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Smarandache Loops

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

... Florentin Smarandache. As a result, this book doesn't give a full-fledged analysis on loops and their properties. However, for the sake of readers w... ...f(mn) = f(m) f(n) whenever (m, n) = 1. Notation: If x ∈ R (R the set of reals), Then [x] denotes the largest integer that does not exceed x. Re... ... denotes the largest integer not exceeding x for any x ∈ R (R: the set of real numbers) and the remaining elements will decompose into cycles of len... ...dents / researchers to study as this Smarandache structures paves way for analysis of any structure is an exemplary way which cannot be done otherwi... ..., No.2, 371-375 (2000). 52. Riordn.J, An introduction to Combinatorial analysis, John Wiley and Sons Inc., (1964). 53. Robinson.D.A, Bol loops...

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Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Analysis of Women with Hiv/Aids

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache

...ODELS TO ANALYZE HIV/AIDS WOMEN PATIENTS' PROBLEM 4.1 Use of NRM in the Analysis of the Problem 65 4.2 NAM model to study the Problem 77 ... ...iven by the HIV/AIDS patients 239 6.3 Conclusions from our mathematical analysis 241 APPENDIX 1. Linguistic Questionnaire 255 2. Table ... ... indeterminacy is the neutrosophic model. Neutrosophic models are used in the analysis of the socio-economic problems of HIV/AIDS infected women pa... ... introduction about HIV/AIDS among rural women in Tamil Nadu. Chapter 2 is an analysis of the situation using fuzzy theory in general and Fuzzy Rela... ...u State AIDS Control Society as a book titled, “Women. Work. Worth. Womb: 101 Real Life Stories of Rural Women with AIDS.” We have chosen to give th... ...structural factors that make women vulnerable to HIV/AIDS by giving them few realistic options for self-protection. Empowerment for action is one o... ...expressed about women’s roles as ‘infectors’ than as ‘infecteds’ ignoring the real risk of infection that many women face. The media has also reinfo... ...he media has also reinforced imagery of women as infectors, but till date the real problem women face in case of HIV/AIDS has not been analyzed. Con... ...nnocent victims of HIV/AIDS. Hence we in this book have ventured to give the real life history of 101 HIV/AIDS affected women mainly from rural are...

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The Silver Lining: Moral Deliberations in Modern Cinema

By: Sam Vaknin, Ph. D.

...ied in adopting whatever means he deems necessary in pursuing this goal. Ripley's reality test is maintained throughout the film. In other words -... ...hal self-preservation prove conclusively that he knows who he is and that he fully realizes that his acts are parlously illegal. Young Greenleaf ... ..., infinitely charming, breathtakingly handsome and deceivingly emotional. He lacks real talents - he know how to play only six jazz tunes, can't ma... ...lent of these viewers- voyeurs, accomplices to the same crimes, comes as a shocking realization to us. We are (live) viewers and they are (celluloid... ... have willingly and insatiably participated in numerous "Truman Shows". The lives (real or concocted) of the studio stars were brutally exploited a... ...good in a world without aeroplanes or if it ignores the laws of nature. A technical analysis program is useless without a stock exchange or if its m... ...on: its gathering, its accumulation, classification, inter-relation, association, analysis, synthesis, integration, and all other modes of process... ...mmodities in the Group's Headquarters in Switzerland – Manager of the Research and Analysis Division – Manager of the Data Processing Division – P...

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Data Recovery E-Book

By: EaseUS

.........................60 18. To recover image file, how can I know it can really recover the data before I buy Data Recovery Wizard 3.0 ? ............. While physical bad track is caused by physical damage, which is real damage, we can restore it by changing the partition or sector. When th... ...s to protect data. 1.SMART Technology SMART, also called Self-Monitoring Analysis and Report Technology, mainly protects HD from losing data when t... ...the figure that is universally used for comparing positioning speed. I am really not sure why this discrepancy exists. Perhaps the problem is that... ...why this discrepancy exists. Perhaps the problem is that access time is really a derived figure, comprised of the other positioning performance sp... ...cronym IDE, is an interface for hard drives. IDE is a marketing term; the real standard is called ATA. EIDE (Enhanced IDE) or ATA-2 was later devel... ...llions sectors a partition has several trillions. Depending on the manual analysis is impossible. For some extremely important data file, we can also...

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Data Recovery E-Book

By: EaseUS

.........................60 18. To recover image file, how can I know it can really recover the data before I buy Data Recovery Wizard 3.0 ? ............. While physical bad track is caused by physical damage, which is real damage, we can restore it by changing the partition or sector. When th... ...s to protect data. 1.SMART Technology SMART, also called Self-Monitoring Analysis and Report Technology, mainly protects HD from losing data when t... ...the figure that is universally used for comparing positioning speed. I am really not sure why this discrepancy exists. Perhaps the problem is that... ...why this discrepancy exists. Perhaps the problem is that access time is really a derived figure, comprised of the other positioning performance sp... ...cronym IDE, is an interface for hard drives. IDE is a marketing term; the real standard is called ATA. EIDE (Enhanced IDE) or ATA-2 was later devel... ...llions sectors a partition has several trillions. Depending on the manual analysis is impossible. For some extremely important data file, we can also...

