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Presidential Citizens Medal (X) Literature (X) Classic Literature Collection (X)

Records: 1 - 5 of 5 - Pages: 
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Nostromo a Tale of the Seaboard

By: Joseph Conrad

... Don Jose Avellanos, and, with a lingering, tender, faithful glance at the medallion-memorial to Martin Decoud, going out serenely into the sunshine o... ... might fall of their legitimate expectations, no gang in possession of the Presidential Palace would be so incompetent as to suffer itself to be baffl... ... form of church- building amused Mrs. Gould) was looked upon by his fellow-citizens as the manifestation of a pious and humble spirit. But in his own ... ...sure rock on the plateau below. The heads of gangs, distinguished by brass medals hanging on their bare breasts, mar- 93 Joseph Conrad shalled their ... ...) had 107 Joseph Conrad certainly helped so greatly in bringing about the presidential tour that he began to think that there was something in the fa... ...t quite safe for anybody of mark to stay away from these manifestations of presidential piety. Having thus acknowledged the only power he was at all d... ...nse! The idea of that Chief of the State engaged, with the help of private citizens, in dig- ging a mine under his own indispensable War Min- ister. N... ...e largesse. What he began was a speech. He began it with the shouted word “Citizens!” which reached even those in the middle of the Plaza. After- ward... ... old school, a true Hidalgo, beloved by everybody who knew him. The marble medallion in the wall, in the antique style, representing a veiled woman se...

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Life on the Mississippi

By: Mark Twain

...backward into the stream, leaving wide gaps in the serried rank of steamers. Citizens crowd the decks of boats that are not to go, in order to see the... ...was landed in the eddy just above the town, and through the exertions of the citizens the cabin passengers, officers, and part of the crew and deck pa... ... rab bit—limbs and features merged together, not strongly de fined; pewter presidential campaign medal; miniature card board wood sawyer, to be att... ...atures merged together, not strongly de fined; pewter presidential campaign medal; miniature card board wood sawyer, to be attached to the stove pip... ...ench names which nevertheless hap pened to be borne by living and sensitive citizens of New Orleans. His names were either inventions or were borrowe...

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Anna Karenina

By: Leo Tolstoy, Graf

...e. If you want him defined, here he is: a prime, well fed beast such as takes medals at the cattle shows, and nothing more,” he said, with a tone of ve... ...tch, with the same somewhat solemn expression with which he used to take his presidential chair at his board, walked into Alexey Alexan drovitch’s ro... ...d brought them up. On completing his high school and university courses with medals, Alexey Alexandrovitch had, with his uncle’s aid, immediately star... us that in matters of state, and especially in the matter of war, private citizens must forego their personal individual Sergey Ivanovitch and Kata... there may be cases when the government does not carry out the will of the citizens and then the public asserts its will,” said Katavasov. Part VII...

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Master Francis Rabelais Five Books of the Lives, Heroic Deeds and Sayings of Gargantua and His Son Pantagruel

By: Thomas Urquhart

...with care, and taken from the most authentic sources; from statues, busts, medals, even stained glass, for the per- sons of most distinction, from ear... ...t day being thus spent, and the bells put up again in their own place, the citizens of Paris, in acknowledgment of this courtesy, offered to maintain ... ... purpose. Wherefore, conde- scending heartily to the humble request of the citizens and inhabitants of the said town, he determined to remove it to th... ...ere, said he, the walls of the city! in showing them the inhabit- ants and citizens thereof, so strong, so well armed, and so expert in military disci... ...s who in the chamber of lots are said to rule, sit in judgment, and bear a presidential sway? Neither him nor them, answered Pantagruel; only open up ... ...make it sound several times upon the stall of the cook’s shop. Then with a presidential majesty holding his bauble sceptre-like in his hand, muffling ... ... upon the manner of obviat- ing a so dreadful danger, Jove, sitting in his presidential throne, asked the votes of all the other gods, which, after a ... ...o his cap, said to one of his comrades, Prithee, look, is there not a fine medal of a cuck- old? Panurge, by reason of his spectacles, as you may well...

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Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant

By: Ulysses S. Grant

...l- unteers, that I can think of. Of the graduates from West Point, all had citizenship elsewhere at the breaking out of the rebellion, except possibly... ... twenty-five miles away, vis- iting the planters on the Red River, and the citizens of Natchitoches and Grand Ecore. There was much pleasant intercour... ... if not the very last, of the obnox- ious imposts to be repealed. Now, the citizens are allowed to cultivate any crops the soil will yield. T obacco i... ...hile a citizen of Missouri, my first opportunity for cast- ing a vote at a Presidential election occurred. I had been in the army from before attainin... ...exation of Texas, “the inevitable conflict” commenced. As the time for the Presidential election of 1856—the first at which I had the opportunity of v... ...opes that the four years which had elapsed since the first nomination of a Presidential candidate by a party distinctly opposed to slavery extension, ... a vote of thanks for the victories at Chattanooga, and voted him a gold medal for Vicksburg and Chattanooga. All such things are now in the possess...

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Records: 1 - 5 of 5 - Pages: 

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