virtue and the sense of propri- ety, on beliefs and theories that, indestructible in themselves, always change their form—often... ...lican. He is indulgent to the weaknesses of the people, and perceives that political institutions, whether contrived by the wis- dom of the few or the... ...t also. Therefore we behold him in the dock, a stranger to all historical, political or social considerations which can be brought to bear upon his ca... ... work so simple and human, so independent of the transi- tory formulas and theories of art, belongs as you point out in the Preface to Smoke “to all t... ...activity covers about thirty years. Since it came to an end the social and political events in Russia have moved at an accelerated pace, but the deep ... ...ies. A sane lineal successor of the Barber and the Priest, and a sagacious political heir of the incomparable Sancho Panza (another great Governor), t... ...ngely vague, had lost its definite character, was rendered doubtful by the theories and the claims of the spoliators who, by a strange effect of uneas...

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Miscellaneous Prose

By: George Meredith

...magined in English hands? The braver exemplar for grappling with monstrous political tasks is Cavour, and he would not have hinted at the iron method ... ...y fear from a Dublin House of Commons. The declarations and novel or ultra theories might almost be written down beforehand. I should, for my part, an... ...e should prepare to start it cordially , cordially assist it. Thought- ful political minds regard the measure as a backward step; yet conceiving but a... to have found Italy in greatly different condition, both as regards her political and military posi- tion. Italy is, on the contrary, in exactly th... ... T o the simple private, who does not know of diplomatic imbroglios and of political considerations, this sudden retreat means an almost as sudden ret... ...ountry that the task has been accomplished. A talk on the present state of political affairs, and on the peculiar position of Italy, is the only subje...

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Selected Writings

By: Guy de Maupassant

...s, so paralyzed by his health, by 11 Selected Writings his family, by his theories even, and so rich in re- flections, for the most part solitary. Am... ... even, and so rich in re- flections, for the most part solitary. Among the theories of the anatomist of “Ma- dame Bovary,” there are two which appear ... ...ver, been greatly agitated for a month over an encounter between the rival political par- ties. The mayor, Viscount de Varnetot, a small, thin man, al... ...Lieutenant hurried off. The doctor was go- 44 De Maupassant ing to make a political banner, a white one, that would perhaps, rejoice the heart of tha...

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