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Links and Factoids

By: Sam Vaknin (Edward VIII) and Wallis Simpson in 1936 is the stuff of romantic dramas. Alas, reality was a lot less inspiring. Even as she was being wooed by... ...s. By 1915, Armenian calls for autonomy were deemed a danger to the disintegrating realm, now at war with Russia. When the first world war broke, ... ....html Art, Modern We are all acquainted with the tales - many apocryphal, some real - of how art critiques, curators, collectors and buyers wer... decree, mentioning her name in Hungary was a crime. oviesebathory.htm http:... ...a into a monarchy: 'Under the mask of patriotism and attachment to liberty, he has really been preparing the means of investing himself with arbitr... ... from the official Web pages of some of these databases: National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) Its mission is to combine i... ..., corruption, and white-collar crime investigations. It comprises the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU), Child Abduction and Serial Murder Investiga... ...ted Police) in the early 1990s. UTAP, stands for The Utah Criminal Tracking and Analysis Project Gathers experts from forensic science, crime ... ...mmodities in the Group's Headquarters in Switzerland – Manager of the Research and Analysis Division – Manager of the Data Processing Division – P...

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Smarandache Semirings, Semifields, And Semivector Spaces

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

...complete systematic introduction of all concepts together with a sequential analysis of these concepts. Examples are provided abundantly to make the... ...e in this book. Example 1.2.5: Let L be [a, b] any closed interval on the real line, [a, b] under the total order is a chain lattice. a b c ... ... is a division ring or a skew field. Example 1.3.5: Let R be the set of reals, R is a field of characteristic 0. Example 1.3.6: Let Z 28 = {0... ...aracteristic 0 are isomorphic to Q. Example 1.3.10: Let R be the field of reals. R has the subset Q ⊂ R and Q is a field; so R is not a prime fiel... ...'. Example 1.4.1: Let R[x] be the polynomial ring where R is the field of reals. R[x] is a vector space over R. Example 1.4.2: Let Q be the fie... ...over R. Example 1.4.2: Let Q be the field of rationals and R the field of reals. R is a vector space over Q. It is important and interesting to... ... researchers. Except for Smarandache notions such rich type of mathematical analysis would be completely absent in the realm of mathematics. 1. D...

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Bialgebraic Structures and Smarandache Bialgebraic Structures

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

...tions for Smarandache concepts finds themselves accommodative in a better analysis by dissecting the whole structures into specified smaller structu... ...ationals is a field under usual addition and multiplication, R the set of reals is also a field; where as Z the set of integers is an integral domain... ...self under the operations of F is a field. For example in the field of reals R we have Q the field of rationals to be a subfield. If a field has ... ...s of R. As non-associative rings cannot be constructed using the set of reals or integers or rationals or complex or modulo integers without the a... ...x or modulo integers without the aid of another algebraic structure it is really difficult to give natural examples of non-associative rings. The ... ...ere Q + is the set of positive rationals and R + is the set of positive reals. DEFINITION 1.5.2: Let (S, +, ) be a semiring. We say the semiring... ...K 2n graphs. This question is an interesting one and is left for further analysis to the reader. In case of loops we have proved refer [109]. ... ...bson radical of RG is an ideal this ideal is also a quad ideal of RG. The analysis of bigroupoid birings to be a Moufang quad ring, Bol quad ring, Br... ...dy of how experiments can be organized systematically so that statistical analysis can be applied in an interesting problem which is carried out by s...

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Some Smarandache Problems

By: Mladen Vassilev Missana and Krassimir Atanassov

...51;34512;45123;51234 | {z } 5 ; 123456;234561;345612;456123;561234;612345 | {z } 6 ;::: Let ]x[ be the largest natural number strongly smaller than th... ...5) In A5 the identity ¼(b) X k=1 ¼( n p k )=¼( n b ):¼(b)+ ¼( n 2 )¡¼( n b ) X k=1 ¼( n p ¼( n b )+k )( 6 ) is proved, under the condition b ¸2( b is ... ...richlet's identity X k·n f(k): X t=k g(t)= X k·n g(k): X s· n k f(ks); where g is also arbitrary arithmetic function. Putting there g(x)= lnx for ever... ...n f(k): X s· n k g(s)= X k·n g(k): X s· n k f(s); that is valid for arbitrary two arithmetic functions f and g,weput: g(x)´1; f(x)=lnx for any positiv... ...2 ) holds. In particular, it is possible to use µ(n) instead of ¸(n). Further, we will ¯nd an explicit formula for a (m) n when m¸2is ¯xed. Let for an... ...ov. On 25-th and 26-th Smarandache's problems. Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 9, 2003, No. 4, 99-104. [42] Yosida K., Functiona...

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Smarandache Semigroups

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

...s. The last chapter is completely devoted to research problems some of them are really very difficult for these problems may attract a research stud... ...inite group. 2.2 Some Examples of Groups Example 2.2.1: G consists of real numbers 1 and −1. G under multiplication is a group of order 2 ... ...G be the set of all 2 × 2 matrices         d c b a where a, b, c, d are real numbers such that ad − − − − bc ≠ 0. G is a group under matrix ... ...ache subsemigroup and obtain some interesting results about this study and this analysis of Smarandache subsemigroup has lead us to the definition o... ...bgroups in S none of whose order divides the order of S, these S-semigroups are really very innovative because they make the analog of the classical... ...e a ∈ G \ {e} with x = axa -1 that is ax = xa and a ~ x. Such things happen in reality also for consider S 4 the symmetric group of degree 4. ...

