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Margele Risipite

By: Florentin Smarandache

... Gheorghe NICULESCU 7 PARadOXisM, THE LAST VANGUARD OF SECOND MILLENNIUM A) Definition: PARADO... ...titheses, parables, odds, paradoxes in creations. It was set up and led by the writer Florentin Smarandache since 1980’s who said: “The goal is to e... ...largement of theartisti shere through non-artistic elements. But expecially the counter- time, counter-sense creation. Also, to experiment.” B) Etymo... .... Thus the paradoxism was born. The folk jokes, at great fashion in Ceau şescu “Epoch”, as an intellectual breathing, were su... ...could only be born on the hide of a hippopotamus. You can well imagine the great voyage of the Indian chief, by pony, by canoe, walking and so on to... ...in a 49 syncretic way. Thus the paradoxism was born. The folk jokes, at great fashion in Ceau şescu’s “epoch”, as an intellectual breathing, were... ... care n-am scris-o eu, pur şi simplu!). 113 Ba chiar m ă atac ă, acest impostor, şi în partea maematic ă, unde nu se pricepe, determinându-m ă, ...

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