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Tape recorder (X) Law (X) Most Popular Books in China (X)

Records: 1 - 3 of 3 - Pages: 
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The Natural State, In the Words of U.G. Krishnamurti

By: U.G. Krishnamurti, Edited by Peter Maverick

...'s needed, for instance when you ask questions, or when I have to fix the tape-recorder or something like that. My memory is in the background and o... ...eded, for instance when you ask questions, or when I have to fix the tape-recorder or something like that. My memory is in the background and only c...

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The Public Domain : Enclosing the Commons of the Mind

By: James Boyle

... receives instruction him- self without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light with- out darkening me. That ideas should f... the world of the twenty-first, from elevators and grain hop- pers to video recorders, the Internet, and file-sharing services. I use the story of sev... ...o. Perhaps you could find a balky mimeograph machine, or press a reel-to-reel tape recorder into use. You might manage a single unauthorized showing of... ...rhaps you could find a balky mimeograph machine, or press a reel-to-reel tape recorder into use. You might manage a single unauthorized showing of the ... ...The downside dominates the field, the upside is invisible. The story of video recorders is the best-known example. When video recorders—another technol... were rejected. Freed from the threat of liability, the price of video recorders continued to fall. They flooded consumers’ houses at a speed unp... ...two respondents in this case, the exclusive right to distribute VTR’s [Video Tape Recorders] simply because they may be used to infringe copyrights. T... ...f the show for free at the moment they wanted to watch it. That was why they taped. One could even argue that Napster users would have access to most ... ...Kaplan describes, I suppose, just as when the VCR was invented we could have taped movies from television and swapped them with our friends. But as th...

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The 9/11 Commission Report Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

By: Thomas H. Kean

...n keep remaining sitting.We have a bomb on board. So, sit.”The flight data recorder (also recovered) indicates that Jarrah then instructed the plane’s... ... autopilot to turn the aircraft around and head east. 75 The cockpit voice recorder data indicate that a woman, most likely a flight attendant, was be... remains was found at the aircraft’s crash site, and the cockpit voice recorder gives no indication of a gun being fired or mentioned at any time....’s running up to first class. I’ve got to go. Bye.” 85 The cockpit voice recorder captured the sounds of the passenger assault muffled by the interv... ... of Boston Center instructed his quality assurance specialist to “pull the tape” of the radio transmission, listen to it closely, and report back. 110... ...l there? New England Region:Y es, I am. Boston Center: . . . as far as the tape, Bobby seemed to think the guy said that “we have planes.” Now, I don’... ...f the report that American 11 was heading south, as is clear not just from taped conversations at NEADS but also from taped conversations at FAA cente... ...e accounts, he had been interested there in religious studies, inspired by tape recordings of fiery sermons by Abdullah Azzam, a Palestinian and a dis... ...ricans from the Gulf region.T wo weeks after that, Bin Ladin gave a video- taped interview to ABC News with the same slogans, adding that “we do not d...

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Records: 1 - 3 of 3 - Pages: 

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