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Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Analysis of Periyar's Views on Untouchability

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache

...CHABILITY: PERIYAR’S VIEW AND PRESENT DAY SITUATION A FUZZY AND NEUTROSOPHIC ANALYSIS 2.1 Analysis of untouchability due to Hindu religion usi... ...Analysis of untouchability due to Hindu religion using FCMs and NCMs 43 2.2 Analysis of discrimination faced by Dalits/ Sudras in the field of ed... ...Social inequality faced by Dalits and some of the most backward classes - an analysis using FCM and NCM 66 5 2.4 Problems faced by Dalits in th... ...ced by Dalits in the political arena due to discrimination – a FCM and NCM analysis 75 2.5 Study of Economic Status of Dalits due to untouchabi... ...the expert's opinion for this unsupervised data to obtain some idea about the real plight of the situation. This is just an illustration to show how... ...ut this section we assume the elements of the domain space are taken from the real vector space of dimension n and that of the range space are real ... that the notion of neutrosophic logic play a vital role in several of the real world problems like law, medicine, industry, finance, IT, stocks ... ... the notion of neutrosophic concepts. In this book we assume all fields to be real fields of characteristic 0 all vector spaces are taken as real sp... ...l fields of characteristic 0 all vector spaces are taken as real spaces over reals and we denote the indeterminacy by ‘I ’ as i will make a confusi...

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Smarandache Non-Associative Rings

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

...Index 145 5 PREFACE An associative ring is just realized or built using reals or complex; finite or infinite by defining t... ... we recall them. DEFINITION 1.1.3: A bilinear form on a vector space V (real or complex) is a mapping [x, y] → (x, y) of V × V into the set of (re... ...n A itself is a S-K-vectorial space. The study of Smarandache basis is really a new concept. DEFINITION 1.2.2: Let V be a finite dimensional ve... ..., in fact an integral domain, Q the field of rationals and R the field of reals. L will denote a loop non-necessarily abelian but never a group so b... ...if p/n then Z p L is not regular. THEOREM 2.2.6: Let R be the field of reals and L a finite loop in which m i 2 = 1 for every m i ∈ L. Then the... ...o introduce Smarandache non- associative algebras we don't give a complete analysis of Jordan algebras. Further we are mainly interested in the algeb... ...Smarandache P-algebras using P- identities in groupoid rings. 120 4. Analysis of alternative algebras and Smarandache alternative algebras using... ... to these algebras. Further these algebras became little difficult for analysis as x 2 = 0 for all elements x in a Lie algebra. Yet we have intr...

...An associative ring is just realized or built using reals or complex; finite or infinite by defining two binary operations on it. But on the contrary when we want to define or study or even introduce a non-associative ring we need two separate algebraic...

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Exploring the Extension of Natural Operations on Intervals, Matrices and Complex Numbers

By: Florentin Smarandache; W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

...ervals, finite complex numbers and matrices. Secondly the authors introduce the new notion of finite complex modulo numbers just defined as for usual reals. Finally we introduced the notion of natural product Xn on matrices. This enables one to define product of two column matrices of same order. We can find also product of m*n matrices even if m not does equal n. This nat...

...In this chapter we just give a analysis of why we need the natural operations on intervals and if we have to define natural operations existing on reals to the intervals what changes should be made in the definition of intervals. Here we redefine the struc...

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Smarandache Rings

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

... Chapter three is completely devoted to the introduction, description and analysis of the Smarandache rings — element-wise, substructure-wise and als... ...e set of positive and negative rationals with zero R – denotes the set of reals, positive, negative with zero. Z n – set of integers modulo n. Z n ... ... i + α 2 j + α 3 k where all the numbers α 0 , α 1 ,α 2 and α 3 are real numbers. We declare two such symbols α 0 + α 1 i + α 2 j + α 3 k and ... ...f all 2 × 2 matrices         c 0 b a ; a is rational b and c are reals is right Artinian but not left Artinian. 5. Is the ring P = Z × Z ×... ...1 can never be S-units. We prove every unit in the field of rationals and reals are S-units. DEFINITIONS 3.2.1: Let R be a ring with unit. We say... ...contained in S. Hence the claim. Example 3.5.6: Let R be the field of reals. R[x] be the polynomial ring. Clearly R[x] is a S-ring. Now Q ⊂ R[x]... ...e ring of integers Z, 116 the field of rationals to be useless in the analysis of S-rings. So we have used S-ring level II to overcome this prob...

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Fuzzy Relational Maps and Neutrosophic Relational Maps

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache

...lem using FRE 196 2.6 Data compression with FRE 196 2.7 Applying FRE to Threat Analysis 196 2.8 FRE application to medical diagnosis 197 2.9 A fuz... ...4.10 Some properties of minimal solution for NRE 270 4.11 Application of NRE to Real-world problems 272 Chapter Five SUGGESTED PROBLEMS 279 Bi... ...sophic Relational Equations have a role to play for we see that in most of the real-world problems, the concept of indeterminacy certainly has its ... ...on 4.11 is completely devoted to suggest how one can apply NREs in the study of real world problems. We suggest many problems in chapter five for th... ... Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps ( and Analysis of Social Aspects of Migrant Labourers Living With HIV/AIDS... ...goodness of one value cannot compensate the badness of another value [117]. In reality there are situations that allow compensatability among the v... ... (=N 5 ). This clearly implies that all entries in the matrices P, Q, and R are real numbers from the unit interval [0, 1]. Assume now that the thre... ... we can only provide the decision maker with the Pareto optimal set for further analysis. For a problem with multiple linear objective functions, th... ...he transform function f and the threshold value θ, which is reasonable (see the analysis by [6]) in fact for our fuzzy neural network discussed late...

