Search Results (3 titles)

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Post hoc analysis (X) Religion (X)

Records: 1 - 3 of 3 - Pages: 
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The Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty: Volume II

By: Juan Josafat Ben Ezra

...ey argue thus: — The promises which are found in scripture, with a view to times posterior to Messiah’s coming, are spoken, according to St. Paul, on... ...w militant, now triumphant) the promises which are found in scripture for times posterior to Messiah; even Coming of Messiah Vol. 2 Part II thou... ...; to Jerusalem, destroyed and trodden under foot; to the house of Jacob and the posterity of Abraham, captive among all nations; —it is at once seen... therein, not to 2 Si enim hoc tantum volumus intelligere quod sonat in litera, aut parvam, aut ... ...l-being of the Christian Gentiles, or for the remedy of the miserable Jews: sed hoc opus, hic labor est, but this is the burden, this the labour. If ... ...ost all, a continued allusion to the whole scripture, as it were an abstract or analysis of scripture itself. Unless you give heed to these observat... ...he houses of the 6 Perspicue hoc non de Babylonica, sed de Romana dicitur captivitate. Post Babylo...

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God the Invisible King

By: H. G. Wells

...d and the Veiled Being, who answer to their Creator God. This the orthodox post Nicaean Chris- tians assert, and many pre-Nicaeans and many heretics (... ...ns and dogmas. The new believers are very definitely set upon a thor- ough analysis of the nature and growth of the Christian creeds and ideas. There ... ... that the Christian God is a magic god, very great medicine in battle, “in hoc signo vinces,” and the argument so natural to the minds of those days a... For us life is a matter of our personalities in space and time. Human analysis probing with philosophy and science towards the V eiled Being reve... ...ell-nigh incredible physical development… . “T o such a Divine Force as we postulate, the whole devel- opment and perfecting of life on this planet, t... ...e something of his gift to save the rest. But should a poorer or a humbler post offer him better 75 H. G. Wells opportunity, there lies his work for ... ...ends. T o borrow a term from British politics, there is no objection to ad hoc organisations. The objection lies not against sub- sidiary organisation...

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Cyclopedia of Philosophy

By: Sam Vaknin

... the woman's ownership of her body and right to it further in time and space to the post-natal period? Contracts to provide goods and services (alw... ... verified or falsified. Attaining an achievement involves the construction of an ad-hoc mini theory. Reality has to be thoroughly surveyed, models ... ...n to the one member club that is me. But this scheme raises some difficulties. We postulated that the strength of one's moral obligations towards ... ...orporate brigandage? In an important Chicago Law Review article whose preprint was posted to the Web a few weeks ago - titled "Managerial Power and... .... Our cognition is in charge of attaining certain kinds of mental gratification. An analysis of future values of the relief-gratification versus rep... ...s maxim from the Jewish Talmud: "Do not do unto thy friend that which you hate". An analysis of this sentence renders it less altruistic than it app... ... the Jews act in a manner similar to al-Qaida: they freelance and self- assemble ad hoc in cross-border networks to tackle specific issues. Jewish o... ...on his inclination and predilections). But this cold, functional, phenomenological analysis fails to capture the spirit of the creative act. Nor do... ...y) is insufficient grounds to endow them with this status. This is the famous "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc" fallacy. Other relations must be weighed ...

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Records: 1 - 3 of 3 - Pages: 

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