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Smarandache Fuzzy Algebra

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy from the need to define structures which were more compatible with the real world where the grey areas mattered. Lofti A Zadeh, the father of fuz... sets were not natural, appropriate or useful notions in describing the real life problems, because every object encountered in this real physical... o(µ ) = o(H). 13 THEOREM 1.2.6: Any subgroup H of a group G can be realised as a level subgroup of some fuzzy subgroup of G. The proof is... ... of its basic properties. In 1971 [112, 145] introduced fuzzy sets in the realm of group theory and formulated the concept of a fuzzy subgroup of a ... ... fuzzy polynomial near-rings. DEFINITION 1.8.13: Let R be the set of reals. The fuzzy polynomial near-ring R[x [0, 1] ] consists of elemen... ...dy of how experiments can be organized systematically so that statistical analysis can be applied in an interesting problem which is carried out by s... ... a number between 0 and 1 and it estimates the quality of any statistical analysis if E ≥ 0.75 the quality is good. Now, how does one construct a... ...ay help in even comparison of one BIBD with the another and also give the analysis of the common features. Thus the S-planar near-ring has more a... ... a number between 0 and 1 and it estimates the quality of any statistical analysis if E > 0.75 the quality is good. Here we give the constructio...

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The New Engineering

By: Eugene F. Adiutori

... Part 2 Electrical engineering 2 Example problems that illustrate electrical analysis using behavior methodology ... ...rt 3 Heat transfer engineering 7 Example problems that illustrate heat transfer analysis using behavior methodology ... ...t 4 Stress/strain engineering 11 Example problems that illustrate stress/strain analysis using behavior methodology 149 12 The modulus ... ...he ratio of primary parameters is variable. If this variable ratio is used in the analysis of a problem, the analysis usually must be indirect. If... ...sistance has come to be viewed as a fundamental parameter of Nature a parameter as real as electromotive force or temperature a parameter whose exis... ... perturbations inherent in the system . Fortunately, background perturba- tions in real systems are generally quite small. Thus there is usually lit... ...ficient has come to be viewed as a fundamental parameter of Nature a parameter as real as electromotive force or temperature a parameter whose exis... ...perturba- tions inherent in the system . Fortunately, background perturbations in real systems are generally quite small. Thus there is usually lit... ...ropriate to ask: • Since stress/strain data are obtained in the form σ{ε}, is it really desirable to transform σ{ε} data to the form (σ/ε){ε} sinc...

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Modelling of Rationality...and Beyond the Physics

By: Gh. C. Dinulescu

... of universal rationality>. Tackling the issue of rationality from such a realistic as well as idealistic position, should not be reason for catalog... ...theologian Marin Stefånescu stated in his ″Christian Philosophy″: < To be realistic does not mean to be materialistic or less idealistic; it means to... ...ritualize matter. We should not be mistaken by being idealistic without a reality or realistic without an ideal>. This cogitation, besides the explic... ...tion of the spatio-temporality into material (substantial), and spiritual reality, by two limits: the primary limit and the secondary limit. The mat... ...y, by two limits: the primary limit and the secondary limit. The material reality is comprised between the two limits and it has, on either of its s... ...spiritual, respectively, of the spatiotemporality, yet, upon an objective analysis, one can find that the hypotheses of the concept are of a scienti... ...conformist inability, have recourse to whimsical assumptions, in the last analysis of the same nature as the occultist ones. Any occultist ″speciali... ... the moral rules, especially those of the natural morals, and in the last analysis, the divine judgement takes effect, through monadic dissociation ... ... sacred predestination, and if these acts occur, they reflect in the last analysis some deficiencies of a moral nature. The manifestation of the rei...

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The Conundrums of Psychology

By: Sam Vaknin

...l or rational is immaterial), or 2. His judgment and grasp of objective, physical reality is impaired, and 3. His conduct is not a matter of choic... ...s prefer to talk about an impairment of a "person's perception or understanding of reality". They hold a "guilty but mentally ill" verdict to be co... .... The mentally-ill, therefore, cannot be guilty because s/he has a tenuous grasp on reality. Yet, experience teaches us that a criminal maybe mental... ...ence teaches us that a criminal maybe mentally ill even as s/he maintains a perfect reality test and thus is held criminally responsible (Jeffrey Da... responsible (Jeffrey Dahmer comes to mind). The "perception and understanding of reality", in other words, can and does co-exist even with the se... ...energies and (reactive) forces. Flow charts were provided together with a method of analysis, a mathematical physics of the mind. But this was a mi... ...nergies and (reactive) forces. Flow charts were provided together with a method of analysis, a mathematical physics of the mind. Many hold all psy... ...energies and (reactive) forces. Flow charts were provided together with a method of analysis, a mathematical physics (dynamics) of the mind. But th... ...mmodities in the Group's Headquarters in Switzerland – Manager of the Research and Analysis Division – Manager of the Data Processing Division – ...

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Geometric Theorems, Diophantine Equations, And Arithmetic Functions

By: József Sándor

... is very di cult to decide in this eld of Elementary Geometry - Algebra - Analysis) we note that (1) appears in [R. Sturm: Maxima und minima in der e... ...ce (e.g. "Heron trapeziums"). Bibliography 1. R.D. Carmichael, Diophantine analysis, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1915. 2. R.K. Guy, Unsolved proble... .... Sci. 41(1988), 19-21. 8. E.T. Whittaker, G.N. Watson, A course of modern analysis, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1969. 107 20 On certain diophantine equat... ... for odd n, the theorem implies that C(n) =n 2 for n 3 and odd. Thus the real di culty in calculating C(n) is for n an even number. 169 2) The abov... ...ow de ne the following "additive analogue", which is de ned on a subset of real numbers. Let S(x) = minfm2N : x m!g; x2 (1;1) (1) as well as, its dua... ...Discr. Math. 5(1999), No.2, 41-51. 2. W. Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis, Second ed., Mc Graw-Hill Company, New York, 1964. 174 17 On the ... ...Math. 34(1989), 7-14. 188 20 On certain inequalities for k 1. Letk be a real number andn 1 a positive integer. Letd 1 ;d 2 ;:::;d s be all distinc... ...1 n d i k ; so s X i=1 d k i =n k s X i=1 d k i (8) Let k;t > 0 be real numbers, and apply (6) to a i = d k=2 i , b i = d t=2 i (i = 1;s). T... ...alities [3] such that if a 1 a 2 ::: a s and b 1 b 2 ::: b s are real numbers, then s X i=1 a i ! s X i=1 b i ! s s X i=1 a i b i (12) ...

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The Future of the Internet : And How to Stop It

By: Jonathan Zittrain

...t carries data. 2 These are important questions, but they risk obscuring the reality that people’s experiences with the Internet are shaped at least a... ... to devise ways to push the system to- ward a future that addresses the very real problems that are forcing change, while preserving the elements we h... ...sers could pro- gram, and many did. But PCs were still firmly grounded in the realm of hob- byists, alongside 75-in-1 Project Kit designs. T o most peo... ...t PCs depending on who authored what, and enterprise-wide backup was often a real headache. But the price was right, and diffidence about them soon gave... ...s, rather than leasing within institutional environments, became a practical reality, removing legal and business practice barri- ers to generative ti... ... build on their colleagues’ work. Other scholars have undertaken an economic analysis of the commons. They claim that the Internet’s economic value as... user innova- tion with manufacturer innovation (Figure 4.3). Von Hippel’s analysis says that users can play a critical role in adapting tech- nolog... ...enerally Mark W. Eichin & John A. Rochlis, With Microscope and T weezers: An Analysis of the Internet Virus of November 1988 (1989) (paper presented a... ...ented at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy) (pro- viding a detailed analysis of the Morris worm and describing lessons learned by the In- ter...

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Terrorists and Freedom Fighters

By: Sam Vaknin

...most cases, the freedom of a group of people). They base their claims on history - real or hastily concocted, on a common heritage, on a language ... ...ism as both enemy and people tire of the conflict. 3. An inevitable result of the realpolitik of terrorism is the collaboration with the less savo... ...ed on the faithful recreation of a Bosch-like hell. Feeble attempts at resistance (really, self defence) - such as the one organized by Natanail, t... ...hopeless and extreme that few people on either side can have thought of reform as a realistic option." During the 1890s, IMRO's main sources of inc... ... matters, the construction of railways and railway stations. Guerilla fighters soon realized that being pawns on this mad hatter's chessboard could ... ... of intellectual rigor of American society and of its elites. There is a detailed analysis here, in a reaction I wrote to Roger Kimball's "Christo... ...ns described in well-researched tour guide to Gulag Archipelago by A.Solszhenitzyn. Analysis of the constellation of reasons for the collapse of the... ...mmodities in the Group's Headquarters in Switzerland – Manager of the Research and Analysis Division – Manager of the Data Processing Division – P...

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Smarandache Sequences, Stereograms and Series

By: Charles Ashbacher

...Gray for her encouragement and patience as I struggled to make this book a reality. The material cited in this book can be found at the website http:/... ...simultaneously, it can become overloaded and “see” structure that does not really exist. 71 F. Smarandache defined several ASCII images that have th... ...milar to that for series number 10, although more slowly, so no additional analysis will be done. 12) Let f: N → R be a function defined by ... ...mate value for the sum of the series. 131 16) The series where p > 1 is a real number, converges to a number s16. (For 0 ≤ p ≤ 2, the series diverge...

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The Path of Splitness

By: Indrek Pringi

...g 212 Wonder and Worship Pg 213 Fear and Wonder Pg 218 Normality Pg 219 Reality Pg 220 Conclusion Chapter Four: Modern Humans Psychobiolo... ... David Icke’s Lizard People explained Pg 1815 Secret Hidden Dynamics of The Realm of the Undead and Conspiracies. Pg 1816 The Ugly Truth of the O... ... a small seed has, or where that strength comes from, because Science has not realized that Impetus is as Organic Force; not a mechanical one. Ta... ...ttractive forces. What Einstein and the rest of the Scientific world did not realize was that in order to see any light rays coming from the sun bef... ... slight miscalculation, but devastating in its ramifications. People didn’t realize that the slight curve of sunlight detected was only half of th... ...amic of infinite, subtle, complexity and reflectivity that is beyond any true analysis. Your thought is not you. That part of you which initiates-... ...earn? What do we question and what do we take for granted? In the final analysis: the commitments and connections between people are forever. C... ...d of technological information… but no learning of the heart. In the final analysis: all heartless one-sided learning is evil, because it does not... ...oad of technological information… but no learning of the heart. In the final analysis: all heartless, one-sided learning is evil because it does no...

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Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache

...h and falsity has not imbued itself with the capability of reflecting the reality. Despite various attempts to reorient logic, there has remained an... ... alternative system that could infuse into itself a representation of the real world. Out of this need arose the system of Neutrosophy, and its conn... ...research papers which deal with FCMs, and the tool has been used to study real-world situations as varied as stock-investment analysis to supervisor... been used to study real-world situations as varied as stock-investment analysis to supervisory system control, and child labor to community mobil... ...e concepts of FCMs, and also try to give an inclusive view of the various real-world problems to which FCMs have been applied. Though there are over... ...ter level. We have written this book as a maiden effort to inculcate into real-world problems the concept of indeterminacy, uncertainty and inconclu... ... systems; mobile robots and in intimate technology such as office plants; analysis of business performance assessment; formalism debate and legal ru... ...s to be better than that of the FCM model in several ways mainly when the analysis of the data can be treated as two disjoint entities. Thus its appl... ...12, 119]. This example illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of FCM analysis. FCM allows experts to represent factual and evaluative concepts ...

... of chaotic alignments, traditional logic with its strict boundaries of truth and falsity has not imbued itself with the capability of reflecting the reality. Despite various attempts to reorient logic, there has remained an essential need for an alternative system that could infuse into itself a representation of the real world. Out of this need arose the system of Neutro...

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Capitalistic Musings

By: Sam Vaknin

...ed to be constantly engaged in the rational pursuit of self interest. This is not a realistic model - merely a useful approximation. According to th... ...ts power ruthlessly, as per public choice theories. Both views are caricatures of reality. Governments indeed seek to perpetuate their clout and i... ... to yield results only decades hence. There is no effective method of cost/benefit analysis applicable to such time horizons. How are consumer cho... ... violate the laws of its internal logic and the rules of logic "out there", in the real world. e. Insightfulness – It must cast the familiar in a ... ...redictions which come true, either because they are self-fulfilling or because some real "law", or pattern, has emerged. Alas, this happens rarely. ... ... limited wants. Asset exchanges the world over are now adjusting to this harrowing realization - that cost free goods are worth little in terms of ... ...of a paper published by NBER on March 2000 and titled "The Foundations of Technical Analysis" - Andrew Lo, Harry Mamaysky, and Jiang Wang - claim t... Analysis" - Andrew Lo, Harry Mamaysky, and Jiang Wang - claim that: "Technical analysis, also known as 'charting', has been part of financial p... ...cademic scrutiny and acceptance as more traditional approaches such as fundamental analysis. One of the main obstacles is the highly subjective nat...

Critical analysis of the foundations and tenets of capitalism and of the dismal science - economics.

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Fixing Global Finance

By: Kavaljit Singh crisis. The turmoil in the financial sector rapidly spiraled into the real sector, thereby leading to a global economic crisis. Given the scale a... ...had been structured in a manner that offered higher yields. Many failed to realize the risks involved. By June 2007, as interest rates rose and borrow... ...ave stepped-in to restore stability in the financial markets and stimulate real economy. Several policy measures (both short and long-term) have been ... 64 million more people will fall into extreme poverty in 2010. Although real-time data is still not available, a recent World Bank Report estimated... ...tries should adopt a cautious approach towards volatile capital flows. The real challenge before developing countries is to how to control and channel... speeches/2008/speech339.pdf). 10. For detailed analysis, see, Kavaljit Singh, Sovereign Wealth Funds: Some Frequently Aske... ... and private) on efficiency and productivity levels in India. However, the analysis carried out by RBI suggests domestic banks no longer lag behind th... ...ndia using both accounting and economic measures. 3 Based on its rigorous analysis, the RBI observed that “ownership has no definite relationship wit... ...e seriously reconsidered by Indian policy makers. A detailed cost-benefit analysis of the impact of the entry of foreign banks in the Indian banking ...

...ries quickly spread to developing countries and the rest of the world. The turbulence in financial systems was followed by a significant reduction in real economic activity throughout the world. The crisis has highlighted that financial markets are inherently unstable and market failures have huge economic and social costs. The crisis has renewed debate on the role of glob...

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A Set of New Smarandache Functions, Sequences and Conjectures in Number Theory

By: Felice Russo

...che Notions in number theory. Moreover a chapter (IV) is dedicated to the analysis of Smarandache Double factorial function introduced in number theo... ...euto-Smarandache-Totient harmonic series: ¥ = > 1 0 " " ) ( 1 n a number real a is a where n Zt Problem 47. Study the convergence of the series: ... ... can be made arbitrarily close to zero. Theorem 1.2.13 For any arbitrary real number 0 > e , there is some number 1 ‡ n such that e < n n Zw ) (... ...ct of distinct primes k p p p q K 2 1 = such that e < q 1 where e is any real number greater than zero. Now take a number n such that: 2 , , 2 1 2 1... ...ibuted uniformly in the interval ]0,1]. Conjecture 4.4 For any arbitrary real number 0 > e , there is some number 1 ‡ n such that e < n n Sdf ) ( L... ...W(n)=n-1 if n is repunit (that is all the digits are 1). In the following analysis we will exclude this two species of integers. With the Ubasic pro...

...s, solved/unsolved problems, new Smarandache type sequences and new Smarandache Notions in number theory. Moreover a chapter (IV) is dedicated to the analysis of Smarandache Double factorial function introduced in number theory by F. Smarandache ("The Florentin Smarandache papers" special collection, University of Craiova Library, and Archivele Statului, Filiala Valcea) an...

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Proceedings of the First International Conference on Neutrosophy, Neutrosophic Logic, Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic Probability and Statistics

By: Florentin Smarandache

...ersity of New Mexico Gallup, NM 87301, USA 0.1 Introduction to Non-Standard Analysis. In 1960s Abraham Robinson has developed the non-stan... ...s Abraham Robinson has developed the non-standard analysis, a formalization of analysis and a branch of mathematical logic, that rigorously defines t... ...egers n one has xxx < 1/n. Let &>0 be a such infinitesimal number. The hyper-real number set is an extension of the real number set, which include... ... unit interval. Actually, by “ - a” one signifies a monad, i.e. a set of hyper-real numbers in non-standard analysis: .( - a)= {a-x: x %‘ * ,... ...“ - a” one signifies a monad, i.e. a set of hyper-real numbers in non-standard analysis: .( - a)= {a-x: x %‘ * , x is infinitesimal}, and sim... ...– c + and c. Addition of non-standard finite numbers with themselves or with real numbers: - a + b = - (a + b) a + b + = (a + b) + - ... ...ion, roots, and powers of non-standard finite numbers with themselves or with real numbers. By extension let inf ] - 0, 1 + [ = - a and sup ] - 0,... ...Definition of Neutrosophic Components. Let T, I, F be standard or non-standard real subsets of ] - 0, 1 + [, with sup T = t_sup, inf T = t_inf... ...e appurtenances (t [ 1, and f [ 1 or I [ 1). 5 NEUTROSOPHIC STATISTICS: Analysis of events, described by the neutrosophic probability, means n...

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Facts and Fictions in the Securities Industry

By: Sam Vaknin

...Strategic Investor V. The Myth of the Earnings Yield VI. Technical vs. Fundamental Analysis of Stocks VII. Volatility and Risk VIII. The Bursting ... well as in Western Europe. It raged in Britain during the 80s. Is privatization really the robbery in disguise of state assets by a select few, ... ... been developed and are in wide use but it is difficult to say that any of them has real predictive or even explanatory powers. Some of these models... ...amental) models can be applied more broadly. The value of a stock (a bond, a firm, real estate, or any asset) is the sum of the income (cash flow) ... ...tors. It is almost impossible to objectively quantify or formulate this process of analysis and decision making. In telecommunications, the range o... ...ead: The Myth of the Earnings Yield The Friendly Trend - Technical vs. Fundamental Analysis The Roller Coaster Market - On Volatility and Risk Ret... ...personal future) look if the investor comes in. Both employees and management must realize that this is a top priority. They must be instructed not... ...ent of its involvement. The strategic investor, on the other hand, represents the real long term accumulator of value. Paradoxically, it is the st... ...t will render them increasingly irrelevant. Return Technical vs. Fundamental Analysis of Stocks The authors of a paper published by NBER on...

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The Marketing of Ideas and Social Issues

By: Seymour Fine

...ironmental protection-to the point where people might act on what they believe and really want to do. True, bad ideas can also be promoted and are b... and social issues is not very different from the spreading of propaganda. This realization sent the writer scurrying back to the drawing board w... ... of distribution) -- in Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7, respectively. Part III presents a real-world application (Chapter 8), then considers consumers of co... ...roduced as they apply to conventional commodities and then transfer is made to the realm of concepts taken as products. Each of Chapters 3, 9 an... ... of an idea sector, then testing those concepts with data and finally presenting a real-world application. I wish to express my sincere appreciat... ... A typological model is developed and proposed as an integrative framework for the analysis of all types of offerings. (The author begs license for... ... accurately be called a "quasi- typology.'') It will thus serve too as a basis for analysis for those particular commodities highlighted in this boo... social products are marketed. Each of the types -isted below is susceptible to analysis in terms of the six key "marketing approach" questions ra... ...itutions contacted, 222 questionnaires were returned of which 197 were suitable for analysis -- a usable return rate of 41.5%. Others were either re...

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A History of U. S. Communications Security (Volumes I and Ii);1973

By: David G. Boak

... identified whose mission is the exploitation ofU.S. communicationsthrough their interceptionand analysis. It is important to understand at the outset... ... official U.S. Govern­ ment communications; but given the limitations I have mentioned, our more realistic objectives are to develop and apply our COM... ... of our big, modem electronic cryptosystems are designed to resist a full scale "maximum effort" analysis for many, many years; "'..e are willing to i... ...:=--" -- ;;:;-' _. ~­ _......;:::.. must be. to usuriDr DOne slipped by. Bat do DOt..sipt of the real world where YOW' ultimate prociaet must be~ ad b... ...uplicated! On occasion there has been conaiderable wry amusement and chagrin on the part of some real professionals who have invented IOphiaticated en... ... any giveD key or code; the diet ofthis limitation is to MUce the likelihood ofsuc:ceuful crypt­ analysis or of physicol los. of that material; aDd fu... ...point A and point B, and that's all. In such a case, the question of "com­ panmentation" doesn't really arise-the system is inherently limited to a co... ...e we started from, and ;..·•..~st an alternative definition which more nearly pin-poin~ bow they really differ from other \.._ .hniques of encryption.... ...multllDeoualy (the id. of m.. kiDg; putting out IUch a profusion ofsignals that interception aDd analysis would be difficult), or 3. Get a WBivel' baa...

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Progress in Physics : The Journal on Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Including Related Themes from Mathematics

By: Florentin Smarandache

... we use a pseudo-Riemannian space with the signature (+−−−), where time is real and spatial coordinates are imag- inary, because the projection of a f... ...- particles will deviate in a feld of waves of the metric. A system of two real particles connected by a spring (a quadru- pole mass-detector) should ... ... purely theoretical problems [4, 5]. Is the approach given above the best? Really, the result- ing d’Alembert equations are derived from that form of ... operators b α = dx α ds andh αβ =−g αβ +b α b β , which fully defne his real reference space. Thus, chr.inv.-projections of a world-vector Q α are ... ...ely symmet- ric, because of the imperfect form of the terrestrial globe. A real satellite reacts to the feld defects during its orbital fight around t... ... a ν =γ μ γ ν D μ a ν (57) where D μ is the covariant derivative of tensor analysis. Decomposing the Clifford product γ μ γ ν into its sym- metric and... ...nopoles in Maxwell’s theory was investigated by [89] and a recent critical analysis of “unifed” theories of gravity with electromagnetism has been pre... ...the notion of fractal “manifolds”. A scale- fractal calculus and a fractal-analysis construction that are esential in building the notion of a fractal... ...lgebras and physics. Edited by R. Ablam- owicz, B. Fauser. Vol 2: Clifford analysis. Edited by J. Ryan, W. Sprosig. Birkhauser, Boston, 2000. 7. Loune...

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Cyclopedia of Economics

By: Sam Vaknin

...t can be annulled this way – the consent of both parties is required. Many times we realize that we have entered a bad contract, but there is nothin... .... We can pass muster only on that which exists. When we say "this is missing" - we really mean to say: "there is something that IS NOT in this, whi... ... exists with a Platonic Idea or Form (which, according to modern thinking, does not REALLY exist). We feel that the criticism is the product not of ... ... exist, either. But why do we assign the critical act and its outcomes not to the real - but to the ideal? Because the ideal is judged to be prefe... ...itative measures, or expressed in quantitative-propositions. This is a trait of the real - never of the ideal. That which emanates from the ideal is... .... Our cognition is in charge of attaining certain kinds of mental gratification. An analysis of future values of the relief-gratification versus rep... ...s maxim from the Jewish Talmud: "Do not do unto thy friend that which you hate". An analysis of this sentence renders it less altruistic than it app... ...on his inclination and predilections). But this cold, functional, phenomenological analysis fails to capture the spirit of the creative act. Nor do... ... to yield results only decades hence. There is no effective method of cost/benefit analysis applicable to such time horizons. How are consumer cho...

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Trendsiters Digital Content and Web Technologies

By: Sam Vaknin

...ions management. It offers only some minor synergies with non-cyberspace, real world, franchises and media properties. The likes of Disney and Bertel... ...stia), pay to print (Fathom), sample and pay to buy the physical product (RealRead), or micropayments (Amazon) - the public refuses to cough up. ... ... - legal and moral - of ownership. It also expropriates the book from the realm of passive, inert objects and transforms it into a catalyst of human ... ...Because of Amazon's customer list. This development emphasizes the growing realization that one's list of customers - properly data mined - is the gr... ...thods. Revolt of the Scholars By: Sam Vaknin Scindex's Instant Publishing Service is about empowerment.... has developed a statistics-based technology (the "Document Source Analysis") which creates a "digital fingerprint" of every document in its ... ...o and sound were to make their appearance even later. This error in trend analysis left the field wide open to the likes of Encarta and Grolier. The ... ...e great problems with official documents and digital formats. Some good analysis of a space with fast changing laws are: Alice in Wonderland and i... ...perior to Wiener's. Finally, this leads us to the crucial point. In your analysis of the Prigogine-type social systems, you include one philosophic...

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Voices from the Past

By: Paul Alexander Bartlett

...RDY, novelist: “An important writer... I find great pleasure in his work. Really beautiful and distinguished.” ALICE S. MORRIS in Harper’s Bazaar: “... ...orian: “...written with great sensibility” Worchester Telegram: “Between realism and poetry...brilliant, colorful.” eaders of this book... ... and Abraham Lincoln. For the most part, little is known about the inward realities of these people, about their personal thoughts, reflections, and... ...ore than create a vague illusion of the past. He conveys the character of real people, their interior life and outer world. A mature artist, he writ... seek their blessing with an offering...” His voice had not changed, I realized with a start. Surcharged with new meaning, it entered my being, a... ...em. Comparison gets me nowhere. I suspect that love is too subtle for any analysis: love is so subtle it escapes while we look. Being in love is rat... ...g I have re-read some Volney, that old French scholar and trav- eler; this analysis strikes me forcibly: Man in his blindness has riveted his own c...

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Multi-Valued Logic, Neutrosophy, and Schrödinger Equation

By: Florentin Smarandache; V. Christianto

...lti-Valued Logic and Quantum Mechanics 15 2.5. Exercise 17 3 Neutrosophy 25 3.1. Introduction to Neutrosophy 25 3.2. Introduction to Non-Standard Analysis 26 3.3. Definition of Neutrosophic Components 27 3.4. Formalization 28 3.5. Evolution of an Idea 30 3.6. Definition of Neutrosophic Logic 31 3.7. Differences between Neutrosophic Logic and IFL 32 3.8. Operation...

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Advances and Applications of DSmT for Information Fusion (Collected Works) : Volume 1

By: Florentin Smarandache; Jean Dezert

...ion . . . . 225 10.3.1 A system of different types of conflicts . . . 225 10.3.2 Combination on generalized frames of discernment . . . 227 10.3.3 Reallocation of belief masses of conflicts . . . 229 10.3.4 Summary of the idea of the minC combination . . . 230 10.4 Comparison . . . . . 231 10.4.1 Comparison of generalized frames of discernment . . . 231 10.4.2 Compa...

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